UNIT PLANNING OUTLINE Unit 3: Political Parties, Interest Groups, & Mass Media (Political Processes) Content Covered: political party organization and power, nominations, campaigns, political advertisements, money in politics, “selective perception” EQs: What are some differences between Democrats and Republicans? Are there other options beside these two choices? Political parties and interest groups are not mentioned in the constitution yet they play a critical role. How? Do political parties serve our democracy or are they an obstacle? How do interest groups influence government decision and policy making? What role do party organizations, PACs, and money generally play in the campaigning and electoral process? What role does the media play in elections and shaping public opinion? In what ways does the media influence the political process? Key Terms: bias Blue Dog Democrat critical election divided government Federal Election Campaign Act Federal Communications Commission (FCC) federal matching funds frontloading gerrymandering grass roots participation hard money Hatch Act “horse race” journalism independent expenditures interest groups issue ads linkage institutions lobbyists National Convention party dealignment party realignment primary (closed v. open) Political Action Committee (PAC) proportional representation realignment reapportionment Republican in Name Only (RINO) selective perception soft money sound bite superdelegates SUPERPAC third party winner take all Readings: Textbook--Chapters 9-12 Potential Lanahan readings: Part Twelve: Voting and Elections Part Thirteen: Political Parties Part Fourteen: The Media GPS Correlation: SSCG8: Demonstrate knowledge of local, state and national elections. a) Describe the organization, role and constituencies of political parties. b) Describe the nomination and election processes. c) Examine campaign funding and spending. d) Analyze the influence of media coverage, campaign advertising, and public opinion polls. e) Identify how amendments extend the right to vote. Useful websites: http://www.270towin.com/ --follow presidential election races http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/ -- Pres. campaign commercials from 1952-2012