Minitab Assignment - The University of Tennessee at Martin

University of Tennessee at Martin, Spring 2016
Elementary Probability and Statistics (MATH 210)
8 – 8:50
HU 310
10 – 10:50
HU 310
12 – 12:50
HU 310
Dr. Mickey Dunlap
Office Hours
9 – 10 MWF, 2 – 4 MW, 9 – 10:30 TR, or by appointment
Contact Information
Office: Humanities 424H
Phone: 881 – 1207
Text and Material
 Elementary Statistics, 12th edition, Mario Triola.
A copy of the textbook is on reserve at the library.
 You must purchase a TI-83, TI-84 or equivalent.
Course Description
Descriptive measures, elementary probability, sampling, random
variables. Discrete probability distributions, normal probability
distribution, and introduction to inference theory. The software package
Minitab will also be used.
MATH 140, 170, 185, or 251 or appropriate mathematics placement.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Build on (not replicate) the competencies gained through the study of
two years of high school algebra and one year of high school geometry
2. Use mathematics to solve problems and determine if the solutions are
3. Use mathematics to model real-world behaviors and apply
mathematical concepts in the solution of real-life problems
4. Make meaningful connections between mathematics and other
5. Use technology for mathematical reasoning and problem solving
6. Apply mathematical and/or basic statistical reasoning to analyze data
and graphs
Course Compass
 The URL for this website is .
 When enrolling, the course ID is dunlap04237.
 The website is used for taking quizzes online outside of class.
 You will be able to view the textbook electronically.
 You will find sample exams, class notes, links to Minitab assignments,
and other information.
Final Exam
A = 612 – 680 points
B = 544 – 611 points
C = 442 – 543 points
D = 374 – 441 points
F = 0 – 373 points
100 points
30 points
50 points
400 points
100 points
 Quizzes will be taken outside of class at the Course Compass website.
 Each quiz has a time limit of 15 minutes. You may attempt each quiz a
maximum of 3 times. Your highest score will be recorded.
 Quiz time cannot be extended due to a malfunction or other problem
with your personal computer or internet connection. It is advised that
you use computers on campus for quizzes.
 Each time you work a quiz at course compass (see above), write the
details of how to work the problem on a piece of paper. Show your
work; how did you arrive at each answer?
 On any given day, a quiz will be selected. Simply turn in this paper with
your name on it which shows your work and you will receive points for
 The work is not graded for accuracy. That is, the answer may be wrong
but the procedure is correct.
 Points:
o Not in class on this day (excused or unexcused) : 0 points
o Arriving after all other quizzes have been taken up : 0 points
o Only your name or only the answer : 0 points
o Your name and correct procedure : 2 points
Minitab Assignment
 Assignments can be found at Course Compass. You must turn them all
in by the end of class time on the day they are due. After this point, they
will be considered late.
 Multiple pages must be stapled. Do not simply use a paper clip or fold
the corner.
 Print and turn in Minitab assignments. Emailed files will not be
 You will receive a 0 if it is blatantly obvious you copied from someone.
Everyone involved in cheating will receive a 0.
 Minitab can be accessed from various computer labs on campus. It can
also be downloaded for free. Do not use the MAC version!
 Exams will be taken in class.
 The departmental final exam is comprehensive and scheduled for
Tuesday, May 3, 5:15 to 7:15 PM.
Make-Up Policy
 The lowest of the 5 exam scores will be dropped. If you miss an exam
for any reason, excused or otherwise, the first exam that you miss will
be dropped. Subsequent missed exams will be replaced by the final
exam score.
 The lowest 5 quizzes will be dropped. Quizzes will be available over a
period of approximately 2 to 3 days. To make up a quiz, you will need to
provide written proof that you could not work the quizzes over ANY of
the days they were available.
 Minitab assignments cannot be made up. For this reason, you are
encouraged to turn Minitab assignments in early in the event that you
cannot come to class.
Course Rules
 Everyone knows the time and days the class meets. Do not arrive late.
 You are expected to do your own work. Anyone caught cheating or
helping someone to cheat will receive a 0 for the assignment for the first
offense and an F in the course for the second offense. You will be
reported to Student Affairs both times.
 You are expected to attend class so you will know what material was
covered, when the quiz problems are due and when we are having an
exam. If you miss class, you should ask a friend in class, email me, or
come by my office. You should also regularly check your email that you
used to register at Course Compass as announcements will be sent
 You are expected to keep your cell phones turned off. If you are
expecting an emergency phone call, let me know before class.
Disability Services
The University of Tennessee provides reasonable accommodations
(academic adjustments and auxiliary aids) to ensure equal access to
educational content and university programs for students with
disabilities. Students who are eligible for and who request
accommodations through the Disability Services office must provide
instructors with a letter of accommodation. The Disability Services
office is located in the Student Success Center, 203 Clement Hall,