James Monroe’s Administration was known as the ERA of GOOD... o o Sectionalism

o James Monroe’s Administration was known as the ERA of GOOD FEELINGS
o Sectionalism
- Henry Clay (KY) – for West
- John C. Calhoun (SC) – for South
- Daniel Webster (Mass.) – for North
o Second Bank of the United States (established 1816 – for a score)
o Tariff of 1816
- was a protective tariff that increased tariffs to 25% making imported goods more expensive than
American-made (helped the North but made the South mad).
o American System – Henry Clay’s program
- introduced a new Bank of the United States, raised tariffs, and created new tariffs
- all money will go to internal improvements
o McCullough v. Maryland
- Maryland can’t tax the Bank of the United States because it was property of the national
government (1819)
o Missouri Compromise – proposed by Henry Clay
Clay proposes that Maine enter as a free state and Missouri as a slave state; 36˚30’ parallel
o Canada becomes a nation. (British, French, and Native Americans)
o Adams-Onis Treaty
US gained Florida from Spain for $5 million.
o Simon Bolivar – “George Washington of South America”
o Mexico and Central America won independence in 1821. Brazil won independence from Portugal in
o Monroe Doctrine
- John Quincy Adams (Secretary of State) encouraged Monroe to make a statement against the
Holy Alliance (Russia, Prussia, Austria, and France)
- afraid that they would try taking over Latin America
- Britain wanted to have a joint statement but we wanted to make our own
- Monroe Doctrine stated that US would not interfere with Europe but warned Europe not to
attack newly independent nations
o Election of 1824
Jackson wins electoral and popular votes but since it wasn’t a majority. Therefore, it went to the
house and John Quincy Adams won.
1. George Washington
2. John Adams
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. James Madison
5. James Monroe
6. John Quincy Adams
7. Andrew Jackson