AP United States History 2010 – 2011 Mr. Totman Course Description AP United States History is a year-long course intended to prepare you for the AP exam in U.S. History and give you an overview of the people and events that aided in creating the nation in which we live in today. APUSH will cover from early exploration and colonization of America through the present. Course Requirements 1. At least five major grades (tests or papers) each semester. 2. Unannounced quizzes covering daily reading assignments. 3. Daily reading and assignments. I expect that you will take the United States History Advanced Placement exam in May. This course is designed to provide you with the concepts, skills and knowledge necessary for the examination. I cannot promise, however, that every fact that could possibly be placed on the exam will be discussed in class. Much of the preparation depends on you. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LEARNING. If you choose not to take the AP exam in May you will be required to take a final exam for this course. For those participating in the exam in May, there will be no official final. There will be further a continuation of the course until the end of the school year. Grading I will use a percentage system in this course much like you have had in other classes. Assignments will be worth 20%, quizzes are 30%, and exams are worth 50%. Books *Newman and Schmalbach United Staes History: Preparing For The Advanced Placement Examination Bailey, Kennedy and Cohen The American Pageant Bailey and Kennedy The American Spirit Vol. I and II Other material will be used, but given out as occasions dictate. You will obviously need a notebook for this course. Use whatever style that works best for you. I cannot give you a better piece of advice in doing well in this class than to keep the notebook neat and organized. Do not throw things out. Everything becomes invaluable in your preparation for the AP exam in May. I encourage you to maintain sections for class notes, reading notes, syllabi, various handouts, and returned assignments. General Expectations 1. Show up on time 2. Come to class prepared with work that you have completed on your own!! Have academic integrity and high expectations of yourself!! 3. Contribute to class discussion 4. Be respectful of others 5. Keep up with the reading!! Do not fall behind; you will have tremendous difficulty trying to catch back up!! 6. Take responsibility for yourself and your learning!! We cannot possibly discuss in class everything that could be put on the AP exam. Much of the burden of mastering the content will be placed on you, the individual student. I never want to hear, “There was stuff on the test that we didn’t talk about in class!” If it is in any material you are provided with it is fair game for exams. Additional Food For Thought - Learn to take good notes. Effective note-taking is a skill that you can teach yourself. Hint: Some of the “pop” quizzes may be open-note, therefore, taking notes on nightly readings is a brilliant idea. - You are responsible for any work covered when you are absent. - Late work is reduced in grade by ten points a day. Anything past due by five days will not be accepted. Computer problems are an unacceptable excuse for late work. *Become enthusiastic about US History!! Our past is full of amazing people, incredible events, and tremendously deep ideas!!*