Name _____________________
Appetizer: Literary Devices
Foreshadowing: A technique of giving clues to coming events in narrative.
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Flashback: A technique of interrupting the chronology of a narrative by shifting
to an earlier time in order to introduce information.
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Analogy: A comparison that explains or describes one subject by pointing out its
similarities to another subject.
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Personification: Giving an inanimate object the qualities of a human being.
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Hyperbole: An obviously exaggerated statement for effect.
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Name _____________________
Theme: A central idea, insight or truth about life revealed through the literary
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Protagonist: The leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary
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Antagonist: A person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with
the protagonist.
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Point of View: This is the perspective from which the author tells the story (first
or third).
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Suspense: The uncertainty or anxiety you feel about what will happen next in a
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Name _____________________
Alliteration: The purposeful repetition of initial consonant sounds.
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Tone: The author’s attitude toward his/her audience and subject reflected in the
style of writing (eg. humorous, sarcastic, nostalgic).
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Irony: A literary technique in which the literal meaning is the opposite of what is
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Onomatopoeia: The use of words that imitate the sounds they describe.
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Simile: A comparison of two dissimilar things using “like” or “as.”
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Name _____________________
Imagery: The use of language to create sensory impressions or pictures.
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Metaphor: A comparison of two unlike things not using “like” or “as.”
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Connotation: The emotional associations suggested by the primary meaning of
a word.
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Denotation: The literal dictionary definition of a word.
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Idiom: A common phrase made up of a variety of ordinary words that can’t be
taken literally.
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