statistics 119

Instructor: Corey Manchester
Class Meetings: Tues/Thurs
Office: GMCS 580
Office Phone: 619-594-5962
Home Phone: 619-255-0823
Email: (weekend emails only) (everyday emails)
Office Hours: MW 9:00-11:00 AM, TTH 12:30-1:45 PM
Required Text: Moore, The Basic Practice of Statistics, 3rd ed.
Required Calculator: You must have a calculator that can perform basic operations,
including squaring, taking square roots, and the fundamental math operations.
Optional supplements: The study guide provides an overview of each chapter and
detailed solutions to selected odd numbered problems.
Homework: Homework will be assigned, but not graded. However, it is essential
that you do the homework. Your quizzes will be based on the material
that is assigned as homework. The homework problems are intended to provide
you with the practice needed to be successful at quizzes and exams.
You will probably not pass the class if you do not do the assigned homework.
Quizzes: We will have approximately 8 quizzes over the next 16 weeks. The primary
purpose of the quizzes is to provide you with material from which to
study for exams. Exams will contain more material than quizzes, but you will at
least have some idea of what will be expected on exams. No make-up quizzes
will be given without written documentation indicating a valid absence. If you
should miss a quiz, you need not worry too much—you can drop your lowest
quiz score.
Exams: You will have 2 midterm exams, and one final exam. We will review for exams
one class prior to the exam date. Please take advantage of office hours for help.
Do not wait until the day before the exam to seek help and/or clarification.
Computing Assignments: In practice, statistical procedures are carried out within some
computer software program. You will be introduced to a very user-friendly, easy-to-learn
software program called Minitab. You will have 3 Minitab assignments over the course
of the semester. These will need to be completed using the Minitab software, which is
available to you on the computers in the library.
Grade breakdown:
Computing assignments
Best 7 quizzes:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final exam