Double Helix Movie Worksheet

Double Helix Movie : 1.Who is one of the “believers”? 2.Who is the “bright hope”? 3.What is the “gossip”? 4.What are the goals, and who is goal oriented? 5. What is the “Buried treasure”? Who possesses it? 6. What is the “A” form of DNA? Who is working on it? 7. What is the “B” form of DNA? Who is working on it? ‘8. How do the scientists look at the structure of DNA? 9. What are “the little problems”? 10. Who are the “little boys”? 11. What didn’t’ she see? 12. How did they pair the bonds? Were the paper cut-­‐outs of any value? 13. What is “beautiful”? 14. What benefits couldhave been achieved if everyone would have shared information? 15. Briefly describe the scientific methods of Watson and Crick. 16. What comments / feelings do you have reagarding this discovery and the way it was discovered? 17. In the credits, observe the list of people consulted in making this film. Does this detract from, or lend credibility to, the movie portrayal? 