Marbury v. Madison - Get Well Kathleen Davey

Name:__________________________________________ Per.:________ Date:____________________
DIRECTIONS: Please answer the following questions as you view the video.
1.) What were the names of the four disgruntled appointees?
2.) Who was the new Democratic-Republican President?
3.) Why did the 4 men visit the U.S. Department of State?
4.) The power to hand out orders of commission was granted by the ______________________.
5.) Did Jefferson choose to deliver the commissions? Y or N
6.) How did Jefferson view the Supreme Court decision?
7.) What is the Catch-22 (darned if you do, darned if you don’t_ problem that the Supreme Court faced with
making a decision either way?
8.) According to Chief Justice Marshall, what 3 questions had to be answered?
9.) On what basis did Chief Justice Marshall argue that Section 13 of the Judiciary Act was faulty?
10.) What was the final decision?
11.) Why did Jefferson disagree?
12.) Judicial Review was used by state courts but was extended to _______________________ courts with the
Marbury v. Madison decision.