
Chapter 11
The Expanding Nation
Name ____________________________
Section ________
Lesson 11.1
Jefferson as President
The Republican Victory
1. Look at “the story continues” Tell how Jefferson’s inauguration was
different from Washington and Adams’. _____________________________
2. What political party did Jefferson belong to? _________________________
Most of the members of Congress were also members of this party. How could this be
an advantage for Jefferson? _____________________________________________________
Jefferson in Office
3. What were some of the changes Jefferson made right away?
a. lowered ___________________________________________________________________
b. got rid of __________________________________________________________________
4. What did he keep?
a. the ____________ of the United States
b. planned on keeping many ___________________ in their positions, but his party
didn’t like that idea so decided to replace some and ________________ others
Marbury v. Madison
5. At the end of Adams’ presidency, he appointed a bunch of people to government
positions as ____________________. He did this in the time period after he lost the
election to Jefferson, but before Jefferson officially became president. Jefferson was not
happy. These judges were given the nickname _________________________ because they
were practically appointed at midnight on Adams last night as President.
6. In order for these positions to become official, these people needed official
________________, which Jefferson told Secretary of State _________________ not to give
7. One of the people that was supposed to become a judge, but didn’t because of Jefferson,
was _______________________. He demanded that the ________________ Court make
Madison give him his papers.
8. The Supreme Court came to the decision that the Supreme Court ______________ have
the power to force Madison to give Marbury the papers. They came to this decision
because they said the Judiciary Act of 1789 was ________________________________ (not
allowed by the Constitution)
9. This established the idea of _____________________ which means that the Supreme
Court can say that Congress did something that was unconstitutional, making the law
no longer in force (It is not a law anymore). This made the Supreme Court _____________.
Lesson 11.2
The Louisiana Purchase
French Louisiana
1. Read “The Story Continues” Spain had a problem keeping
_____________________ ______________ out of Louisiana. For
that reason, they secretly traded it to ____________________.
2. The leader of France at this time was _____________________
_________________________. He had aspirations of taking over __________________ and
North _______________.
3. Before he could take over North America, he needed to take control of St. Dominique on
the island of ______________________, which was under the control of
now called Haiti
4. Was he successful? ______________, so he was unable to send troops to Louisiana.
5. When Jefferson found out that Napoleon now owned Louisiana, what was he most
worried about? (more than one thing) ______________________________________________
The Louisiana Purchase
6. Jefferson was looking for a __________________ way to solve the problem of New
Orleans and the French. One idea was to try to buy New Orleans and _________
________________ from the French. They were stunned to find out that France was
willing to sell ____________________________________________.
7. Why did Napoleon want to sell all of Louisiana?
a. With France about to go to war against ______________________, he didn’t want
to go to war with the US at the same time.
b. He had no _______________ in Louisiana at that time.
c. Napoleon could use the _________________ to pay for the war in Europe.
d. If the US owned all of that land in North America including Louisiana, the US
could challenge the power of ____________________.
8. They were going to spend up to ________________________ dollars for New Orleans,
instead they paid ________________________ for all of Louisiana.
9. Why does the purchase of Louisiana come as a surprise given what we learned about
Jefferson in previous chapters? _______________________________________________
10. This purchase came to be known as the ______________________________________. It
basically _______________________ the size of the United States. It stretched from the
_____________________________ River to the ___________________ Mountains. Now look
at the map on page 340 What is at the southern most point of Louisiana? _____________
___________________ and at the northern most point? ______________________________
Focus on the Louisiana Purchase
U.S. Geography
There are currently 15 states in the United
States that were partly or completely formed
from the land purchased from France in 1803.
List those states. You will need to use another
map to figure this out.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
9. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
10. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
11. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
12. ________________________________
6. ________________________________
13. ________________________________
7. ________________________________
14. ________________________________
8. ________________________________
15. ________________________________
Louisiana Purchase Math
The United States agreed to purchase Louisiana from France for $15 million dollars.
The total area was 885,000 square miles. How much did we pay per square mile? Show your
There are 640 acres in a square mile. How much did we pay per square mile?
Mission of Discovery
11. Now that we have all this new land, Jefferson wants to ____________ more about it and
the people that live on it. He also wants to see if there is a _______________________ to
get to the Pacific Ocean.
12. He decides to have an __________________ go explore this land and the leaders of that
expedition were ______________________________ and ___________________________.
Their mission was to
a. explore the _____________________ River
b. establish _______________________________ with the American Indians they met.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
13. Describe the route of the expedition – They started in _______________________, then
traveled up the _________________________ River. Go back to page 340 and trace this with
your finger (it’s the red line) After traveling on the Missouri River, the continued west
across the _______________________ Mountains. Then they continued west through
___________________ Country, following the _______________ River to the
__________________ Ocean before turning around to come back. Does it look like they
found a continuous river route to the Pacific? _______________________________
14. Sacagawea was very important to the expedition because she helped as a ____________.
15. The journals of Lewis and Clark have become a very valuable way to learn about their
expedition. What kinds of things did they write about in their journals (list at least 3)
16. Crossing the Rocky Mountains was very difficult. Who helped them out? _____________
17. Look back at your answer to number 12. Did they accomplish their mission?
Pike’s Exploration
18. Another mission was led by _____________________________. He was sent to the West
to find the starting point of the ____________ River. This river formed the boundary
between the Louisiana Territory and _________ _______________.
19. A mountain in the Rocky Mountains is named ___________ ________________ after him.
20. Pike crossed into _________________ territory, was ____________________ put in jail
because they suspected him of being a ___________.
Study Questions for Quiz 11.2
Who was Toussaint-Louverture and what did he do?
Who controlled France in 1800?
What were the U.S. leaders worried would happen since France owned Louisiana?
How much did Louisiana cost?
What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the US?
What was the purpose of the Lewis & Clark expedition? What were they told to do?
What person greatly helped Lewis & Clark as a peacemaker, interpreter and guide?
How did the Shoshone help Lewis & Clark?
What was Zebulon Pike told to find? What area did he explore?
Lesson 11.3
The Coming of War
Danger on the High Seas
1. Along the northern coast of __________ were states (kingdoms)
that required other countries, including the United States to pay
to protect their ships and citizens from ___________________.
Eventually they had enough and _______________ to pay
anymore. They sent the ____________ to end the situation.
2. What are these kingdoms on the northern coast of Africa called? Look along the right side
of page 345 _________________________ Which one declared war on the United States
and why? _____________________________________________________________________
3. When France and Great Britain went to war with each other, what did they want the US
to stop doing? _________________________________________________________________
4. American merchants continued to ship their goods to France and Great Britain anyway
and because of this, many of their ships were ____________________. These ships were
also ______________ for runaway British sailors. Then they ____________________ the
sailors. What does that mean? ___________________________________________________
A Trade War
5. There were different views on how to handle the problems (remember the US has declared
neutrality) with Great Britain. Some people wanted to go to _________________ while
others thought the US should ban all _______________ with them, also called an
embargo. President Jefferson decided ___________________________________.
6. They had hoped that by banning all trade with foreign countries, it would hurt Great
Britain and France, but who did they really hurt? _________________________________
Was the act effective? did it hurt Great Britain and France? _____________________
7. Congress decided to replace the Embargo Act with the Non-Intercourse Act. How was
this different? _________________________________________________________________
What was the point of it? _______________________________________________________
The Rise of Tecumseh
8. As the United States continued to expand into the ___________________ Territory,
Britain continued to provide military aid to the _________________________________
living in that region.
9. Tecumseh’s goal was to unite many different tribes against American _______________.
He created a _______________ for his followers.
War on the Frontier
10. Tecumseh met with ___________________ but they didn’t come to any real agreements.
11. While Tecumseh was away, Harrison brought troops __________________ the village.
Tecumseh’s brother, _________________, ordered an attack on Harrison’s troops. The
Americans won the Battle of ____________________ and destroyed the village.
The War Debate
12. On who did most Americans blame the problems with the Indians? __________________
13. The War Hawks, members of ________________ that wanted to go to war with Britain,
were mostly from the _________________ and the ________________. Two prominent
leaders were _______________________________ and _________________________
(remember these names, we’ll learn more about them later)
14. War Hawks were also eager to gain more land, especially ___________________ and
15. Many people were opposed to the idea of going to war.
a. people in the North were already hurting from the ________________ restrictions
(remember how they made money in the New England region) They preferred to go back
to trading with ____________________.
b. Others were opposed because they thought the US was not ______________________
A Declaration of War
16. President Madison spoke to ______________________ about all the problems going on
with Great Britain (impressment of sailors, violation of US neutrality) and basically said that
Britain was already acting like they were at _____________ with the US. He asked
_______________________ to make a decision about what the US should do.
17. Congress voted. The result was to ________________________________________. This
was the first time that ______________________________________________ as the
Constitution gives them, not the President, the power to do.
18. What is the name of this war? ________________________________________
Lesson 11.4
The War of 1812
The War at Sea
1. What is “Old Ironsides” and how did it get its nickname?
2. The US wasn’t expected to do well at the beginning of the War of
1812, but they did have some advantages. What were they?
a. they allowed _____________________________ ships to attack the British
b. though the British had more ships, these ships were _____________________________
________________________________ and couldn’t come to fight the US.
c. US Navy had ___________________ sailors and new ___________.
The Canadian Border
3. Did Jefferson think it would be easy or difficult to take Canada? _________________
4. Was he right? _________________
5. What Indian leader joined forces with the British? ____________________
6. The British controlled the __________________________ region. During the Battle of
Lake Erie, _________________________ fought with (helped out) the British and the winner
of this battle was the ________________. What is the famous quote from this battle?
The Frontier War
7. More battles:
a. Battle of the Thames - the battle in which __________________ was killed, weakening
the Indian-British alliance around the Great Lakes.
b. Battle of Horseshoe Bend – a win led by __________________________, forced the
Creek Indians to surrender and sign a treaty giving up ______________ of acres of
their land.
The British on the Offensive
8. After defeating the _________________, the British were able to focus their effort on the
United States. They set their sights on _________________________. What did Madison
and his cabinet have to do? _____________________________________________________
What did First lady Dolley Madison do? __________________________________________
9. What happened to the White House and why? ____________________________________
10. Their next target was Fort ____________________ located in Baltimore. After attacking
the fort for 25 hours, did the Americans finally surrender? ______________
11. Look at the information on the left side of page 354 and also on page R9 in the back of your
a. What famous song was written to describe that event? __________________________
__________________________________ by _____________________________________
b. Where was he during the attack? Be specific ____________________________________
c. Why was he watching so closely for the flag? ___________________________________
The Battle of New Orleans
12. This battle was a win for the __________________________. It happened on January
_______ of 1815. You’ll find out in the next section why this date is important.
Ending the War
13. The Hartford Convention was a meeting of ___________________ who were opposed to
the war. They wanted New England to _______________________ from the war.
14. They decided to send a delegation to Washington to ask for more _______________
rights, but then they found out that the war was ____________.
15. Some people accused them of _______________ and the power of the Federalist Party
was _________________________. There was never again a Federalist President. If you don’t
believe me, check in the back of your book. Who was the one and only Federalist President?
16. The name of the peace treaty was the _______________________________ and it was
signed on _______________________________. Now go back and look at your answer to
number 12. Check the date of the battle of New Orleans. Why is this date significant?
17. As a result of the war, what happened to the land that they had taken from each other?
18. What did this war show the rest of the world? _____________________________________
Chapter Tutorial
IDENTIFYING TERMS Choose the term or name that correctly matches each definition
_____ 1. allows the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional
a. impressment
_____ 2. co-leader of an expedition to the West
b. Treaty of Ghent
_____ 3. practice of forcing people to serve in the army or navy
c. William Clark
_____ 4. banned trade with Britain and France
d. Non-Intercourse Act
_____ 5. peace treaty that ended the War of 1812
e. judicial review
1. Which Federalist policies did Thomas Jefferson leave in place when he took office?
2. What made New Orleans and the Mississippi River important to the United States?
3. What dangers (2) did U.S. ships face while crossing the Atlantic Ocean during the early 1800s?
4. What were Tecumseh’s goals for American Indians of the Northwest Territory, the South, and the
Mississippi Valley?
5. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Navy in the War of 1812?
weaknesses ____________________________________________________________________
6. What precedent did Chief Justice John Marshall set in his Marbury v. Madison ruling?
7. Why was the United States interested in exploring land west of its boundaries?
8. What problems did U.S. merchant ships face offshore from the Barbary States?
9. What do you think were Jefferson’s reasons for planning a simple inauguration?
10. What made President Jefferson reluctant to approve the Louisiana Purchase?
Study Topics for Test
Chapter 11
Napoleon Bonaparte
John Marshall
William Marbury
Meriwether Lewis
Zebulon Pike
James Madison
William Clark
Thomas Jefferson
War Hawks
Toussaint L’Ouverture
William Henry Harrison
Lewis & Clark Expedition
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of Lake Erie
Marbury vs. Madison
The Louisiana Purchase
Battle of the Thames
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Hartford Convention
Battle of Tippecanoe
judicial review
Treaty of Ghent
Non-Intercourse Act
Embargo Act
Be able to . . . .
Describe what happened in the Marbury vs Madison case. Who was Marbury? Why
was he suing? What did Madison have to do with it? What important idea came about as
a result of this case and what does that idea mean?
Explain what Jefferson said in his inaugural speech.
How were the Embargo Act and the Non-Intercourse Act similar and different?
In what ways did Sacagawea help the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
What Federalist policies did Jefferson keep? What did he change?
Explain why the War Hawks wanted to go to war with Britain and why the Federalists
did not want to go to war.
Describe the circumstances of the Louisiana Purchase. (What did Jefferson want from
France and why? Why was Napoleon willing to sell all of Louisiana? How much did it
Name ______________________________________________________ Section ______________
1. Describe what happened in the Marbury vs Madison case. Who was Marbury? Why was
he suing? What did Madison have to do with it? What important idea came about as a
result of this case and what does that idea mean?
2. Explain what Jefferson said in his inaugural speech.
3. How were the Embargo Act and the Non-Intercourse Act similar and different?
4. In what ways did Sacagawea help the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
5. What Federalist policies did Jefferson keep? What did he change?
6. Explain why the War Hawks wanted to go to war with Britain and why the Federalists
did not want to go to war.
7. Describe the circumstances of the Louisiana Purchase. (What did Jefferson want from
France and why? Why was Napoleon willing to sell all of Louisiana? How much did it