listing of the reference materials

UW-Extension Master Gardener Reference Library
(Located in hallway near UWEX office, in the Government Services Building)
Attracting Birds:
How to Manage Your Land to Help Birds (Softcover book)
-The Birds without Borders Series, WI and Midwest
General Horticulture Information:
Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners (Binder)
- flowers, houseplants, landscape plants, lawns, fruits & vegetables
Horticulture Resources and Publications (Binder)
- turf, trees, fruits, vegetables, ornamentals & pests
General Horticulture Resource Manual (Binder)
- Insect & Disease Identification
The Ortho Problem Solver, Fifth Edition
Michael D. Smith, ©1999
Urban Phytonarian Handbook (Binder 1)
- Pesticides, turf, lawn, weeds, diseases, soil, insects & pests
Flowers & Plants:
1000 Beautiful House Plants & How to Grow Them
Jack Kramer, ©1969
Complete Guide to Roses
Meredith Books, ©2004
Diseases & Pests of Ornamental Plants, Fifth Edition
Pascal Pirone, ©1978
Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, 3rd Edition
Michael Dirr, ©1983
Urban Phytonarian Handbook (Binder 2)
-flowers & houseplants
 Flower Gardening I
 Flower Gardening II
 Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Insects & Pests:
A Field Guide to the Insects
Borror & White, ©1970
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Beekeeping (Binder)
Destructive & Useful Insects, 4th Edition
Metcalf & Flint, ©1962
Weeds for the North Central States (Excellent Source for Weed I.D.)
NCR No. 281, 1981
Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest: An Illustrated Guide to I.D. and Control
University of Wisconsin Press, 2005
Garden Insects of North America
Whitney Cranshaw, ©2004
 Handbook of the Insect World
 Stored Grain Insects
Lawn, Soil, Turf & Weeds:
Soil Survey: Green County, Wisconsin
USDA, ©1974
Turfgrass Management
A.J. Turgeon, ©1980
Weeds of the North Central States
North Central Regional Research Publication, ©1995
Trees & Shrubs:
A Guide to Common Insects & Diseases of Forest Trees
USDA, ©1979
Urban Phytonarian Handbook (Binder 3)
- trees, ornamentals, evergreens, shrubs & vines
 Stress triggered tree diseases
 Compendium of Elm diseases
Vegetables & Fruits:
Armyworms and Cutworms Attacking Vegetables
Roy Rings, ©1977
Diseases of Tree Fruits in the East
Jones & Sutton, ©1996
Identifying Diseases of Vegetables
MacNab, Sherf & Springer, ©1994
Urban Phytonarian Handbook (Binder 4)
- Fruits
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Urban Phytonarian Handbook (Binder 5)
Vegetable Gardening in the Midwest,
Voigt & Vandemark, ©1995
Wildlife & Environment:
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage: Volume I (Binder)
- Damage Identification, rodents, and carnivores
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage: Volume II (Binder)
- other mammals, birds, reptiles, pesticides, supplies & materials
 Wisconsin Wildlife Primer
 Getting the Help You Need
 So, What should I plant?
 Worm Composting or Vermicomposting
 Compost Resources
 Groundwater
 The Woodland Tax law & the Forest Crop law
 Wisconsin Woodlands – sources of information
 Wind Protection for Farmsteads
 Estimating & Interpreting Site Index
 Wisconsin Wetlands
 A landowner’s guide to woodland wildlife management
 The Prairie Garden
 Control of Aquatic Plants in Ponds & Lakes
 Wisconsin Wildlife
 Upland Game Birds
 Wisconsin Trout Streams
 Water Weeds & Algae
 Forest Trees of Wisconsin
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