
Names ___________________________________
Per ___
A Heroine’s Journey:
Analyzing Literary Elements in a Commercial
Essential Questions
How are literary elements used in media?
Why might literary elements be effective in media?
Description: In today’s world, we are inundated with images and sound in a variety of texts:
internet, television, radio, etc… In class, we have examined written texts such as short stories
and song lyrics. Today, we will examine a new text in the form of a television commercial. Just
as you identified the literary elements of “Jack and the Beanstalk” and “Heroes Return” you will
identify the literary elements of this visual text. For example, this commercial contains a
protagonist, an antagonist, symbolism, themes, etc… For this assignment you and your partner
will apply your understanding of literary elements to the commercial. Complete the following
activities within one class period:
1. You and your partner draw for a literary element
2. Watch the Pantene Ad and think of the video clip as your text
3. On a sheet of butcher paper, examine your literary element and include the following:
a. At the top of the paper, write the literary element you are presenting
b. Identify how and when your element appears in the video
c. Include at least two hand-drawn images depicting how your element is used in the
d. When you’ve finished, post your paper on the wall for other students to look at
4. Pairs will orally present their analyses to the whole class
Feel free to refer to the literary term definitions provided on the back of this sheet.
Evaluation: You will be evaluated based on how loud the class cheers after your presentation. I
will also be looking to see that you completed all parts of the assignment.