PRESS NOTICE Bogotá, March 6, 2007 PERFORMANCE OF MANDATORY PENSION FUNDS, VOLUNTARY PENSION FUNDS, UNEMPLYMENT FUNDS, PAY AS YOU GO REGIME AND ADMINISTRATOR OF PROFESSIONAL RISKS OF THE ISS JANUARY OF 2007 1. MANDATORY PENSIONS FUNDS 1.1 MANDATORY PENSION FUNDS YIELD The accumulated yield of mandatory pension funds during the last three years, period that considers for the calculation of the minimum yield, was in average of the 15% cash annual, equivalent to a 9.63% yield real and superior to the demanded minimum yield in 4.08 percentage points. Individually, the funds reached yields that go from the 14.03% to the 17.06% (graph 1). G R A P H 1. M A N D A T O R Y P E N S IO N F UN D S Y IE LD J A N .3 1/ 0 4 T O J A N .3 1/ 0 7 17.06% 18.00% 16.00% 14.75% 14.49% 14.46% 15.00% 14.19% 14.03% 14.00% 10.92% 12.00% 10.00% MINIMUN 5.74% YIELD 9.63% 8.70% 9.11% COLFONDOS 8.86% 9.14% 4.00% PORVENIR 6.00% 9.39% 11.59% 8.00% NOM INA L YIELD AVERAGE (*) SANTANDER SKANDIA PROTECCION 0.00% HORIZONTE 2.00% REA L YIELD During the last five years mandatory pension funds obtained a yield effective average of 15.84% annual, the equivalent one to a real yield of the 9.64%, whereas the yield average from beginning of operations to the 31 of January of 2007 were of the 17.78% annual cash, that corresponds in real terms to the 6.27% (graph 2). GRAPH 2. YI ELD FR OM TH E B EGI N N I N G OF 17.78% 6.27% AVERAGE (*) 17.02% 5.59% HORIZONTE 17.10% 5.66% PORVENIR 17.13% 5.68% SKANDIA 17.49% 6.01% SANTANDER 19.56% 15.84% 17.50% 6.02% 8.49% HORIZONTE COLFONDOS 8.79% SANTANDER 7.88% 9.06% PORVENIR 5.00% 9.64% 9.17% SKANDIA 14.63% 9.18% 14.94% OP ER A TI ON S ( 1) J A N . 3 1/ 0 7 COLFONDOS 10.00% 11.94% 15.00% 15.23% 15.34% 20.00% 15.35% 25.00% 18.27% LA ST F IV E Y EA R Y IELD JA N .3 1/ 0 2 T O JA N .3 1/ 0 7 NOM INA L YIELD PROTECCION AVERAGE (*) PROTECCION 0.00% REA L YIELD (*) Weighed by the balance daily average of the patrimony (1) May 1994, without Skandia that began in March 1995 1.2 VOLATILITY AND EVOLUTION YIELDS The average of the calculated accumulated yields during the last thirty and six months of the funds was the 17.15% of annual cash and its volatility (standard deviation) of the 1.65%. This average for the last two years was of the 17.44%, with a volatility of the 1.89%, where as for the last year the yield average was in the 16.55% and its volatility in 2.08%. The yield average and its volatility of each one of the funds during the mentioned periods is reflected in graphs 3, 4, 5 and 6. GRAPH 3 MANDATORY PENSION FUNDS RETURN´S ACCUMULATED AVERAGE AND VOLATILITY JAN 31 2004 -JAN 31 2007 20.90% 20.60% ACCUM. YEILD AVERAGE 20.30% Protección 20.00% 19.70% 19.40% 19.10% 18.80% 18.50% 18.20% Skandia 17.90% 17.60% 17.30% Colfondos 17.00% 16.70% 16.40% Porvenir Sistema Horizonte Santander 16.10% 15.80% 15.50% 1.37% 1.42% 1.47% 1.52% 1.57% 1.62% 1.67% 1.72% 1.77% 1.82% 1.87% VOLATILENESS GRAPH 4 MANDATORY PENSION FUNDS RETURN´S ACCUMULATED AVERAGE AND VOLATILITY JAN 31 2005 - JAN 31 2007 20.80% 20.50% Protección 20.20% ACCUM. YEILD AVERAGE 19.90% 19.60% 19.30% 19.00% 18.70% Skandia 18.40% 18.10% 17.80% 17.50% Sistema Colfondos 17.20% 16.90% 16.60% Horizonte Porvenir Santander 16.30% 16.00% 15.70% 1.55% 1.58% 1.61% 1.64% 1.67% 1.70% 1.73% 1.76% 1.79% 1.82% 1.85% 1.88% 1.91% 1.94% 1.97% 2.00% 2.03% 2.06% 2.09% 2.12% 2.15% 2.18% VOLATILENESS GRAPH 5 MANDATORY PENSION FUNDS RETURN´S ACCUMULATED AVERAGE AND VOLATILITY JAN 31 2006 - JAN 31 2007 22.50% 22.00% 21.50% ACCUM. YEILD AVERAGE 21.00% 20.50% 20.00% Protección 19.50% 19.00% 18.50% 18.00% Skandia 17.50% Sistema 17.00% 16.50% Colfondos Porvenir 16.00% Santander Horizonte 15.50% 15.00% 14.50% 1.65% 1.69% 1.73% 1.77% 1.81% 1.85% 1.89% 1.93% 1.97% 2.01% 2.05% 2.09% 2.13% 2.17% 2.21% 2.25% 2.29% 2.33% 2.37% VOLATILENESS GRAPH 6 RETURN´S ACCUMULATED OF MANADATORY PENSIONS FUNDS EVOLUTION 24.50% 22.50% 20.50% 18.50% 16.50% 14.50% 12.50% 01/2006 02/2006 03/2006 04/2006 PROTECCION 05/2006 PORVENIR 06/2006 07/2006 HORIZONTE 08/2006 09/2006 10/2006 SANTANDER 11/2006 12/2006 COLFONDOS 01/2007 SKANDIA 1.3 VALUE OF THE FUNDS The value of mandatory pension funds reached to the 31 of January of 2007 a value of USD 19.205 millions, inferior in USD 142 millions the value registered to the 31 of December of 2006, that is to say, a 0.7% (graph 7, Chart 1.1). GR A PH 7. V A LU E OF EA C H F U N D A N D IT S PA R T IC IPA T ION IN T HE SY ST EM JA N .3 1T H 2 0 0 7 - M ILLION S U S D OLLA R 5,500 26.7% 24.9% 5,000 4,500 4,000 17.2% 3,500 25 0.1% 764 4.0% SKANDIA 2,362 SANTANDER HORIZONTE P ERCENTA GE OF P A RTICIP A TION SKANDIA PLAN ALTERNATIVO FUND VALUE PROTECCION 0 PORVENIR 500 2,832 1,000 COLFONDOS 1,500 12.3% 3,311 2,000 4,775 2,500 14.7% 5,137 3,000 6.4%Jun-06 19,205 5.9% 19,347 18,276 17,957 0.7%- 1.8% 6.8% 16,812 1.6% 4.2% 7.4%- 5,000 May-06 3.4%- 1.5%- 3.2% 10,000 16,553 14,323 15,305 16,534 17,111 17,378 16,836 15,000 5.1% MILLONES DE USD 20,000 10.9%15,879 V A LUE O F T H E F UN D S LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 25,000 FUNDS VALUE Jan-07 Dec-06 Nov-06 Oct-06 Sep-06 Aug-06 Jul-06 Apr-06 Mar-06 Feb-06 Jan-06 - MONTHLY VARIATION 1.4 AFFILIATED The number of affiliated with the regime of individual saving with solidarity to the 31 of January of 2007 ascended to a 7.040.020, with an increase of the 0.9%, that is to say, 63.733 affiliated as opposed to the number reported to the 31 of December of 2006. (Graph 8). GR A PH 8 . A F F ILIA T ED A N D PA R T IC IPA T ION OF EA C H F U N D IN T HE SY ST EM JA N .3 1T H 2 0 0 7 2,100,000.00 27.9% 1,800,000.00 21.7% SKANDIA 7,074,020 0.9% 0.7% Dec-06 7,010,287 0.8% Nov-06 6,906,460 0.8% Oct-06 6,853,741 0.8% Sep-06 6,799,647 0.6% 0.8% Jul-06 6,757,284 0.8% Jun-06 6,701,261 0.9% May-06 6,648,211 0.8% Apr-06 6,536,567 1.0% Mar-06 0.9% Feb-06 6,473,215 0.8% Jan-06 6,300,000 6,412,386 6,900,000 6,588,211 7,200,000 6,961,430 P ERCENTA GE OF P A RTICIP A TION N UM B E R O F A F F ILIA T E D LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 6,600,000 338 0.0% SKANDIA PLAN ALTERNATIVO 1,038,392 61,325 0.9% 14.7% COLFONDOS HORIZONTE PORVENIR A FFILIA TED PROTECCION 300,000.00 0.00 15.6% 1,100,367 600,000.00 1,363,269 900,000.00 1,536,439 1,973,890 19.3% 1,200,000.00 SANTANDER 1,500,000.00 AFFILIATED Jan-07 Aug-06 6,000,000 MONTHLY VARIATION Of the total of affiliated with the funds of mandatory pension funds, the 51.9% correspond to affiliated active, that is to say, 3.672.152 and the 48.1%, that is 3.401.868 to affiliated inactive. The inactive affiliated ones are those that have not carried out quotations in at least last six months (graph 9). GR A P H 9 A C T IV E S A N D IN A C T IV E S A F F ILIA T E D B Y E A C H F UN D J A N .3 1T H 2 0 0 7 1,200,000 1,000,000 A CTIVES 290 48 SKANDIA PLAN ALTERNATIVO SKANDIA SANTANDER 42,072 19,253 458,908 579,484 545,936 554,431 COLFONDOS PORVENIR - 632,671 730,598 200,000 HORIZONTE 400,000 886,632 649,807 600,000 PROTECCION 1,105,643 868,247 800,000 INA CTIVES 51.9% 51.9% 48.1% 48.1% Jan-07 52.0% 51.7% 51.5% 51.3% 51.1% 51.6% 51.5% 51.0% Dec-06 51.0% 50.7% 52.0% 51.3% 53.0% 51.6% A C T IV E S A N D IN A C T IV E S A F F ILIA T E D LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 48.0% 47.0% 48.3% 48.5% 48.7% 48.9% 48.4% 48.4% 48.5% 48.0% 48.7% 49.0% 49.0% 49.3% 50.0% ACTIVES Nov-06 Oct-06 Sep-06 Aug-06 Jul-06 Jun-06 May-06 Apr-06 Mar-06 Feb-06 Jan-06 46.0% INACTIVES Of the total of affiliated in the Regime of Individual Saving the 58.5% corresponds to non-quoting members, is to say to 4.139.987 people; the 41.5%, that is 2.934.033 people, are quoting members (graph 10). Meaning by non-quoting members those who are affiliated but are not pensioned yet, and that for some reason, they did not realized the mandatory payment for the reported moth. 1,400,000 G R A P H 10 A F F ILIA T E D C O N T R IB UT O R S A N D N O N C O N T R IB UT O R S B Y F UN D J A N .3 1T H 2 0 0 7 1,200,000 QUOTING 132 206 SKANDIA PLAN ALTERNATIVO 27,081 34,244 SKANDIA SANTANDER 666,551 371,841 543,013 557,354 869,898 493,371 NON-QUOTING COLFONDOS PROTECCION - PORVENIR 200,000 HORIZONTE 400,000 679,591 600,000 856,848 800,000 1,162,123 811,767 1,000,000 58.0% 58.5% 42.0% 41.5% Dec-06 Jan-07 58.4% 41.6% 59.9% Nov-06 60.0% 40.0% Jun-06 58.3% 60.5% 39.5% May-06 41.7% 60.9% 39.1% Apr-06 60.0% Oct-06 60.9% 39.1% Mar-06 59.1% 61.7% 38.3% Feb-06 60.0% 62.8% 37.2% 65.0% Jan-06 C O N T R IB UT O R S A N D N O N C O N T R IB UT O R S A F F ILIA T E D LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 30.0% 40.1% 40.0% 35.0% 40.9% 40.0% NON-QUOTING Sep-06 Aug-06 Jul-06 25.0% QUOTING Of the total number of affiliated with the funds of mandatory pension funds, the 87% happen less than two minimum wages, the 8% perceive income between two and four minimum wages and the 5% win more than four minimum wages. The 54.9% of the affiliated ones oscillate between the 15 and 34 years old, of which, in this segment, the 56.7% are men and the 43.3% women. The 95.8% of the total number of affiliated with the system correspond to workers with labor bond and the 4.2% to independent workers. As far as the origin of the affiliated ones, it is important to write down that the 64% correspond to people who entered in the system, 25.6% come from the Pay As You Go Régime, the 9.4% to transfers between AFPs and the 1% comes from the Government social security funds (Chart 1.2). 1.5 PENSIONERS To the 31 of January of 2007 the Regime of individual saving with solidarity counts on 22.056 pensioners, 13.618 for survival, 4.753 for invalidity and 3.685 of retirement age (graph 11). SURVIVA L INVA LIDITY 1 SKANDIA P.A 4 SKANDIA 1 8 132 813 SANTANDER 510 464 585 RETIREM ENT A GE COLFONDOS PORVENIR PROTECCION 500 HORIZONTE 340 1,000 0 2,142 2,236 3,126 902 1,157 2,000 1,370 2,500 1,500 G R A P H 11 P E N S IO N E R S S B Y F UN D J A N .3 1T H 2 0 0 7 2,155 3,000 2,825 3,500 3,285 The 50.7% of the pensioners are to say 11.172, have decided on the modality of programmed retiree's pension; the 49.3%, 10.883 pensioners, by the one of immediate life rent and 1 pensioner by the one of retirement programmed with deferred life rent (Chart 1.3). 22,056 1.6% Jan-07 0.5% Dec-06 1.2% Nov-06 1.2% Oct-06 Sep-06 Aug-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 0.8% 1.3% 1.4% 2.2% 21,716 21,101 20,812 20,102 19,948 1.5% 19,412 19,660 May-06 Jan-06 PENSIONERS 1.3% 17,500 17,000 Apr-06 Feb-06 1.0% 1.8% 18,500 18,000 1.2% 19,000 Mar-06 18,996 19,500 19,190 20,500 20,000 20,371 21,500 21,000 21,346 22,500 22,000 21,598 N UM B E R O F P E N S IO N E R S LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N MONTHLY VARIATION 1.6 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO As of January 31 2007, the value of portfolio of Mandatory Pension Funds reached USD$ 19,147 million, showing a decrease of 0.7% with respect to the end of the previous month, when it was of USD$ 19,284 million. To the closing of January 2007, 77.1% of portfolio of the mentioned funds, that is to say, USD$14,770 million correspond to investments of fixed income; the 21.3%, USD$ 4,081 million, to investments in equity; the 1.2%, USD$ 232 million, to overnight deposits and the 0.3%, USD$ 64 million, to the net position in derivatives (right less obligations) (Graph 12 and Chart 1.4). GRAPH 12 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION: FIXED INCOME, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR - 99% FIXED INCOME 77.6% 71.5% 71.7% 81.5% EQUITY 70.2% 82.1% 77.1% 74.6% OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS 16.1% 26.5% 21.8% 17.6% DERIVATIVES NET POSITION- 26.4% 21.2% 21.3% 16.3% 13.3% 1.5% -1% 0.6% COLFONDOS $ 2,826,754 0.8% HORIZONTE $ 3,294,144 0.1% 0.8% 0.7% PORVENIR $ 5,125,721 1.6% 0.1% PROTECCION $ 4,760,343 2.3% -0.2% SANTANDER $ 2,354,476 0.4% SKANDIA ALTERNATIVO $ 24,626 2.8% SKANDIA $ 760,575 0.3% 1.2% SYSTEM $ 19,146,640 LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO IN FIXED INCOME, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION - MILLION OF US DOLLAR 100% 80% 60% 40% DERIVATIVES NET POSITION OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS EQUITY FIXED INCOME JAN-07 19,147 M DIC-06 19,284 M NOV-06 18,190 M OCT-06 17,879 M SEP-06 16,687 M AUG-06 16,423 M JUL-06 15,734 M JUN-06 14,240 M MAY-06 15,297 M APR-06 16,541 M MAR-06 17,112 M FEB-06 17,392 M 0% JAN - 06 16,830 M 20% Investment in public debt continues being the most significant in these funds. At January 31 2007, these investment represented the 47.8% of the value of the total of portfolio (national debt commits the 40.9%, external national debt 4.3% and territorial organizations and decentralized entities 2.6%), followed of the titles emitted by institutions watched by other regulatory authority with 19.3% and titles emitted by the Institutions watched by the Financial Supervisión that counted on a participation of the 16.2% (Graph 13 Chart 1.4 ). GRAP H 13 P ORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION BY ISSUER JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR 100% Internal govermment debt 21.3% 24.3% Institutions watched by other regulatory authority 40.9% 36.4% 40.2% 41.5% 44.0% 42.5% 9.8% Institutions watched by the Financial Supervisión 13.6% 13.7% International Investment 19.9% 24.0% 16.5% 17.2% 25.1% External Public Debt 19.3% 22.2% 38.9% 14.0% Fogafin 15.5% 17.7% 17.0% 16.2% 14.0% 14.7% Other public debt titles 16.3% 15.4% 14.0% 13.1% 9.1% Others (1) 5.2% 4.5% 0% 0.6% 0.9% 3.7% 0.9% COLFONDOS $ 2,826,754 1.6% 2.7%2.2% HORIZONTE $ 3,294,144 (1) Ovenight deposits and Derivatives net position 4.4% 1.2% 1.6% PORVENIR $ 5,125,721 1.8% 4.0% 2.8% 4.1% 1.4% PROTECCION $ 4,760,343 3.3% 13.7% 2.1% SANTANDER $ 2,354,476 13.3% 15.4% 2.6% 2.8% 0.6% 4.3% 1.5% SKANDIA ALTERNATIVO $ 24,626 SKANDIA $ 760,575 4.3% 1.8% 2.6% SYSTEM $ 19,146,640 JAN-07 19,147 M DIC-06 19,284 M NOV-06 18,190 M OCT-06 17,879 M SEP-06 16,687 M AUG-06 16,423 M JUL-06 15,734 M JUN-06 14,240 M MAY-06 15,297 M APR-06 16,541 M MAR-06 17,112 M JAN - 06 16,830 M 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% FEB-06 17,392 M LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO BY ISUUER MILLION OF US DOLLAR INTERNAL GOVERMMENT DEBT Institutions w atched by the Financial Supervision EXTERNAL GOVERMMENT DEBT INSTITUTIONS NONWACHED BY THE BANKING SUPERINTENDENCY FOGAFIN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT OTHERS MUNICIPAL BONDS The 71.6% of portfolio mention before is denominated in Colombian pesos, the 14.4% in UVR, the 11.5% in US Dollar, the 1.5% in euros and rest 1% in British Pound, Real, Yen and Canadian Dollar. (Graph 14). GR A P H 14 P OR T F OLIO D IVER SIF IC A T ION B Y C UR R EN C Y JA N 31T H 2007 - T H OUSA N D S OF US D OLLA R - 100% COL Peso (Includes Derivatives Net Position) 42.4% UVR 68.0% 70.6% 67.7% 69.4% 71.6% 73.3% 81.3% US Dollar 10.0% Euro 4.6% 44.5% 14.3% 19.6% 13.7% 14.4% 7.7% 10.2% 3.1% 2.2% 1.5% SKANDIA $ 760,575 0.5% SKANDIA ALTERNATIVO $ 24,626 1.9% 0.7% 11.5% 8.8% 2.1% PROTECCION $ 4,760,343 HORIZONTE $ 3,294,144 (1) British Pound, Real, Yen and Canadian Dollar 2.1% 1.8% 1.1% COLFONDOS $ 2,826,754 0% 0.6% 14.5% SANTANDER $ 2,354,476 9.2% 9.1% PORVENIR $ 5,125,721 Others (1) 25.6% 1.5% 1.0% SYSTEM $ 19,146,640 17.9% LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO BY CURRENCY M ILLION OF US DOLLAR 78% 68% 58% 48% 38% 28% 18% 8% OTHERS EURO UVR US DOLLAR JAN-07 19,147 M DIC-06 19,284 M NOV-06 18,190 M OCT-06 17,879 M SEP-06 16,687 M AUG-06 16,423 M JUL-06 15,734 M JUN-06 14,240 M MAY-06 15,297 M APR-06 16,541 M MAR-06 17,112 M FEB-06 17,392 M JAN - 06 16,830 M -2% COL PESO Concerning the foreing currency position, it is observed that 38.6% of this position is covered from the exchange rate fluctuation risk. Uncovered portion represents the 8.5% of the total value of the funds (Graph 15 and Chart 4). GRAPH 15 MANDATORY PENSION FUND PERCENTAGE WITHOUT COVER (MAXIMUM 20%) 0.16 0.14 0.12 10.19% 9.14% 0.1 8.20% 7.83% 7.60% 0.08 0.06 5.91% 0.04 0.02 0 01-06 02-06 03-06 04-06 05-06 06-06 07-06 08-06 09-06 10-06 11-06 12-06 PROTECCION PORVENIR HORIZONTE SANTANDER SKANDIA COLFONDOS 01-07 Of another part, the 28.9% of portfolio is invested in fixed income issues denominated in colombian peso, 18.6% indexed to CPI issues, the 14.4% to fixed income in UVR, the 7.4% to the DTF, the 14.1% of portfolio is invested in stocks, 6% to fixed income in US Dollar, 7.2% in Shares (Derived from securitizacion processes, Mutual Funds, Unit trust funds and Index Fund), the 0.6% to fixed income in euros and rest 2.8% are titles indexed to fixed income in Real from Brazil, the variation of the UVR, CPI middle income, Libor, Overnight Deposits and net position in derivatives. (Graph 16 and Chart 1.5). 11 G R A P H 16 P O R T F O LIO D IV E R S IF IC A T IO N O N F IX E D IN C O M E B Y IN T E R E S T R A T E T Y P E , E Q UIT Y , O V E R N IG H T D E P O S IT S A N D D E R IV A T IV E S N E T P O S IT IO N 100% J A N 3 1T H 2 0 0 7 - T H O US A N D S O F US D O LLA R - Fixed income - Col 100% Pesos Fixed inco me - Co l P eso s 20.2% CPI 26.9% 28.9% 26.8% 29.7% 29.7% 29.3% 30.6% CP I Fixed income - UVR 11.8% Fixed inco me - UVR 19.4% 21.0% DTF 15.3% 13.7% 10.0% 18.0% 18.6% 1.6% 24.2% DTF 4.6% 6.0% 13.7% Fixed income - US Dollar Fixed inco me - US 14.3% 19.6% 17.9% 14.4% 25.3% 7.7% Do llar 11.4% 6.0% 8.9% Stocks Sto cks 7.5% 7.6% 9.3% 5.8% Shares Shares (1)(1) 9.8% 4.8% 7.9% 1.1% 0.9% 0% 0% 9.7% 12.8% 2.2% Others (2) 9.3% 14.1% 1.4% 6.6% 1.5% 3.5% 11.2% 6.6% 7.2% 13.8% 13.7% 0.6% 2.8% 2.4% 2.0% COLFONDOSHORIZONTE HORIZONTE P ORVENIRPORVENIR PROTECCION COLFONDOS P ROTECCION SA NTA NDER $ 2,645,680 $ 3,294,1$443,089,623$ 5,125,721$ 4,790,576 $ 2,826,754 $ 4,760,343 $ 4,445,828 $ 2,354,476 Others (2) 6.0% 15.2% 19.9% 13.9% 11.8% 6.3% 1.7% 3.8% Fixed inco me - Euro Fixed income - Euro 7.4% 6.9% 5.2% SANTANDER SKA NDIA 2,191,422 A$LTERNA TIVO $ 24,626 SKASKANDIA NDIA ALTERNATIVO $ 760,575 $ 22,528 SKANDIA SYSTEM 693,189 $ 19,1$46,640 ´(1) Securitization, Mutual Funds, Index Funds, Unit Trust Funds ´(2) Real from Brazil, Libor, Floating UVR, CPI Middle income, Overnight Deposits and Derivatives net position LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO OF FIXED INCOME BY INTEREST RATE TYPE , EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION MILLION OF US DOLLAR 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% OTHERS FIXED INCOME COL PESO FIXED INCOME EURO FIXED INCOME UVR CPI FIXED INCOME US DOLLAR DTF SHARES STOCKS JAN-07 19,147 M DIC-06 19,284 M NOV-06 18,190 M OCT-06 17,879 M SEP-06 16,687 M AUG-06 16,423 M JUL-06 15,734 M JUN-06 14,240 M MAY-06 15,297 M APR-06 16,541 M MAR-06 17,112 M FEB-06 17,392 M JAN - 06 16,830 M 0% As far as the classification of portfolio by credit risk, it is observed that the 46% are titles emitted by the Nation, the 20.4% are investments with qualification AAA, the 4.5% AA+, the 1% AA, 1.8% AA-, 23.4% are investments that do not require qualification and rest 2.9% corresponds to titles emitted by the Fogafin, titles with A+, A, BBB, BBB-, B, E, titles with distant qualification and Titles of emitters in Liquidation (graph17) SYSTEM $ 17,878,847 12 Source: INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY AFP¨S 1) Titles FOGAFIN, Securities with A+, A, BBB, BBB-, B, E, Titles of emitters in Liquidation and titles with distant qualification (2) Investments: Unit Trust Funds, Mutual Fund, Index Fund and Stocks Note 1: For effects to establish the percentage, the total value of portafolio considers excluded the net position in derivatives Note 2: For the titles with provision the net value of purchase was taken from amortizations of capital Finally, it is possible to write down that 2.8% of portfolio of fixed income have an inferior maturity to 180 days, the 1.7% between 181 and 360 days, the 5.4% between 361 and 720 days, the 8.1% between 721 and 1080 days, the 17.5% between 1081 and 1440 days, the 8.1% between 1441 and 1800 days, the 10.7% between 1801 and 2160 days, the 16.9% between 2161 and 2880 days, 17.7% between 2881 and 3600 days and the 11% have a maturity superior to 10 years (Graph 18 and Chart 1.6). GRAPH 18 PORTFOLIO MATURITY FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION (Maturity in days) JAN 31THTH 2007 100% 3.0% 9.5% 8.8% > 3600 8.1% 14.2% 16.3% 2881 - 3600 11.0% 13.7% 11.0% 14.9% 18.2% 2161 - 2880 21.2% 12.1% 17.7% 18.1% 21.3% 17.4% 10.7% 21.6% 1801 - 2160 8.1% 4.6% 16.9% 20.7% 28.3% 1441 - 1800 15.7% 9.4% 13.8% 15.4% 10.7% 9.7% 1081 - 1440 4.4% 9.1% 4.0% 15.7% 181 - 360 15.1% 15.6% 10.0% 9.7% 20.4% 15.6% 8.6% 8.6% 8.0% 8.5% 4.5% 8.1% 5.9% 6.7% 5.1% 1.4% 0% 3.5% COLFONDOS 5.7% 2.9% 1.8% 1.5% HORIZONTE 4.0% PORVENIR 17.5% 6.6% 7.4% 8.1% 0 - 180 8.1% 11.6% 9.4% 21.0% 361 - 720 8.6% 6.6% 7.1% 721 - 1080 17.0% 4.4% 0.5% 4.4% 1.7% 0.9% PROTECCION SANTANDER 5.8% SKANDIA ALTERNATIVO 5.4% 1.5% 11.7% 3.6% SKANDIA 1.7% 2.8% SYSTEM 13 2. VOLUNTARY PENSIONS FUNDS 2.1 VALUE OF THE FUNDS The total value of the voluntary pensions funds administrated by pension fund administrator societies, fiduciary societies and insurance agencies to the 31 of January of 2007, reached the sum of USD 3.153 millions, 2.2% inferior to the registered value to the 31 of December of 2006. (Graph 19). 900 GRAPH 19 VALUE OF EACH FUND AND ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE SYSTEM JAN.31th 2007 - MILLIONS US DOLLAR 898 800 727 700 600 569 500 28.5% 400 23.0% 300 255 215 18.1% 183 200 86 64 8.1% 100 6.8% 5.8% 2.7% 2.0% 61 1.9% 35 27 1.1% 0.9% 14 13 0.5% 0.4% 3 0.1% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% FUND VALUE FIDUCOR FIDUPENSIONES HELM TRUST CREDIVALOR FIDUCOR MULTIPENSIONES FIDUPOPULAR PLAN FUTURO FIDUPOPULAR PLAN FUTURO MULTIOPCION PROTECCION SMURFIT FIDUALIANZA ABIERTO VISION FIDUCOLOMBIA RENTAPENSION COLSEGUROS SANTANDER COLFONDOS CLASS HORIZONTE FIDUDAVIVIENDA DAFUTURO PORVENIR PROTECCION SKANDIA MULTIFUND 0 PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION 3,223 0.3% Dec-06 3,153 3,214 0.2% Nov-06 3,084 0.9% Sep-06 3,207 3,057 1.3% Aug-06 3,019 2,915 3,500 3,214 3,461 3,577 3,587 4,000 3,419 V A LUE O F T H E F UN D S LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 500 2.2%- 4.0% 9.3%- 7.1%- 1,000 3.2%- 0.3%- 1,500 3.6% 4.9% 2,000 6.8% 2,500 FUNDS VALUE MONTHLY VARIATION Jan-07 Oct-06 Jul-06 Jun-06 May-06 Apr-06 Mar-06 Feb-06 - Jan-06 MILLONES DE USD 3,000 14 2.2 AFFILIATED The number of affiliated with the voluntary pensions funds administrated by pension fund administrator societies, fiduciary societies and insurance agencies to the 31 of January of 2007 ascended to 489.900, displaying an superior of 637affiliated, a 0.1% as opposed to the number reported to the closing of the previous month (graph 20). 100,000 88,957 90,000 80,000 GRAPH 20 AFFILIATED AND PARTICIPATION OF EACH FUND IN THE SYSTEM JAN.31th 2007 95,511 19.5% 18.2% 72,301 70,000 14.8% 60,000 52,092 50,000 10.6% 49,149 46,671 10.0% 9.5% 40,000 41,930 8.6% 3,786 1.0% 0.8% 1,440 0.3% 1,437 0.3% AFFILIATED FIDUALIANZA ABIERTO VISION FIDUPOPULAR PLAN FUTURO COLSEGUROS SANTANDER SKANDIA MULTIFUND FIDUCOLOMBIA RENTAPENSION HORIZONTE COLFONDOS CLASS PORVENIR PROTECCION FIDUDAVIVIENDA DAFUTURO 0 204 0.0% 159 0.0% 83 0.0% FIDUCOR FIDUPENSIONES 4,742 FIDUCOR MULTIPENSIONES 10,000 HELM TRUST CREDIVALOR 12,354 2.5% FIDUPOPULAR PLAN FUTURO MULTIOPCION 19,084 3.9% 20,000 PROTECCION SMURFIT 30,000 PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION 485,000 489,900 489,263 486,926 484,829 498,005 493,899 483,134 490,000 2.3 483,419 482,444 495,000 485,642 500,000 491,827 505,000 499,102 N UM B E R O F A F F ILIA T E D LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 475,000 469,989 480,000 0.1%- 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.1% Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 0.8%Jul-06 2.1%- 0.2%- 1.3% Apr-06 Jun-06 0.7% Mar-06 460,000 1.5% 2.7% Feb-06 465,000 2.5% 470,000 A FFILIA TED Aug-06 May-06 Jan-06 455,000 M ONTHLY VA RIA TION INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO As of January 31 2007, the value of portfolio of the voluntary pensions funds managed by the pensions funds and unemployment funds managers, fiduciary entities and insurance companies reached USD$ 3.160 million, showing a decrease of 2.2% with respect to the end of the previous month, when it was of USD$ 3.230 million. 15 At the end of January 2007, 70.6% of portfolio of the these funds, USD$2,231 million corresponds to fixed income investments; 19.5%, USD$ 615 million to investments in equity; 8.9%, $281 million dollars to overnight deposits and 1.1%, $33 million dollars to net position in derivatives. (Graph 21 and Chart 2.1.1). GRAPH 21 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION: FIXED INCOME, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR - 8.9% 1.1% 19.5% 70.6% SYSTEM 2.9% 9.4% 21.9% $ 3,160,080 65.7% SKA NDIA M ULTIFUND 14.6% 12.9% SA NTA NDER 9.3% $ 897,743 72.4% 30.5% $ 86,142 60.1% P ROTECC. SM URFIT 30.0% 5.8% P ROTECCION 7.6% 1.1% $ 26,843 64.2% 15.2% $ 727,753 76.1% P ORVENIR $ 575,108 93.3% 0.1% 1.2% 5.5% HORIZONTE $ 215,027 14.0% 86.0% HELM T. CREDIVA LOR 37.2% $ 729 56.6% 6.2% FIDP OP U. M ULTIOP CION $ 14,384 66.1% 33.9% FIDP OP U. P LA N FUTURO $ 13,175 16.1% 6.5% 77.3% FIDUDA V. DA FUTURO $ 255,688 10.7% 15.2% 74.1% FIDUCOR M ULTIP ENSIONES $ 2,771 12.0% 32.8% 55.3% FIDUCOR FIDUP ENSIONES $ 754 93.3% 6.0% 0.7% FIDCOLOM . RENTA P ENSION 10.3% 5.9% FID A LIA N A B IERTO VISION -0.1%2.2% $ 60,933 83.8% 18.4% $ 35,031 79.5% COLSEGUROS $ 64,008 18.5% 25.8% 55.7% COLFONDOS CLA SS $ 183,990 -1.0% 99.0% DERIVATIVES -NET POSITION- OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS EQUITY FIXED INCOME The investments in followed Debt public investment is the most significant investment portfolio of these funds. At January 31 2007 these investments represented 32.6%, (national debt commits 26.9%, external national debt 3% and territorial organizations and decentralized entities 2.7%), followed of the titles the outside of 25.5%, titles emitted by Institutions watched by the Financial Supervisión with the 20.6%, and issues by of institutions watched by other regulatory authority with the 10.9% (Graph 22 and Chart 2.1.1). GRAPH 22 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION BY ISSUER JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR 10.9% 3.0% 2.7% 1.1% 9.4% 20.6% 26.9% 25.5% SYSTEM 9.5% 2.9% 6.6% 1.2% 2.0% 47.8% 20.3% $ 3,160,080 9.7% SKANDIA MULTIFUND 5.8% 15.4% 17.8% 22.5% SANTANDER 9.8% 10.4% 19.9% 31.7% 1.7% $ 86,142 26.6% PROTECC. SMURFIT 6.5% 0.5% 3.9% 18.9% 19.3% 18.7% 8.0% 0.1% 1.7% 6.3% 1.2% 0.1% 4.0% 9.3% 6.7% 27.1% 16.4% 36.8% 10.1% 18.6% PORVENIR $ 727,753 $ 575,108 52.5% HORIZONTE 14.0% $ 26,843 32.2% PROTECCION 1.1% $ 897,743 30.5% 8.0% $ 215,027 6.0% 80.0% HELM T. CREDIVALOR 3.2% 37.2% 33.9% 16.1% 3.5% 5.9% 10.7% 11.3% 46.2% 7.1% 6.2% 36.0% 24.4% 30.0% FIDPOPU. MULTIOPCION $ 14,384 FIDPOPU. PLAN FUTURO $ 13,175 19.5% 30.4% 17.9% $ 729 7.2% 19.5% 3.7% FIDUDAV. DAFUTURO 6.0% $ 255,688 24.2% FIDUCOR MULTIPENSIONES 16.9% 32.8% 15.7% FIDUCOR FIDUPENSIONES 11.2% 2.8% 2.2% -0.1% 0.8% 7.0% 0.6% 11.6% 11.1% 13.3% 3.3% 37.7% 38.2% 14.1% 7.8% 16.3% 26.7% 0.2% 4.6% 10.3% 15.3% 16.9% FIDCOLOM. RENTAPENSION $ 60,933 FID ALIAN ABIERTO VISION $ 35,031 23.5% 33.8% $ 64,008 34.0% COLFONDOS CLASS -1% 99% Derivatives -net po sitio n- Others (1) External P ublic Debt Other public debt titles Institutio ns watched by o ther regulato ry autho rity Institutio ns watched by the Financial Supervisio n Internatio nal Investment Internal Go vermment Debt (1) FOGAFIN AND OVERNIGTH DEPOSITS $ 754 37.2% 0.8% COLSEGUROS 18.8% $ 2,771 34.7% $ 183,990 16 The 70.4% of portfolio mention before is denominated in Colombian pesos, the 22.7% in US dollars, the 4.5% in UVR, the 1.8% in Euros and the rest 0.6% in British pound, Reales and yen (Graph 23). GRAPH 23 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION BY CURRENCY JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR 0.6% 1.8% 4.5% 22.7% 70.4% SYSTEM $ 3,160,080 0.1% 2.5%0.7% 48.2% 48.4% SKANDIA MULTIFUND $ 897,743 0.2% 0.3% 6.7% 3.1% 89.8% SANTANDER $ 86,142 7.9% 0.8% 91.3% PROTECC. SMURFIT $ 26,843 3.1% 4.0% 11.4% 1.8% 79.6% PROTECCION $ 727,753 4.2%0.9% 0.7% 25.9% 10.1% 68.3% 4.4% PORVENIR $ 575,108 85.4% HORIZONTE $ 215,027 100.0% HELM T. CREDIVALOR $ 729 0.4% 5.8% 93.8% FIDPOPU. MULTIOPCION $ 14,384 100.0% FIDPOPU. PLAN FUTURO $ 13,175 6.6% 3.7% 89.7% FIDUDAV. DAFUTURO $ 255,688 94.0% 6.0% FIDUCOR MULTIPENSIONES $ 2,771 100.0% FIDUCOR FIDUPENSIONES $ 754 10.0% 5.1% 84.9% FIDCOLOM. RENTAPENSION $ 60,933 8.6% 0.8% 90.5% FID ALIAN ABIERTO VISION $ 35,031 15.2% 9.0% 75.8% COLSEGUROS $ 64,008 2.8% 11.9% 9.1% 76.2% COLFONDOS CLASS $ 183,990 0% 100% Others (1) euro UVR US Dollar COL Peso (Includes Derivatives Net Position) (1) British Pound Real and Yen Concerning the foreign currency position, it is observed that 46% of this position is covered from the exchange rate fluctuation risk. Uncovered portion represents 13.2% of the total value of the funds (Chart 4). On the other hand, the 27% of the portfolio is invested in fixed income issues denominated in Colombian pesos, the 14.8% indexed to CPI, 13.8% in Shares (Derived from securitization processes, Mutual Funds, unit trust funds, and Indexed Funds), the 10.3% to the DTF, 12.2% in fixed income denominated in US Dollar, the 4.5% to fixed income in UVR, the 5.6% of portfolio is invested in stocks and the rest 11.8% are fixed income issues denominated in euro, Real, titles indexed to Libor, the overnight deposits and net position in derivatives.(Graph 24 and Chart 2.1.2). 17 GRAPH 24 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION ON FIXED INCOME BY INTEREST RATE TYPE, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR 5.6% 11.8% 4.5% 10.3% 12.2% 13.8% 27.0% 14.8% SYSTEM 1.1% 0.7% 17.6% 11.3% 26.4% 20.8% $ 3,160,080 14.3% 7.8% SKANDIA M ULTIFUND $ 897,743 12.9% 11.0% 6.7% 5.1% 9.5% 25.5% 9.3% 21.9% 32.9% 7.9% 0.8% 3.7% 5.0% SANTANDER $ 86,142 21.3% 26.6% PROTECC. SM URFIT $ 26,843 5.9% 4.0% 2.1% 13.2% 9.0% 16.8% 14.8% 34.1% PROTECCION $ 727,753 6.4% 10.4% 20.1% 4.2% 5.4% 8.7% 36.0% 8.8% PORVENIR $ 575,108 2.1% 10.1% 1.3% 2.0% 6.9% 21.6% 3.3% 52.6% HORIZONTE $ 215,027 73.7% 14.0% 6.3% 6.0% HELM T. CREDIVALOR $ 729 29.6% 37.2% 6.2% 11.6% 15.4% FIDPOPU. M ULTIOPCION $ 14,384 23.9% 37.4% 16.1% 1.3% 6.6% 20.5% 23.8% 5.2% 15.0% 36.1% FIDPOPU. PLAN FUTURO $ 13,175 14.2% FIDUDAV. DAFUTURO $ 255,688 10.7% 15.2% 9.7% 29.4% 35.0% FIDUCOR M ULTIPENSIONES $ 2,771 6.0% 4.4% 10.0% 12.0% 8.9% 32.8% 10.9% 36.1% 35.5% 0.7% FIDUCOR FIDUPENSIONES $ 754 18.1% 24.7% FIDCOLOM . RENTAPENSION $ 60,933 5.1% 10.3% 0.6% 8.6% 24.4% 0.8% 29.6% 20.6% FID ALIAN ABIERTO VISION $ 35,031 2.1% 0.4% 9.0% 3.6% 11.4% 18.0% 38.4% 17.1% COLSEGUROS $ 64,008 18.5% 7.8% 1.0% 5.7% 11.9% 18.0% 23.2% 13.9% COLFONDOS CLASS $ 183,990 0% 100% Others (2) Stocks Fixed income - UVR Fixed income - US Dollar DTF Shares (1) CPI Fixed income - Col Pesos ´(1) Securitization, Mutual Funds, Index Funds and Unit Trust Funds ´(2) Libor, Fixed income Euros, Real,Libor, Overnight Deposits and Derivatives Net Position Of another part, the 16.6% of portfolio of fixed income have an inferior maturity to 180 days, 7.8% between 181 and 360 days, 10.5% between 361 and 720 days, 11.7% between 721 and 1080 days, 18.5% between 1081 and 1440 days, 7.9% between 1441 and 1800 days, 7.8% between 1801 and 2160 days, 4.7% between 2161 and 2880 days, 8.8% between 2881 and 3600 days and the 5.8% have a maturity superior to 10 years (Graph 25 and Chart 2.1.3). GRAPH 25 PORTFOLIO MATURITY FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION (Maturity in days) JAN 31TH 2007 7.8% 16.6% 10.5% 18.5% 11.7% 7.8% 7.9% 4.7% 8.8% 5.8% SYSTEM 13.4% 4.2% 11.8% 12.3% 7.2% 9.2% 18.6% 5.3% 9.2% 8.9% SKANDIA MULTIFUND 6.2% 3.9% 14.1% 17.7% 7.9% 14.3% 7.4% 2.3% 11.8% 14.3% SANTANDER 4.8% 19.2% 4.6% 27.9% 13.1% 12.4% 5.9% 4.5% 7.6% PROTECC. SMURFIT 15.0% 19.4% 3.0% 17.6% 14.4% 4.7% 8.5% 7.2% 0.3% 9.9% PROTECCION 28.8% 3.0% 4.8%4.5% 6.2% 15.0% 7.9% 4.3% 14.3% 11.2% PORVENIR 8.6% 2.8% 18.8% 12.6% 11.2% 29.5% 1.1% 6.3% 9.0% HORIZONTE 92.6% 7.4% HELM T. CREDIVALOR 19.4% 24.1% 34.6% 5.6% 4.2% 5.7% 6.4% FIDPOPU. MULTIOPCION 36.6% 33.4% 15.5% 1.8%4.0% 2.7% 6.0% FIDPOPU. PLAN FUTURO 18.2% 9.8% 13.2% 20.4% 14.4% 11.5% 2.7% 2.2% 7.5% FIDUDAV. DAFUTURO 31.8% 10.9% 6.2% 15.3% 35.8% FIDUCOR MULTIPENSIONES 14.2% 23.0% 62.8% FIDUCOR FIDUPENSIONES 14.5% 14.2% 40.2% 5.8% 4.7% 13.3% 3.1% 1.0% 0.7% 2.4% FIDCOLOM. RENTAPENSION 19.3% 4.8% 31.1% 20.7% 5.5% 10.9% 0.1% 0.7% 6.9% FID ALIAN ABIERTO VISION 6.6% 1.3% 11.4% 18.5% 11.9% 29.8% 10.2% 1.0% 9.2% COLSEGUROS 3.9% 2.0% 15.9% 19.3% 6.6% 21.5% 8.7% 5.6% 15.3% 1.2% COLFONDOS CLASS 0% 0 - 180 100% 181 - 360 361 - 720 721 - 1080 1081 - 1440 1441 - 1800 1801 - 2160 2161 - 2880 2881 - 3600 > 3600 18 3. UNEMPLOYMENT FUNDS 3.1 YIELD During the period 31 Jan of 2005 to 31 Jan of 2007, the funds obtained a yield average of the 8.26% cash annual, equivalent to a real yield of the 3.46%. It is important to emphasize that these yields oscillated between the 6.02% and the 10.18% (graph 26). G R Á F IC O 2 6 . F UN D S Y IE LD J A N .3 1/ 0 5 T O J A N .3 1/ 0 7 12.00% 10.18% 10.00% 9.72% 9.28% 8.24% 8.26% 8.00% NOM INA L YIELD RENTABILIDAD MINIMA 1.26% 3.46% 1.32% COLFONDOS PROMEDIO (*) 1.66% PORVENIR 0.00% HORIZONTE 2.00% 5.96% 6.02% PROTECCION 4.43% SANTANDER 4.00% 3.44% 4.85% SKANDIA 6.38% 5.29% 6.00% REA L YIELD (*) Weighed by the balance daily average of the patrimony The obligatory minimum yield certified by the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia for the mentioned period was of the 5.96% annual cash. In average, the funds surpassed in 2.30 percentage points this minimum yield. 3,2 VOLATILITY AND EVOLUTION YIELDS The average of the calculated accumulated yields during the last twenty-four months of the unemployment funds was 12.50% of annual cash and its volatility (standard deviation) of the 2.23%. This average for the last year was of the 11.33%, with a volatility of the 2.30%, the yield average and its volatility of each one of the funds during the mentioned periods is reflected in graphs 27, 28 and 29. ACCUM. YEILD AVERAGE GRAPH 27 UNEM PLOYM ENT FUNDS RETURN´S ACCUM ULATED AVERAGE AND VOLATILITY JAN 31 2005 - JAN 31 2007 16.30% 16.00% 15.70% 15.40% 15.10% 14.80% 14.50% 14.20% 13.90% 13.60% 13.30% 13.00% 12.70% 12.40% 12.10% 11.80% 11.50% 11.20% 10.90% 10.60% 10.30% Porvenir Skandia Horizonte Sistema Colfondos Santander Protección 1.80% 1.83% 1.86% 1.89% 1.92% 1.95% 1.98% 2.01% 2.04% 2.07% 2.10% 2.13% 2.16% 2.19% 2.22% 2.25% 2.28% 2.31% 2.34% 2.37% 2.40% 2.43% 2.46% 2.49% 2.52% 2.55% 2.58% 2.61% 2.64% VOLATILENESS 19 GRAPH 28 UNEMPLOYMENT FUNDS RETURN´S ACCUMULATED AVERAGE AND VOLATILITY JAN 31 2006 - JAN 31 2007 17.00% 16.50% 16.00% 15.50% 15.00% 14.50% ACCUM. YEILD AVERAG 14.00% Porvenir 13.50% Horizonte 13.00% Skandia 12.50% 12.00% Sistema 11.50% Santander 11.00% 10.50% 10.00% Colf ondos 9.50% Protección 9.00% 1.70% 1.78% 1.86% 1.94% 2.02% 2.10% 2.18% 2.26% 2.34% 2.42% 2.50% 2.58% VOLATILENESS GRAPH 29 RETURN´S ACCUMULATED OF UNEMPLOYMENT FUNDS EVOLUTION 19.80% 17.80% 15.80% 13.80% 11.80% 9.80% 7.80% 5.80% 01/2006 02/2006 03/2006 PROTECCION 04/2006 05/2006 06/2006 PORVENIR 07/2006 08/2006 HORIZONTE 09/2006 10/2006 SANTANDER 11/2006 12/2006 COLFONDOS 01/2007 SKANDIA 3.3 VALUE OF THE FUNDS The funds reached to the 31 of January of 2007 a value of $1.645 millions, a 1.5% inferior one to the registered value to the 31 of December, that is to say, $26 millions (graph 30). GR A P H 30. VA LUE OF EA C H F UN D A N D IT S P A R T IC IP A T ION IN T H E SYST EM - JA N .31T H 2007 - M ILLION S US D OLLA R 30.0% 23.0% FUND VALUE 12.1% SANTANDER 205 COLFONDOS 200 PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION SKANDIA 32 1.9% 12.5% 338 HORIZONTE 378 PROTECCION 493 20.5% PORVENIR 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 20 1,670 1,645 1.5%- 1.5%- 2.3% 1,633 1,659 1,616 2.3%Sep-06 2.7% 1,653 0.3%- 1,657 Aug-06 9.7%Jun-06 5.4% 10.6%May-06 7.7%Apr-06 1,572 1,741 1,947 7.9%Mar-06 2.9% 1,500 1,000 2,110 2,292 38.7% 1,652 2,500 2,000 V A LUE O F T H E F UN D S LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N M ILLIO N S US D O LLA R 500 FUNDS VALUE Jan-07 Dec-06 Nov-06 Oct-06 Jul-06 Feb-06 Jan-06 0 MONTHLY VARIATION 3.4 AFFILIATED The number of affiliated with the funds on the 31of January of 2007 was 3.703.398, displaying an inferior of the 0.2%, that is to say, 7.079 affiliated as opposed to the number reported to the 31 of December of 2006. (Graph 31). GR A P H 31 A F F ILIA T E D A N D P A R T IC IP A T IO N O F E A C H F UN D IN T H E S Y S T E M - J A N .3 1T H 2 0 0 7 1,400,000 28.8% 1,200,000 22.4% 1,000,000 19.4% 14.8% 515,109 200,000 13.9% 546,504 719,840 400,000 828,477 1,065,692 600,000 27,776 0.8% 800,000 COLFONDOS SANTANDER PROTECCION HORIZONTE PORVENIR A FFILIA TED SKANDIA 0 P ERCENTA GE OF P A RTICIP A TION 3,703,398 3,710,477 3,721,053 3,744,028 3,769,872 3,813,605 3,866,581 3,924,267 3,994,994 4,124,343 4,169,265 4,060,847 4,100,000 3,331,047 N UM B E R O F A F F ILIA T E D LA S T Y E A R E V O LUT IO N 3,300,000 1.1%- 1.5%- 1.6%- 1.8%- 1.5%- 1.4%- 1.1%- 0.7%- 0.6%- 0.3%- 0.2%- Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 25.2% 1,700,000 0.3% 2,500,000 900,000 Feb-06 Jan-06 100,000 A FFILIA TED M ONTHLY VA RIA TION 21 Of the total of affiliated, the 96.1% correspond to dependent workers, the 2.6% to affiliated voluntary and 1.4% with independent workers. Of another part, the 63.5% of the affiliated the funds are men and the 36.5% women (To see Chart 3.2). 3.5 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO As of January 31 2007, the value of portfolio of the unemployment funds reached USD$ 1,646 million, showing a decrease of 2.1% with respect to the end of the previous month, when it was of USD$ 1,682 million To the closing of January 2007, the 81.6% of portfolio of the mentioned funds, that is to say, USD$ 1,343 million correspond to investments of fixed income; the 16.7% USD$ 274 million to investments in equity, the 1.6%, USD$ 26 million to overnight deposits and 0.1% USD$ 2 millions the net position in derivatives (right less obligations) (Chart 3.3 and Graph31) GRAPH 31 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION: FIXED INCOME, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR 99% FIXED INCOME EQUITY 79.1% 80.1% 78.2% 81.2% 81.6% 87.3% 86.8% DERIVATIVES -NET POSITION- OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS 18.8% 16.4% 19.7% 18.9% 2.3% -0.1% 1.3% 0.8% -1% COLFONDOS $ 199,840 HORIZONTE $ 336,912 0.2% PORVENIR $ 494,129 16.7% 8.1% 11.4% 0.1% 2.3% PROTECCION $ 378,181 2.2% -0.1% SANTANDER $ 205,280 3.8% 1.3% 1.6% SKANDIA $ 32,088 0.1% SYSTEM $ 1,646,430 LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO IN FIXED INCOME, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION - MILLION OF US DOLLAR 100% 85% 70% 55% 40% 25% DERIVATIVES NET POSITION OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS EQUITY FIXED INCOME JAN-07 1,646 M Dic-06 1,682 M Nov-06 1,638 M Oct-06 1,655 M Sep-06 1,617 M AGO/06 1,646 M Jul-06 1,653 M Jun-06 1,587 M May-06 1,765 M Abr-06 1,968 M Mar-06 2,134 M Feb-06 2,308 M -5% JAN - 06 1,658 M 10% The investment in public debt is most significant in these funds. At January 31 2007, this investment represented the 49.6% of the value of the total of portfolio (national debt commits the 38.9%, external national debt the 4.4% and territorial organizations and his decentralized the 6.4%), followed by 22 Institutions watched by other regulatory authority with the 20%, the titles of institutions watched by the Financial Supervision with the 15.4%, the titles emitted and investments in the outside with the 12.8% (Graph 32). 100.0% GRAPH 32 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION BY ISSUER JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR Internal Govermment Debt 99.0% Institutions w atched by other regulatory authority 18.1% 33.2% 37.4% 38.8% Institutions w atched by the Financial Supervision 37.7% 10.5% 48.0% 38.9% External Public Debt 25.8% 24.8% 21.1% 21.4% 20.0% 23.6% 12.6% Other public debt titles 9.9% 19.6% 17.3% 11.3% 19.9% 15.3% International Investment 15.4% 4.1% 3.1% 6.9% 3.9% 7.6% 6.4% 9.2% 3.8% 5.4% 5.7% Others (1) 14.1% 18.1% 14.7% 12.6% 9.4% 1.5% -1.0% COLFONDOS $ 199,840 12.8% 10.2% 2.2% 0.0% 4.4% 6.4% 2.3% 1.8% 8.0% 2.9% 2.2% COLFONDOS HORIZONTE PORVENIR HORIZONTE PORVENIR PROTECCION SANTANDER $$336,912 $ 378,181 $ 470,630 $ 205,280 207,090 $ 494,129 $ 327,042 PROTECCION SANTANDER SKANDIA SYSTEM $$ 32,088 376,181 $ 1,646,430 $ 215,103 (1) FOGAFIN , OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO BY ISUUER MILLION OF US DOLLAR 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% JAN-07 1,646 M Dic-06 1,682 M Nov-06 1,638 M Oct-06 1,655 M Sep-06 1,617 M AGO/06 1,646 M Jul-06 1,653 M Jun-06 1,587 M May-06 1,765 M Abr-06 1,968 M Mar-06 2,134 M Feb-06 2,308 M 0% JAN - 06 1,658 M 10% OTHERS INTERNA TIONA L INVESTM ENT FOGA FIN INSTITUTIONS NONWA CHED B Y THE B A NKING SUP ERINTENDENCY Institutio ns watched by the Financial Supervisio n INTERNA L GOVERM M ENT DEB T M UNICIP A L B ONDS EXTERNA L GOVERM M ENT DEB T The 75.6% of portfolio in mention are denominated in Colombian pesos, the 12.3% in UVR, the 9.7% in US Dollar, the 1.3% in euros, the 0.8% in real, and the rest 0.3% in yen and Canadian dollar. (Graph 33) SKANDIA $ 27,833 S 23 GRAPH 33 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION BY CURRENCY JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR COL Peso (Includes Derivatives Net Position) 99% US Dollar 71.9% 70.1% UVR 73.1% 72.6% 82.8% 75.6% 84.1% EURO Real 9.1% 12.0% 12.4% 9.7% 4.7% others(1) 5.6% 19.1% 26.1% 10.5% 13.7% 12.3% 7.9% 12.1% 3.4% 1.7% 2.4% 0.3% COLFONDOS $ 199,840 HORIZONTE $ 336,912 PORVENIR $ 494,129 2.4% 1.1% -1% PROTECCION $ 378,181 SANTANDER $ 205,280 0.9% 0.3% SKANDIA $ 32,088 1.3% 0.8% SYSTEM $ 1,646,430 (1) Yen and Canadian Dollar LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO BY CURRENCY MILLION OF US DOLLAR EURO UVR US DOLLAR JAN-07 1,646 M Dic-06 1,682 M Nov-06 1,638 M Oct-06 1,655 M Sep-06 1,617 M AGO/06 1,646 M Jul-06 1,653 M Jun-06 1,587 M May-06 1,765 M Abr-06 1,968 M Mar-06 2,134 M Feb-06 2,308 M JAN - 06 1,658 M 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% COL PESO Concerning the foreing currency position, it is observed that the 45.7% of the same one are covered from the exchange rate fluctuation risk and that the discovered part represents 6.6% of the total value of the funds (Graph 34 and Chart 4). 24 GRAPH 34 UNENPLOYMENT FUNDS PERCENTAGE WITHOUT COVER (MAXIMUM 20% 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 8.61% 0.08 7.67% 7.09% 0.06 5.74% 4.73% 0.04 3.88% 0.02 0 01-06 02-06 03-06 04-06 05-06 06-06 PROTECCION SANTANDER 07-06 08-06 09-06 10-06 11-06 PORVENIR SKANDIA 12-06 01-07 HORIZONTE COLFONDOS On the other hand, the 30.5% of the portfolio is invested in fixed income issues denominated in Colombian pesos, the 27.6% indexed to CPI, the 12.3% to fixed income in UVR, 4.7% in fixed income in US Dollar, 5.1% to DTF, 8.7% of portfolio is invested in stocks, 7.9% in Shares (Derived from securitization processes, Mutual Funds, unit trust funds, and Indexed Funds), 0.3% are fixed income issues denominated in euro, and the rest, 2.8% are titles in Real, Libor, overnight deposits and net position in derivatives. (Graph 35 and Chart 3.4). GRAFICO 35 PPORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION ON FIXED INCOME BY INTEREST RATE TYPE, EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION JAN 31TH 2007 - THOUSANDS OF US DOLLAR Fixed income - Col Pesos 100.00% CPI 21.8% 25.6% 25.0% 30.5% 31.8% Fixed income - UVR 43.5% Fixed income - US Dollar 43.6% 28.9% 28.6% DTF 36.4% 26.8% 27.6% 7.0% 22.8% Shares (1) 19.1% 13.7% 13.7% 10.5% 12.3% 7.9% Fixed income - Euro 5.9% 2.6% 12.9% 4.5% 11.3% 7.7% 7.5% 9.8% 2.9% 2.3% PORVENIR $ 494,129 ´(1) Securitization, Mutual Funds, Unit Trust Funds and Indexed Funds ´(2) Libor, Real, Overnight Deposits and Derivatives net position PROTECCION $ 378,181 5.8% SANTANDER $ 205,280 0.3% 2.8% 10.1% 6.7% HORIZONTE $ 336,912 15.6% 1.4% 11.1% 7.8% 5.1% 7.9% 3.5% 1.9% 0.00% COLFONDOS $ 199,840 2.2% 9.6% 5.8% 3.6% 2.2% 0.6% 2.6% 2.3% Others (2) 0.2% 4.7% 7.6% 8.1% 6.5% Stocks 11.4% SKANDIA $ 32,088 8.7% SYSTEM $ 1,646,430 25 OTHERS FIXED INCOME COL PESO FIXED INCOME UVR FIXED INCOME US DOLLAR SHARES JAN-07 1,646 M Dic-06 1,682 M Oct-06 1,655 M Sep-06 1,617 M AGO/06 1,646 M Jul-06 1,653 M Jun-06 1,587 M May-06 1,765 M Abr-06 1,968 M Mar-06 2,134 M Feb-06 2,308 M JAN - 06 1,658 M 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Nov-06 1,638 M LAST YEAR EVOLUTION OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO OF FIXED INCOME BY INTEREST RATE TYPE , EQUITY, OVERNIGHT DEPOSITS AND DERIVATIVES NET POSITION MILLION OF US DOLLAR FIXED INCOME EURO CPI DTF STOCKS As far as the classification of portfolio by credit risk, it is observed that the 44% are titles emitted by the Nation, the 25.3% are investments with qualification AAA, the 9% AA+, the 1.4% AA, the 17.2% are investments that do not require qualification, and rest 3.1% corresponds to titles emitted by Fogafin, titles with qualification AA-, A+, A, 1+, BBB, BBB- (Graph 36). GRAPH 36 PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION BY CREDIT RATING JAN 31TH 2007 100% Sovereign 90% 33.9% AAA 80% 42.8% 41.6% 39.7% 44.0% 42.7% 56.3% 70% AA+ 60% 28.1% 50% 21.2% AA 40% 25.6% 25.3% 29.2% 32.7% 20.7% Don´t require (2) 20% 11.2% 11.8% 30% 2.7% 2.1% 2.7% 1.5% 9.0% 20.5% 10.5% 1.4% 4.3% 1.5% Others (1) 19.7% 10% 17.6% 11.7% 2.4% 21.8% 17.2% 16.8% 11.5% 0% 2.0% COLFONDOS 5.5% HORIZONTE 4.1% PORVENIR 0.7% 2.2% PROTECCION SANTANDER 3.1% 0.2% SKANDIA SYSTEM Source: INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY AFP¨S (1) Fogafin, AA-, A+, A, 1+, BBB, and BBB(2) Investments: Unit Trust Funds, Mutual Fund, Index Fund and Stocks Note 1: For effects to establish the percentage, the total value of portafolio considers excluded the net position in derivatives Note 2: For the titles with provision the net value of purchase was taken from amortizations of capital 26 Finally, it is important to write down that the 4.7% of portfolio of fixed income have an inferior maturity to 180 days, the 2% between 181 and 360 days, the 4.8% between 361 and 720 days, the 8% between 721 and 1,080 days, the 22.2% between 1,081 and 1,440 days, the 10.6% between 1,441 and 1800 days, the 13.2% between 1801 and 2,160 days, the 15.2% between 2,161 and 2,880 days, the 15.6% between 2881 and 3.600 days and the 3.8% have a maturity superior to 10 years (Graph 37 and Chart 3.5). GRAPH 37 PORTFOILO MATURITY FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION (Maturity in days) JAN 31TH 2007 > 3600 100.0% 5.3% 3.3% 4.7% 4.7% 3.8% 16.1% 10.7% 2881 - 3600 13.4% 16.2% 22.5% 15.6% 16.2% 3.4% 2161 - 2880 17.8% 7.1% 12.6% 11.5% 15.2% 18.7% 1801 - 2160 29.9% 10.7% 13.1% 19.3% 13.2% 7.2% 1441 - 1800 8.9% 19.7% 10.9% 1081 - 1440 10.6% 12.1% 12.6% 5.3% 36.0% 5.4% 721 - 1080 10.0% 4.8% 25.4% 13.0% 27.0% 22.2% 9.9% 361 - 720 7.0% 17.2% 3.0% 7.0% 181 - 360 14.3% 10.2% 6.0% 8.0% 5.5% 2.1% 5.0% 5.8% 0.0% 1.3% 4.1% COLFONDOS 8.6% 3.8% 4.7% 1.0% 0 - 180 10.0% HORIZONTE PORVENIR 8.7% 2.1% 4.0% 1.5% 4.8% 2.0% 4.7% 1.6% PROTECCION SANTANDER SKANDIA SYSTEM 4. PAY AS YOU GO REGIME 4.1 PENSION RESERVE FUND´S EQUITY Pay as you go pension reserve fund’s equity to the closing of the month of January 2007 it reported a balance of USD 1,044.4 million dollars, inferior value USD -1.0 million dollars in relation to the registered one in December of 2006, which means a diminution of the -0,09% (graphical 38). The total of reserves to January of 2007 is distributed thus: Retirement Age USD 989.1 million dollars, Invalidity USD 3.9 million dollars and Survival USD 51.4 million dollars (chart 5). Graph 38 Reserve's Found Equited 44,64% 30,07% 11,99% 1 ISS CAPRECOM Dec-06 CAXDAC Jan-07 P. ANT IOQUIA FONPRECON Participation to Jan/07 CAJANAL 68,2 68,7 38,6 31,2 31,0 39,6 3,80% 2,98% 125,2 123,6 315,7 466,2 10 314,0 6,53% 100 467,8 Millions of Dollars 1.000 27 Last Year Evolution of Reserve´s Funds Equity 824,5 845,7 780,5 Aug-06 Sep-06 1.017,6 701,6 Jun-06 956,1 757,1 -7,34% May-06 -0,09% Oct-06 Nov-06 1.044,4 -3,99% 2,73% 2,58% 5,64% 1.045,4 11,25% Apr-06 816,0 874,2 600,0 -3,35% 954,8 Milions of Dolars -6,66% 788,6 -8,44% 300,0 6,43% 13,05% 3,21% 900,0 0,0 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Jul-06 EQUITY VALUE Dec-06 Jan-07 MONTHLY VARIATION Source: Supervised Entities 4.2 AFFILIATES According to the numbers sent by the administrator entities of the mentioned Regime, for November and December of 2006, the total number of affiliates was of 5.984.905 and 5.996.177, respectively, showing a growth of 11.272 affiliated, representing 0,19%. “CAJANAL”´s number is included taking into account preliminary information, and “FONPRECON”´s data is in process of evaluation is composed as follows: In November 2006, 102 correspond to Law 4th of 1992 (Members of the “Congreso de la República”) and 611 to Law 100 of 1993 (Administrative Personal of the “Congreso de la República” and of the “Fondo de Previsión Social”); in December 2006 the distribution was: 101 and 586, respectively (graph 39). Graph 39 Affiliates 98,86% 10.000.000 1.000.000 1,00% 100.000 0,08% 0,02% 713 687 10 0,01% 1.074 1.078 1.367 1.383 5.092 60.000 0,02% 5.181 100 60.000 1.000 5.927.957 5.916.550 10.000 1 ISS CAJANAL (1 ) CAPRECOM Nov-06 P. ANT IOQUIA Dec-06 CAXDAC FONPRECON Participation to Dec/06 (1) According to preliminary information (2) In November 2006: 102 correspond to Law 4th of 1992 and 611 to Law 100 of 1993; in December 2006 the distribution was: 101 and 586, respectively. (Figures in verification) Last year Affiliates´ Evolution 0,08% 1.000.000 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 0,19% 5.996.177 5.984.905 0,00% 5.979.853 0,21% 5.979.834 0,04% 5.967.080 0,11% 5.964.481 0,17% 5.957.848 2.000.000 0,16% 5.947.686 5.927.648 3.000.000 0,18% 5.902.690 4.000.000 5.883.723 5.856.774 5.000.000 0,42% 5.938.334 6.000.000 0,32% 0,46% 0,82% 0 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 AFFILIATES Dec-06 MONTHLY VARIATION Source: Supervised Entities From the total of affiliates for each of the administrators of the Pay As You Go Regime in December 2006, without including “CAJANAL” and “FONPRECON”, 33% corresponds to people who quote, representing 1.955.540; and 67% corresponds to people who do not quote, representing 3.979.950. It is understood like people who do not quote to those affiliated and not-pensioners yet, who for some reason, with they did not do the mandatory payment during the month for which is reported. The total amounts who quote in December 2006 ascended to USD 112,552 thousands of dollars (graph 40). Graph 40 Affiliates clasification 10.000.000 1.949.204 3.978.753 1.000.000 100.000 4.979 10.000 1.092 1.000 113 275 265 809 100 10 1 ISS CAPRECOM QUOTING MEMBERS P. ANTIOQUIA NON-QUOTING MEMBERS CAXDAC 28 Last Year Contributors and Non-Contributors Affiliates´ Evolution 100% 90% 80% 70% 65% 68% 69% 32% 31% 68% 68% 67% 68% 32% 33% 32% 33% M ay-06 Ju n -06 Ju l-06 67% 67% 68% 66% 66% 67% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 35% 32% 33% 32% 34% 34% 33% 10% 0% Dec-05 Jan -06 Feb -06 M ar-06 Ap r-06 NON-QUOTING MEMBERS Au g -06 Sep -06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 QUOTING MEMBERS Source: Supervised Entities 4.3 PENSIONERS The number of pensioners that reported by each-one of the administrators to December 2006 was 935.055, presenting a rise of 6.657 pensioners with respect to November 2006, representing 0.7% (graph 41). Of this total, 683,809 correspond to Oldness, 37,830 to Invalidity and 213,416 to Survival (chart 6). In “CAPRECOM”, of the 22,147 pensioners to December 2006, 13.810 are pensioners prior to the entrance in use of Law 100/93; 4.750 are pensioners in use of Law 100/93 for which the organization concurs and others; 3.432 pensioners in use of Law 100/93 concurs FONCAP with quota fixed share, and 155 are of the Advance Plan of Pensions (PAP) to employer responsibility. From the 2008 pensioners reported by “FONPRECON”, 809 correspond to Law 4th of 1992 (Ex-members of the “Congreso de la República”) and 1.199 to Law 100 of 1993 (Administrative Personal of the “Congreso de la República” and of the “Fondo de Previsión Social”). “CAJANAL”´s data is provided by the Partnership “FOPEP”. According to article 33 of Law 100 of 1993, modified by the article 9° of Law 797 of 2003, in the Pay As You Go Regime, the age of the retirement for the men is 60 years and must at any time have contributed with 1.100 weeks. Whereas for the women the age of the retirement is 55 years, but the weeks of the contribution continue being equal, meaning 1.1005 weeks at any time. Graph 41 Pensioners 73,90% 1.000.000 23,21% 2,37% 687 0,07% 686 1.996 0,21% 2.127 22.138 2.110 10 0,23% 2.008 217.071 100 216.735 1.000 691.015 10.000 684.733 100.000 22.147 10.000.000 1 ISS CAJANAL CAPRECOM (1) Nov-06 Dec-06 P. ANTIOQUIA FONPRECON (2) CAXDAC Participation to Dec/06 (1) CAPRECOM: In December 2006: 13.810 are pensioners prior to the entrance in use of Law 100/93; 4.750 are pensioners in use of Law 100/93 for which the organization concurs and others; 3.432 pensioners in use of Law 100/93 concurs FONCAP with quota fixed share, and 155 are of the Advance Plan of Pensions (PAP) to employer responsibility. (Numbers in evaluation) (2) FONPRECON: In November 2006: 806 correspond to Law 4th of 1992 and 1.190 to Law 100 of 1993; in December 2006 the distribution was: 809 and 1.199, in the same order. (Figures in verification) Last Year Pensioners´ Evolution 0,48% 200.000 896.992 0,61% 0,78% 0,68% Ju l-06 Au g -06 Sep -06 Oct-06 0,63% 0,72% Nov-06 Dec-06 892.741 885.672 Jan -06 873.954 Dec-05 400.000 868.994 868.050 600.000 862.779 800.000 0,75% 935.055 0,80% 928.398 1,34% 922.569 0,57% 916.367 0,11% 909.284 0,61% 903.761 0,41% 0 Feb -06 Mar-06 Ap r-06 May-06 Ju n -06 TOTAL PENSIONERS VARIATION Source: Supervised Entities According to the administrator’s report, the monthly payroll value of pensioners for December 2006, ascended to USD 395.759,8 thousand of dollars (graph 42). Of this total, USD 320.947,0 thousand of 29 dollars corresponds to Oldness pension, USD 14.594,5 thousand of dollars to Invalidity pension and USD 60.218,2 thousand of dollars to Survival pension (chart 6). In CAPRECOM, from the USD 18.272,4 thousand dollars reported in December/06: (a) USD 10.059,0 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the quota fixed share of the organization in which was affiliated the pensioners, the quota fixed share in charge of the sector of the communications and the quota fixed share of outside the sector, by pensions recognized prior to the entrance in use of the Law 100 of 1993, as opposed to which contributions were not made; (b) USD 7.813,6 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the quota fixed share of the organization in which was affiliated the pensioners, the quota fixed share in charge of the sector of the communications and the quota fixed share of outside the sector by pensions recognized after the entrance in use of the Law 100 of 1993, as opposed to which contributions were made; (c) USD 261,3 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the quota fixed share in charge of the “FONCAP” by pensions recognized after the entrance in use of the Law 100 of 1993 which contributions were made; (d) USD 138,5 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the pension that by effect of the Advance Plans of Pensions (PAP) the employer assumes the totality of the same one, until than the affiliated fulfills the established general requirements in the effective norms and which the employer continues quoting to the “FONCAP”. From the USD 11.160,9 thousand of dollars reported by “FONPRECON”, USD 9.135,7 thousand dollars correspond to Law 4th of 1992 pensioners (Ex-members of the “Congreso de la República”) and USD 2.025,2 thousand dollars to Law 100 of 1993 (Administrative Personal of the “Congreso de la República” and of the “Fondo de Previsión Social”). The CAJANAL´s information is provided by the Partnership “FOPEP”. The increase in the monthly payroll value, cancelled by the “Fonprecon” and “Caxdac”, includes the additional monthly pay of December/06. Graph 42 Pension Pays 64,05% 27,57% 4,62% 100.000,0 1.936,4 1.051,5 0,27% 2.680,5 11.160,9 5.440,4 18.272,4 109.121,9 0,68% 1.360,2 10,0 2,82% 35.439,2 100,0 253.472,6 1.000,0 106.139,0 10.000,0 450.306,0 Thousands of Dollar 1.000.000,0 1,0 ISS CAJANAL (1) CAPRECOM (2) Nov-06 Dec-06 FONPRECON (3) (**) CAXDAC (**) P. ANTIOQUIA Participation to Dec/06 (1) Information Partnership FOPEP (2) "CAPRECOM": (a) USD10.059,0 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the quota fixed share of the organization in which was affiliated the pensioners, the quota fixed share in charge of the sector of the communications and the quota fixed share of outside the sector, by pensions recognized prior to the entrance in use of the Law 100 of 1993, as opposed to which contributions were not made. (b) USD 7.813,6 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the quota fixed share of the organization in which was affiliated the pensioners, the quota fixed share in charge of the sector of the communications and the quota fixed share of outside the sector by pensions recognized after the entrance in use of the Law 100 of 1993, as opposed to which contributions were made. (c) USD 261,3 thousand dollars - It corresponds to the value of the quota fixed share in charge of the FONCAP by pensions recognized after the entrance in use of the Law 100 of 1993 which contributions were made. (d) USD 138,5 thousand of dollars - It corresponds to the value of the pension that by effect of the Advance Plans of Pensions (PAP) the employer assumes the totality of the same one, until than the affiliated fulfills the established general requirements in the effective norms and which the employer continues quoting to the FONCAP. (Figures in verification) (3) "FONPRECON": In December 2006, USD 9.135,7 thousand dollars correspond to Law 4th/92 and USD 2.025,2 thousand dollars to Law 100/93. (Numbers in evaluation) ** "Fonprecon" and "Caxdac", they includes the additional monthly pay of December/06. Last Year Pension Pays Evolution 700.000 62,2% 52,3% Source: Supervised Entities Ju n -06 Ju l-06 Au g -06 Sep -06 Oct-06 Monthly variation 600.621,1 M ay-06 -34,1% 4,7% 370.385,4 Ap r-06 Pension Pay Value 2,3% 353.837,2 M ar-06 342.889,1 Feb -06 0,9% 345.837,3 Dec-05 -2,9% 503.808,0 Jan -06 0 -0,9% 330.758,0 -0,2% 340.692,5 100.000 1,5% 343.772,0 200.000 2,0% 344.624,7 300.000 -31,9% -36,7% 339.482,7 400.000 Nov-06 395.759,8 500.000 332.750,3 Thousand of dollars 600.000 Dec-06 30 5.558,2 The arithmetic average of the payment of the pension for this Regime in December 2006 was USD 423,2 dollars, under in -34,58%% of last month’s pension pay (graph 43). 423,2 646,9 366,8 657,6 502,7 1.000,0 489,7 494,3 825,0 2.000,0 917,7 3.901,7 3.000,0 1.600,8 Dollars 4.000,0 1.982,8 2.725,6 5.000,0 Graph 43 Average Pension Pays 0,0 FONPRECON (**) CAXDAC (**) CAPRECOM P. ANTIOQUIA CAJANAL (1) Nov-06 ISS SYSTEM´S AVERAGE Dec-06 (1) Information Partnership FOPEP ** "Fonprecon" and "Caxdac", they includes the additional monthly pay of December/06. Last Year Pension Pays´ Average 61,14% 51,60% Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 423,2 May-06 -34,58% 3,97% 646,9 Apr-06 1,52% 0,25% Nov-06 Dec-06 401,5 370,5 Mar-06 -32,45% 386,1 384,7 100,00 -3,68% Feb-06 391,1 200,00 -2,21% 393,4 300,00 -0,81% 379,4 1,40% 561,7 1,40% -36,96% 396,6 400,00 385,7 Dollars 500,00 380,3 600,00 0,00 Dec-05 Jan-06 SYSTEM´S AVERAGE Oct-06 MONTHLY VARIATION Source: Supervised Entities 4.4 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO The balances of the portfolios of investments of the pensionales reserve funds to January of 2007 (having in mind that, according to what is established in Law 490 from 1998 and statutory Decree 1404 from 28 of July of 1999, “CAJANAL” transferred its reserves to “FOPEP” and therefore does not present balance; and in the case of the “Instituto de Seguros Sociales” – “ISS” – are included the resources corresponding to the Subsidiary Regime) ascend to USD 874,7 million dollars compared to 874,8 million dollars in December 2006, showing an decrease of USD -0,1 million dollars that represent -0,02% (graph 44). The total of the investments to January of 2007 is distributed for each pensional modality, thus: Retirement age USD 808,1 million dollars, Invalidity USD 9,9 million dollars and Survival USD 56,7 million dollars (chart 7) Graph 44 Investment Portfolio 41,87% 35,86% 14,28% 38,5 30,7 30,3 124,9 122,6 313,8 315,4 366,3 10 4,51% 3,46% 39,5 100 367,6 Millions of dollars 1.000 1 ISS CAPRECOM CAXDAC Dec-06 Jan-07 P.ANTIOQUIA FONPRECON Participation to Jan/07 Last Years Investment Portfolio´s Evolutionnes 5,18% -6,94% 200 Au g -06 Sep -06 2,14% 4,60% -0,02% 874,7 1,17% 874,8 Ap r-06 5,55% 836,3 M ar-06 300 11,08% 818,8 749,8 Feb -06 400 -5,94% 778,5 786,1 500 807,3 600 823,7 Millions of Dollars 700 -4,62% 769,5 -2,64% Dec-06 Jan -07 729,0 -1,99% 656,3 8,54% 800 705,3 900 100 0 Jan -06 M ay-06 Ju n -06 PORTFOLIO VALUE Ju l-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 MONTHLY VARIATION Source: Supervised Entities In January of 2007, 90,3% of portfolios were invested in TES, the remaining 9,7% were represented in other bonds different to Nation bonds, contained in the funds administrated by “CAXDAC”. “CAXDAC”´s investment portfolio is substantially different to other pays as you go reserve funds, due to the fact that this entity, in investment matters, is ruled by the norms issued by the “Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia” for Private Pension Fund Administrators (graph 45). 31 Graph 45 PORTFOLIO CLASIFICATION IN: FIXED AND VARIABLE INCOME, DEPOSITS AT SIGHT AND DERIVATIVES NET Thousands of pesos 300.000.000 250.000.000 200.000.000 96,27% 150.000.000 100.000.000 50.000.000 3,43% 0,36% 0 -0,06% -50.000.000 DEPOSITS AT SIGHT INV VARIABLE INCOME BONDS INV FIXED INCOME BONDA Portfolio FORWARD AGREEMENTS Participation VARIABLE RENT BY ISSUER 2,58% 3,02% HIGH LIQUIDITY STOCKS LOW LIQUIDITY STOCKS PARTICIPAT UNIT TRUST FUNDS 94,40% INT PUB DEBT T IT ISSUED OR GUAR BY NAT ION VARIABLE RENT BY ISSUER EXT PUB DEBT T IT ISSUED OR GUAR BY NAT ION 1,17% OT HER PUBL IC DEBT T IT (DEC2681/93) 21,89% 8,53% 8,98% CREDIT T IT OF SECURIT IZAT ION M ORT GAGE PORT FOL IO CREDIT T IT OF SECURIT IZAT ION DIST RIB M ORT GAGE PORT FOL IO T IT ISSUED OR GUAR BY ENT IT IES SUPERVIS BY SFC 11,34% T IT ISSUED OR GUAR BY ENT IT IES SUPERVIS BY OT HERS 17,26% 11,13% 5,26% 14,40% T IT ISSUED OR GUAR BY OVERSEAS BANKS 0,05% T IT ISSUED OR GUAR BY M UL T IL AT ORG 130519 - T IT EM IT U ORIG ENT EXT DIF BCOS SOURCE: Caxdac 5. ISS´s PROFFESIONAL RISKS ADMINISTRATOR 5.1 RESERVES FOR PROFESSIONAL RISKS With occasion of the expedition of Law 776 of 2002, in the article 1°, and in concordance with the instruction of External Circular 044 of “Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia”, the “Instituto de Seguros Sociales” (“ISS”) adopted the technical reserves regime for the life insurance companies that administrate the field of professional risks; in consequence, during the last semester, the “ISS” presents in its balance statement the amount of each of the following reserves: (Graph 46). 25,6 16,8 97,2 25,6 1.099,1 1.264,4 25,4 16,7 97,4 25,4 1.130,1 1.295,1 24,8 16,1 95,2 24,8 1.088,8 1.249,6 24,4 15,8 94,4 24,4 1.071,5 1.230,5 23,3 15,1 89,7 23,3 1.023,7 1.175,1 23,3 88,8 14,9 100,0 23,3 1.000,0 1.169,0 10.000,0 1.018,8 Millions of dollars Graph 46 - Professional Risks Reserves 10,0 1,0 Aug-06 Sep-06 TOTAL RESERVES Oct-06 1-MATHEMATICAL RESERVE Nov-06 2-DEVIATION OF SINISTER 3-WARNED SINISTER Dec-06 4-NOT WARNED SINISTER Jan-07 5-PROFESSIONAL ILLNESS SOURCE: ARP-ISS/ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN VERIFYING PROCESS 5.2 EMPLOYERS AND AFFILIATE EMPLOYEES Affiliated employees to the ISS´s professional risk insurance company (ARP) during last year (between December 2005 and December 2006) they report an increase on 7,43% from 269.977 passing to 290.030, respectively. The workers affiliated, during the same lapse, displayed an increase of 15,27%, when happening from 1.395.761 coming to 1.608.836. For the months of November and December of 2006, the number of affiliated employers increased in 6.973, representative ones of 2,46%, and the affiliated workers increased in 53.360, is to say 3,43% (graph 47). The amounts who quote ARP in December of 2006 ascended to USD 3,66 million of dollars. 32 Graph 47 Employees and workers affiliates 1.610.000 1.608.836 290.030 1.555.476 283.057 279.952 1.543.208 279.653 1.445.846 274.487 1.438.653 262.454 1.409.926 278.208 1.408.120 277.439 1.408.712 276.514 1.393.935 275.732 410.000 270.277 610.000 1.393.720 269.977 810.000 269.235 1.395.761 1.010.000 1.406.807 1.210.000 1.545.264 1.410.000 210.000 10.000 -190.000 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 EMPLOYEES Jul-06 Aug/06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 WORKERS SOURCE: ARP-ISS 5.3 PENSIONERS From the total of 22.787 pensioners who report the ISS´s ARP in December 2006, 10.744 correspond to survival pension and 12.043 to invalidity pension. During last year, the number of pensioners of survival pension showed a growth of 0.73%, invalidity pension a reduction of -0.53% and the total of pensioners reported a an increment of 0,06%. For the months of November and December of 2006, the number of pensioners by survival, invalidity and the total, they displayed increases in 42, 16 and 58 respectively, representing 0,39%, 0,13% and 0,26% (graph 48). The monthly payroll value of pensioners ARP for December of 2006, ascended to USD 5,0 million dollars. Graph 48 Pensioners SURVIVAL 22.787 12.043 22.729 22.685 Oct-06 10.744 Sep-06 10.702 12.027 Ago-06 10.663 12.022 22.645 22.599 22.573 Jul-06 INVALIDITY 10.627 12.018 Jun-06 10.601 11.998 May-06 10.577 11.996 10.552 11.995 Apr-06 22.547 22.908 10.737 12.133 Mar-06 22.870 22.833 Feb-06 10.773 12.135 Jan-06 10.714 12.119 Dec-05 10.700 12.126 22.801 10.684 0 12.117 22.773 12.107 10.666 10.000 22.826 20.000 Nov-06 Dec-06 TOTAL SOURCE: ARP-ISS 5.4 MANDATORY QUOTATIONS AND PENSION PAYMENTS Between the months of January 2006 and January 2007, ISS´s ARP received USD 100,5 million dollars in quotations from affiliate employers, for a monthly average of USD 7,7 million dollars. The amount paid during the same period on pension payments ascended to USD 70,0 million dollars, for a monthly average of USD 4,7 million dollars, taking into account that law establishes an annual cancellation of 14 pension payments. Financial statements and statistical reports are in evaluation and depuration process in order for them to be adjusted to the instructions of External Circular 044 of 2003 (graph 49). 13,2 Graph 49 Mandatory quotations and pension pays Oct-06 5,3 Sep-06 5,0 Aug-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 3,7 4,7 Jul-06 8,8 9,2 4,6 8,1 8,1 7,8 8,0 7,0 7,8 8,0 4,6 Mar-06 4,5 Feb-06 4,6 Jan-06 4,7 5,0 7,4 5,0 6,0 6,5 8,0 4,8 10,0 6,7 12,0 7,6 Millions of Dollars 14,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 Apr/06 May-06 Jun-06 MANDATORY QUOTATIONS SOURCE: ARP-ISS MONTHLY TOTAL PENSION PAY Nov-06