DynaLite Graduate Student Seminar Modeling protein binding to DNA Kate Rardin

DynaLite Graduate Student Seminar
Modeling protein binding to DNA
Kate Rardin
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montana State University
Monday, April 17, 4:10 – 5:00 pm
2–244 Hurst Conference Room
As we mathematicians continue to push our way into other sciences in an attempt to
further knowledge as a whole, modeling biological systems has become a hot topic. In
my brief research here at MSU, I have primarily worked with cell cycles which rely
on modeling the binding of RNA polymerase and other proteins to DNA. I will give
a quick overview of the biology involved and then continue on to the model. If there
is time, I’ll also discuss how this DNA transcription model is used as described by
Santilln and Mackey in Biophysical Journal, 2004.