American Pageant Ch. 12 Era of Good Feelings (1812


American Pageant Ch. 12 Era of Good Feelings (1812-1824) Allen Zhu

Nascent Nationalism Literature: Washington Irving, JF Cooper

1815 North American Review ; also American textbooks, painters

American System

Bank, 10K army, navy victory at Barbary

1824 American System (Henry Clay):

Banking system for abundant credit

1816 20-25% tariff to protect mfg.

Era of Good Feelings

& Panic of 1819

Growing Pains in the


Roads + canals, esp. in Ohio Valley

1817 Madison vetoes Calhoun’s Bonus Bill

$1.5M state transportation stimulus - unconstitutional

1825 Erie Canal in NY

1816 James Monroe elected – administrator

1817 Goodwill tour of NE

Overspeculation of Western lands by wildcat western banks

Scrutiny of debtor’s prisons

Monroe still reelected

Expansion of 9 states (alternating slave/free)

Ohio fever: appealed to “Butternuts”, Yankees, immigrants

Land exhaustion in older states

1811 Cumberland Road (MA – IL), steamboat

Land Act of 1820: 80 acres @ $1.25/acre min, also cheap roads, money

Missouri Compromise 1819 Tallmadge amendment: make MO free, passes House, alarms South

MO admitted as slave state, Maine as free to balance

Further slavery prohibited above 36 ° 30’

Lasted 34 years

John Marshall &



Property Rights

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819): Bank of US constitutional (loose construction), and MD cannot tax it

Cohens v. Virginia (1821): lottery tickets, reasserted judicial review

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824): NY confers monopoly over NJ trade to steamboat

Fletcher v. Peck (1810): GA bribed into granting 35M acres in Miss. To

Senator Daniel Webster: foremost orator, challenged nullification

Territory Negotiations Treaty of 1818: share Newfoundland, LA at 49 ° , joint occupation of Oregon

Revolutions in S. America  opportunistic FL Indian attacks

European Menace

Jackson executes two chiefs, two British, captures St. Marks + Pensacola

1819 FL Purchase Treaty (JQ Adams): Spain cedes FL + Oregon for TX

Monarchs suppress European rebellion, turn to S. America

1821 Russia extends Alaska to 51 ° 

America fears Russia will cut off CA

Britain wants to preserve good trade

1823 Canning asks America to renounce S. American territory

Monroe’s Doctrine Adams decides alliance w/ British undignified + unnecessary

Monroe Doctrine: noncolonization, nonintervention, isolation of New World


1824 Russo-American Treaty: Alaska’s southern boundary set at 54 ° 40’ speculators, but contract upheld

Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819): Upheld Dartmouth’s charter against

NH at cost of less public control
