
AP U.S. Government & Politics Study Guide
Unit 4 – Political Parties, Interest Groups, & Elections
(Chapters 8, 9, and 11 in the textbook & Chapters7, 8, and 11 in the Crash Course book)
Political Parties:
political party – meaning?
political party’s role as…
- electorate
- organization
- government
- one-party system
- multi-party system
- two-party system
party era
critical election
party realignment
party dealignment
Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans
Whigs v. (Jacksonian) Democrats
Democratic Party & Republican Party
New Deal coalition
third parties (minor parties)
obstacles encountered by third parties
types of third parties:
- issues
- “splinter parties”
- charismatic leadership
purpose(s) of third parties
party organization
Interest Groups:
interest group – meaning?
interest groups’ goals
similarities/differences between political parties
types of interest groups (pg. 311 in textbook)
- lobby
- raise money
- influence public opinion
successful interest groups
free-rider problem
selective benefits
role of lobbyist
amicus curiae briefs
political action committee
political party = process
interest group = campaign finance
history of primary elections
1968 Democratic National Convention
caucus v. primary
open/closed primaries
Iowa & New Hampshire
national convention
party platform
history of campaign financing
Federal Election Campaign Act (1974)
Federal Election Commission
matching funds
Presidential Election Campaign Fund
Buckley v. Valeo
soft money
McCain-Feingold Act (2002)
Citizens United v. FEC (2010)
*Don’t forget that your terms are due the day of
the test! 