Paper 2: Literary Analysis (Two Texts), Comparison

Paper 2: Literary Analysis (Two Texts), Comparison
Due April 24th, hard copy, in class
Requirements: 5+ pages; 5+ outside sources (meaning at least 7 total sources in the Works
Cited); perfect MLA Style
Paper 2 will be a Literary Analysis.
Your job for Paper 2 is to compare the LITERARY ELEMENTS of two texts that we have read
in class (or a text that is in our textbook) throughout the entire paper. The paper may focus on
any aspect of the story, like character, symbol, imagery, language, specific scenes or moments,
tone, themes, or implications.
The paper’s thesis should be ARGUMENTATIVE. Biography/history/background should be
limited to one paragraph.
Sample thesis statements:
James Joyce’s “Araby” and John Updike’s “A & P” feature male characters who are
superficially obsessed with a young woman as a symbolic longing for a life-altering