MGW2501 Introduction to Tourism – Assignment One

Introductory Tourism
Assignment Three: Tourism Destination
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This assessment is designed to test your achievement of Learning Objective 3 for the Unit:
Identify and distinguish components of and the holistic tourism system
This second assignment provides you with opportunities to:
Identify and distinguish components of the tourism system, and the holistic tourism system
The third assignment relates to weeks 5, 6 and 7: The tourism industry, system and communication between
the industry and tourists. This is a group presentation. Groups will be formed in your week 4 tutorial classes
(make sure you attend). The assignment files (PowerPoint presentation file and Summary file) are to be
submitted in week 11. The presentation will take place in your tutorials in week 12.
To be successful in this assignment you will need high level use of appropriate academic and non-academic
For this assignment you are to complete a presentation with supported with PowerPoint and a summary file
with the following sections:
Title, including a title for this assignment and all group members’ names
Select and concisely introduce a destination (one that none of you have been to)
Identify and describe the destination's tourism industry (Consider who the destination defines as the
Identify and describe aspects of the destination that tourists may interact with outside the tourism
industry (Consider tourism system)
Identify and describe communication sources between the destination and tourists (Consider image
formation and source credibility)
Illustrate similarities and differences between possible tourists' perception of the destination compared
to the destination official and or industry’s projected image (Consider the differences between the
industry and destination information sources, and other available information sources)
Additionally, complete a summary report of the presentation. The summary will have the same sections as the
presentation and will be no more than 500 words (excluding references). Do not submit a PowerPoint handout
as your summary.
Retain a copy of the assignment until results are finalised.
This is a task for a group. All members of the group are to be in attendance for the week 12 tutorial.
Groups will be formed in week 4. Make sure you attend classes so that you also know others in your tutorial.
Suggested word limit 10 minute presentation and a 500 word summary
Introductory Tourism, Semester 1, 2009
Marks available: 25 percent of the final mark
A general breakdown is included below:
 Introduction (including destination selection) 10
 Destination industry 10
 Tourist interaction 10
 Communication sources 10
 Image comparison 10
 Conclusion 10
 Presentation 30
 Referencing 10
Assignments will be marked with a grade only.
© 2009 Adapted by Glen Croy, Monash University, from RSD
Introductory Tourism, Semester 1, 2009
Tourism Destination: Marketing Criteria
Student Name: _______________________________________________ Student ID: _____________
Marker: ________________________________________
 Structure not introduced
B. Students
find/generate needed
information/data using
 No sources were
C. Students critically
evaluate information/
data and the process to
find/generate this
 Selected concept ideas
not appropriate to
theorise the selected
o Within sections
 Have not identified
appropriate concepts
 No evaluation of
credibility of sources used
D. Students organise
 Lack of structure in
written summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
 Lack of coherence within
and between sections of
written summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
E. Students synthesise
and analyse and apply
new knowledge.
 Identified one or less
o As relevant to the
selected destination
o Within sections
 Selected two or more
appropriate concept ideas
to theorise the selected
destination, though do not
theorise the selected
o Or vice versa
o Within sections
 Occasional evaluation of
credibility of sources used
 Selected two or more
appropriate concept ideas
to theorise the selected
o Within sections
 Used structure in written
summary, oral
presentation or
supporting PowerPoint,
though contents in wrong
 Coherence between but
not within sections of
written summary, oral
presentation or
supporting PowerPoint
 Two of written summary,
oral presentation and
supporting PowerPoint is
well structured, utilising
correct sections
 Most sources’ credibility
 Coherence between two
of three and within
sections of written
summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
 Identified similar and
contrasting ideas
between concepts:
o As relevant to the
selected destination
o Within sections
 Concisely select and
introduce an unvisited
Introduction 10
 Do not select a
 Conclusion redefines the
conceptual context
 Purpose statement of
assignment is
paraphrased clearly and
maintains original
 Structure is concisely
o No discussion or
 A range of appropriate
sources were collected
 Identified and used
appropriate concepts
beyond the lecture
material in appropriate
 Selected appropriate
concept ideas from
beyond lecture material to
theorise the selected
o Within sections
 Full evaluation the
credibility of sources used
 Utilise a range of
evaluation criteria
 All three of written
summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
are well structured,
utilising correct sections
 Coherence between all
and within sections of
written summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
 Identified concepts,
 Analysed similar and
though not the similar and
contrasting ideas
contrasting ideas
between concepts:
between concepts:
o As relevant to the
o As relevant to the
selected destination
selected destination
o Within sections
o Within sections
 Student only voice
 Literature rarely cited, or
 Student voice restricted
 Student voice with
© 2009 Adapted by Glen Croy, Monash University, from RSD
 No conceptual context
 No purpose statement
A. Students embark on
inquiry and so
determine a need for
Level 3
Students research
independently at the level
of a closed inquiry
Presentation 10
Facet of Inquiry
Levels of Student Achievement
Level 1
Level 2
Students research at the
Students research at the
level of a closed inquiry
level of a closed inquiry
and require a high degree
and require some
of structure/guidance
structure/ guidance
 Inappropriate conceptual
 Appropriate conceptual
context provided
context provided
 Purpose statement of
 Purpose statement of
assignment is:
assignment is
o Replicated from the
paraphrased, yet:
assessment outline
o Lacks clarity
o Missing
o Misses original
 Select a destination, or
 Select and introduce a
 Introduce a destination
o Verbosely, and or
o A previously visited
 Structure not introduced
 Structure is introduced
o Content incorporated
o Content incorporated
and or
and or
o Discussion started
o Discussion started
 Sources were collected,
 Appropriate sources were
but not appropriate to
 Identified appropriate
 Identified and used
concepts, though not
appropriate concepts in
used in appropriate
appropriate sections
Level 0
 No titles
 No match between
written summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
 No audience engagement
by presenters
 Partial and/or incorrect
acknowledgement of
sources, and
 Partial/incorrect reference
list provided
 Occasional match
between written
summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
 Occasional audience
engagement by
 Partial and/or incorrect
acknowledgement of
sources, and
 Partial/incorrect reference
list provided
by or replicating the
Verbosely concludes
main point from each and
every section
And or no overall and
main concluding point
Written summary, oral
presentation or
supporting PowerPoint
and section titles reflect
contents, but is verbose
or lacking clarity
Match between two,
though not three of
written summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
Presenters mostly
engaged with audience
support from a range of
 Concisely concludes
single main point from
each and every section
o Plus overall and main
concluding point
 Written summary, oral
presentation or
supporting PowerPoint
and section titles clearly
and succinctly reflect
 Match between written
summary, oral
presentation and
supporting PowerPoint
Presentation 20
F. Students
knowledge and the
processes used to
generate it, with an
awareness of ethical,
social and cultural
 Student voice lost in the
 Does not conclude
assignment findings
o For example,
conclusion either reintroduces structure, or
 Written summary, oral
presentation or
supporting PowerPoint
and section titles do not
reflect contents
 Presenters fully engaged
with audience
 Full acknowledgement of
all sources within report,
 Reference list contains all
sources cited
 Full and correct
acknowledgement of all
sources, with
differentiation between
direct quote and
paraphrase, and
 Reference list contains all
sources cited and follows
referencing conventions
* 40 marks provided from destination industry, tourist interaction, communication sources, and image comparison
© 2009 Adapted by Glen Croy, Monash University, from RSD
Referencing 10
(literature not cited), or
 Literature only voice
 No conclusion in either
presentation or written
Introductory Tourism, Semester 1, 2009