AP US History - PatrickKAPNotebook

AP US History
Chapter 7 Questions
1) Describe the emerging sense of American nationalism in the early 19th century and the
aspects of American culture that were developing.
The early American nationalism in the 19th century reflected the Republican vision of an agrarian,
nonindustrial and virtuous society. There were more educational opportunities for women and the
nations literary. Also, American culture began to distinguish itself from European Enlightenment
during the Great Awakening. In the early 1800s Americans started to become more critical of
religion and the result was the Second Great Awakening, which led to increased religious fervor in
2) What were the major political changes of Jefferson’s Presidency? What did these changes
show? What was the impact of these changes?
The major political changes of Jefferson's presidency were The Louisiana Purchase and expanding the
power of the Supreme Court, and these changes displayed the growing power of the Judicial Branch,
efforts by the U.S. to expand westward and displace Native Americans from the land in the Northwest
and America's opposition to impressment. Marbury v. Madison expanded the power of the Supreme
Court and declared the Judiciary Act of 1789 null and void.
3) What was Jefferson’s constitutional philosophy and how did the Louisiana Purchase
decision create a conflict for him?
Jefferson wanted a smaller government that was commanded by the people. He was also a strict
constructionist which means he believed that the government could only exercise the powers that were
specifically said in the U.S. constitution. The Louisiana Purchase created conflict because the
Constitution did not specifically state anything about the acquisition of new territory. He loosely
interpreted the constitution because he believed that the Louisiana Purchase was in the best interest of
the American people. Too good of a deal for him to pass up. He justified it by saying that it created
treaties with France.
4) What was the motivation behind Jefferson’s sponsorship of the Lewis and Clark expedition
and the historical significance of it?
The motivation behind Jefferson's sponsorship of the Lewis and Clark expedition was so he could learn
more about the geography of the new territory and the Native Americans. Also to build knowledge of
trading possibilities. The historical signifigance is that it created an impression among Americans in
the East that the land between the Missouri River and the Rockies was an uninhabitable, "uncultivable
5) What were the causes and the consequences of the War of 1812?
The war of 1812 was caused by American desires for Florida, trade restrictions by Great Britain,
impressment of American sailors into the British navy, and British support of Native Americans who
opposed American expansion. The War of 1812 resulted in the Treaty of Ghent and the Rush-Bagot
agreement. The war weakened the Indians capacity to oppose white expansion and drove a wedge
between Great Britain and Indians in the Northwest.