
Death (and Resurrection) of the Two Party System: 1815-1828
Election of 1816
a. James Monroe (D-R)
b. Rufus King (F) and . . .
c. Result was no surprise
i. __________ won
ii. DRs had taken issues of ____________ and ____________ from Federalists
iii. Plus, Feds were very unpopular =>
James Monroe
a. ____________ plantation owner
b. Fought in Revolutionary War =>
c. Served in Congress, __________________ & as a _____________________ to
d. ____________________ of Virginia
e. One of the negotiators of the _________________________ _________________
f. Secretary of State to Madison, 1811-1814 =>
“Era of Good Feelings”, 1816-1824
a. No partisanship =>
b. Society expanding, growing, building =>
c. ___________________ strong =>
d. Marred by . . .
Panic of 1819
a. Land Act of 1800
i. Remember the NW Ordinance of 1787? =>
ii. The Land Act divided . . .
iii. Removed ___________ acre minimum purchase requirement
iv. Changed to _______ acres at ________ per acre =>
v. State banks loaned money to . . .
b. Causes of the 1819 Panic
i. Second Bank of the US’ …
1. Called in loans . . .
2. State banks failed =>
ii. End of Napoleonic Wars
1. Agricultural prices . . .
2. Lower demand for US manufactured goods =>
3. Unemployment =>
c. Fixing the Panic
i. Land Act of 1820
1. Eliminated purchase of federal land . . .
2. Changed to . . .
3. Made western lands _________ _____________________
ii. Regional differences
1. North =>
2. South =>
Slavery & the Missouri Compromise
a. Missouri becomes first state _________ of Mississippi . . .
b. Issues
i. Senate balance =>
ii. Should Western lands . . .
c. Tallmadge Amendment
i. NY Rep James Tallmadge =>
ii. Forbid additional . . .
iii. Gradual emancipation =>
iv. Amendment began . . .
v. House adopted but . . .
d. Henry Clay, Speaker of the House
i. Proposed compromise
1. MO …
2. Maine …
ii. Preserved …
iii. LA Territory division =>
Election of 1820
a. Monroe ran _________________
b. Monroe wins all but . . .
c. GW story =>
d. Truth =>
VII. Monroe Administration
a. Political ______________
i. No Federalists =>
ii. Monroe neglected . . .
b. Internal development
i. Infrastructure construction =>
ii. Westward _____________________
c. Foreign Affairs
i. Gained FL through . . .
ii. Monroe Doctrine =>
VIII. Election of 1824
a. Remember system? =>
b. 4 presidential candidates
i. Andrew ___________________ (State? ______) ECV:
ii. John Quincy _______________ (State? ______) ECV:
iii. William H. ________________ (State? _______) ECV:
iv. Henry _____________ (State? _______) ECV:
c. One VP candidate: __________________________
d. So who wins? ______________!!!
i. Voting went along . . .
ii. ________ ECV needed to win
e. No ECV majority, so . . .
i. Each state gets _____ vote
ii. Vote on top three . . .
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
iii. “Corrupt Bargain”
1. Clay, House Speaker =>
2. Clay threw support behind ________________
3. Adams . . .
4. Adams then appointed Clay ________________________________
f. Fallout from Election of 1824
i. Revival of . . .
ii. Democratic-Republican Party SPLITS!
1. Democratic Party =>
2. National Republican Party (become Whigs) =>
John Quincy Adams
a. Son of . . .
b. Only President to be . . .
c. Diplomat under …
d. Secretary of State for __________________
e. Main author of . . .
Adams’ Administration
a. Wanted to continue …
i. High tariff =>
ii. National . . .
iii. High land prices =>
iv. National . . .
v. Roads & _______________
b. Great opposition to Adams in Congress
i. Narrow victory =>
ii. Jackson & his supporters, resisted Adams =>