WORLD HISTORY: This class is a historic survey course of the entire world, with the emphasis placed on the development and history of major cultural areas. It is the purpose of the course to provide an academic base on the cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of our global and interdependent world. We will emphasize the transition from 1400 to the present. We will apply social science knowledge that will allow for a successful social studies experience. PERSONAL: I have been teaching History at Benton High School for the last 21 years. I am also sponsor of the National Honor Society. You can reach me at or at 671-4030. I am usually at school by 7:00 in the morning and stay until 3:30, unless I am attending one of my students sporting events or activities. I am also available every other day from 1:15 to 3:30. Please feel free to contact me when you have questions. I have three daughters and a son. My children are all grown, two of my daughters are also teachers and my son is a California Highway Patrol. I have one granddaughter and one grandson. Because my family is grown, I attend many of the activities your children are involved in here at Benton. I am a firm believer in supporting my students in their activities. EDUCATION: Education is important in our family. I have my Bachelors of Science degree in Social Sciences from Missouri Western State University, my Masters in Education from Baker University and my Education Specialist in Administration from William Woods University. I ASSIGNMENTS AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Assignments will be given and graded on a point basis. These points will be converted to a percentage and the student will receive the letter grade according to that percentage, district policy. If a student is absent, they can get their missing assignments the day they return. They will have two days to make up this work when they return (board policy). If a student is here and does not do their assignment (including participation), they will get two weeks of school days to complete the work and turn it in for credit. They will receive 70% of whatever grade they earn. After two weeks, they will receive no credit. If I collect homework at the beginning of the hour and you don’t turn it in at that time, it IS late. GRADING SCALE: 94-100% A 90-93% A87-89% B+ 83-86% B 80-82% B77-79% C+ 73-76% C 70-72% C67-69% D+ 63-66% D 60-62% D<60% F CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: 1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. If you fail to do this, you are tardy. 2. Raise your hand and be quiet until the teacher calls on you. 3. The bell only signals the end of the period, not dismissal. Dismissal is the teacher’s responsibility, not the bells. You must be in your seat until dismissed by the teacher. The teacher will NOT dismiss you before the bell rings. 4. Food and drink are NOT permitted. Water is the only thing you may bring into the classroom. 5. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to ask me for make-up work. If you know you are going to be absent ahead of time, you need to get your assignments before hand. If your absence is excused, you need to get the class homework the day you come back. CONSEQUENCES: 1. Warning 2. Detention served within 2 school days/Other appropriate consequence 3. Time doubled on detention and served within 2 school days/Other appropriate consequence 4. Office CHEATING: Whether you give or receive information during an examination or on certain assignments, the offense is the same. You will receive a zero for the work. Repeated offenders will be sent to the office for further action. Parents will be contacted.