NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SPRING 2011 QUARTER: APRIL 4 – JUNE 10 COURSE: IEP053.01 Listening & Speaking 5 TIME: M-Th. 3.45—4:50 pm PLACE: IB 3428 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: EMAIL: PHONE: Maria Kelley IB 3411A, by appointment 206.528.4573 *No class Monday, May 30 – Memorial Day COURSE DESCRIPTION Listening & Speaking 5 is for non-native speakers of English who are international students. Emphasis is on continuing improvement of reading comprehension of longer texts and expansion of vocabulary. Learn vocabulary skills, word, and parts of speech. Textbooks Materials Contemporary Topics 2, 3rd Edition, by Ellen Kisslinger ISBN: 978-0-13-234524-8 pens, pencils, erasers, notebook, dictionary Note: We will begin using the book on the first Thursday of the quarter. Be sure to have your book by then – consider it a homework assignment. COURSE GOALS Within the context of learning English as a second language, students will also be introduced to American academic culture. COURSE OUTCOMES Listening Write down notes from listening to a speaker Recognize the overall meaning of a lecture Distinguish different ideas in a lecture Recognize examples Highlight key ideas a speaker is making Review and practice note-taking strategies Understand vocabulary in context Speaking Agree/ disagree during a discussion Interrupt and clarify during a discussion Encourage others to participate in a discussion Support your opinions Role Play interviews Re-tell conversations/ stories Continue to work on pronunciation/ idioms ASSESSMENT Your grade will be determined through a combination of the following factors: Attendance/Participation Homework/Assignments Projects/Presentations Quizzes/Tests You must have a minimum grade of 75% to pass this course. ATTENDANCE Come to class every day so that you can keep up with the class and improve your English. IMPORTANT!!!!! If you miss 8 days of class you automatically fail the class. Every time you are absent you lose 10 points. When you are late, you lose 5 points. It is important to come to class and to be on time. Excused Absences: You must contact me by email BEFORE you are absent from class. You are still responsible for completing all assignments and homework as scheduled. Your instructor will arrange for you to make up work that you have missed, including inclass assignments and tests. Unexcused Absences: If you do not contact me BEFORE you are absent from class, you cannot make up any missed in-class assignments or tests given on that day. Homework assignments due on days that you are absent will not be accepted and you will receive a grade of zero ‘0’ for the assignment. Any type of absence, excused or unexcused, is recorded as a zero ‘0’ for the day(s) that you are absent and will affect your participation percentage. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS These policies and expectations are intended to optimize class time, thereby allowing each student to get the most out of the course as possible. 1. English only 5. Come prepared 2. Participate 6. Take responsibility for your own learning 3. Listen 7. Cell phones/pagers silent 4. Be on time 8. Clean up after yourselves