INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Rodriguez (and Mrs. Kimberly Anselene)
ROOM: Block 1-L309 / Block7-L311 / Block 8-L311
OFFICE HOURS: Students should speak to me before hand to check for availability.
PHONE: (571) 434-4400
 Titan agenda
 2”binder
 5 dividers
 Blue and/or black pens
 Textbook or current novel/play
“Literature and language is the best means that humans have to share experiences”
The ability to write well is a very valuable skill for every student, especially for 11th
graders as they prepare for the SOL and SAT. Everyone has the ability to write well with
practice. Writing assignments will primarily be typed given the time allotted for the
assignment. There is also a good deal of hand writing that will be done and if there is an
assignment (of any kind) handed to me that is illegible I will hand it back and if it is not
redone by the end of the block, it is late. The last page is an example on how to format
your writings assignments:
It is very important for you to keep this page in your binder, as this will function as a
template for the year. Make sure that with any writing assignment that you type or write
you check for grammatical and spelling errors. Reading you completed assignments
aloud can be very beneficial. You practice reading skills, catch simple mistakes, and it
may help build your sentence fluency and word choice. We will be writing a great deal.
1. Homework
The function of homework is not to take up your time. Rather, it is an opportunity for
you to prepare for, to practice, or to show mastery of a concept taught in class.
Homework is always due at the very beginning of the next class unless otherwise
instructed. By completing homework we can dive into our classes much more
productively. Some assignments can be done together but when directed to complete
homework alone, cheating will not be tolerated.
2. Make-Up Work/Late Work
If you are absent, you should pick up missed work DURING YOUR BLOCK (IF TIME
PERMITS), BEFORE SCHOOL, OR AFTER SCHOOL. You will have one day to turn
in missed work. If you miss a quiz or test you must see me immediately to schedule a
make-up at a mutually convenient time. Remember that when you are absent for
whatever reason, it is your responsibility to make-up the work. Late work will not be
accepted more than one day late. If it is a major assignment you will lose 20% of the
possible points every day until you reach 40%, at which point it changes to a ZERO. If
you are going to be absent due to a school event (field trip, game, etc.) then you must see
me before you miss class to turn in work, or it will be considered late. If absent, Titan
Time is the best time to make-up any in-class work. Also, if absent, there will be a folder
that is assigned for each block and within those folders you can find any handouts that
was given.
3. Class Participation
No one enjoys a class in which the instructor lectures for the entire time. Therefore,
speak up! If you have an idea, opinion, question or comment, share it with everyone at
an appropriate time. Be prepared because everyone will be an active participant in class.
One can only learn by trying/doing. The one rule of participation is that it is done
respectfully towards everyone.
The following page is a template for all typed writing assignments.
Your headerLast Name Page Number
(Do on every page and it should be aligned right)
Your Name
Mr. Rodriguez
Due Date
Title centered but not underlined
or in quotes (double-spaced)
The next step is to double-space the writing portion of the assignment. You can
do this by clicking format then clicking paragraph. You must then select double-space.
After each paragraph, you go to the next line and hit tab once to begin a new paragraph.
Everything that you type will be in size 12 Times New Roman.
When you start your following paragraphs you do not skip multiple lines. Due to
the fact that you are double-spacing your paper you only need to go to the next new line
as shown here.
Make sure that when you get to a new page your last name and page number
appears on the far right hand side of the margin on the top line. Continue your paper on
the next line. Do not skip any lines between your name and your work.
If there is ever any confusion, please ask me ahead of the due date. I will be
happy to help you to ensure that your paper is properly formatted. When completing
homework assignments you must follow the same heading and title rules but you do not
need to include your last name on the first and any subsequent pages.