History of Western Civilization


History of Western Civilization

School Year 2015-2016

Syllabus for August 24 th -October 16 th

Maureen Burgess, Ph.D.

mburgess@lkcs.k12.sc.us or maureen_burgess@hotmail.com

Students are expected to bring notebooks or loose leaf binders and pens or pencils for every class.

South Carolina Department of Education Standards:

Examine the relationship of the present to the past and use knowledge of the past to make informed decisions in the present and to extrapolate into the future.

Trace and describe continuity and change across cultures.

 Represent and interpret Earth’s physical and human systems by using maps, mental maps, geographic models, and other social studies resources to make inferences and draw conclusions.

Compare the ways that different economic systems answer the fundamental questions of what goods and services should be produced, how they should be produced, and who will consume them.

Grading Policy:

Category for the year

Class work







3 Nine weeks exams

2 Semester exams





A = 93-100

B = 85-92

C = 77-84

D = 70-76

Anything below a 69 = F

All quizzes and exams will consist of multiple choice questions, fill in the blank, choose the correct answer, or put events into a chronological order type format. The dates of exams and the material covered in the exam can be found in the reading assignments.

The exams will only cover material within the exam period. Students will not be tested on material that was covered in a pervious exam or quiz.

Students will have ample opportunities for extra credit assignments that will be averaged into their quiz grades. Students are encouraged to combine their artistic talents with their academic talents in almost all of the extra credit opportunities.

Make-up policies: Students may miss class for a variety of reasons, but they must contact me within a week of their missing class(es) in order to schedule a meeting to make-up whatever material, work or quizzes they missed. If they do not contact me within a week, they will receive a zero for that assignment or quiz/exam. I check my e-mail several times a day, so if you do not hear from me within 24 hours, 1 st check your “junk mail” box and e-mail me at my alternate e-mail maureen_burgess@hotmail.com

. Make-up quizzes have been designed to cover the class material and are in a “fill in the blank” format.

Students are expected to take notes in class and to participate in class discussions. The goal of each class is to introduce new information, to have students critically assess the information, and to articulate their views on these subjects.

Textbook and reading assignments to be announced

Tentative Topic Schedule:

August 24 th

-September 4 th

: Introduction.

What is history? What is to be human?

September 7 th

-September 18 th

: Transitioning from hunting and gathering to Agricultural


September 21 st

- October 2: Mesopotamia and Egypt

Chaos and Order

October 5 th

-October 16 th

: The Mediterranean Civilizations
