AP European History

AP European History
Course Content: The study of European history since 1450 introduces students to cultural,
economic, political, and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world
in which they live. Without this knowledge, we would lack the context for understanding the
development of contemporary institutions, the role of continuity and change in present-day
society and politics, and the evolution of current forms of artistic expression and intellectual
In addition to providing a basic narrative of events and movements, the goals of the AP program
in European History are to develop (a) an understanding of some of the principal themes in
modern European History, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence and historical
interpretation, and (c) an ability to express historical understanding in writing.
College Board, 2009
Course Grade:
Grades for AP European History will be based on a variety of in-class and homework
assignments. The course is taught on a mastery philosophy. I want the students to master the
material we cover. During the first semester, essay exams and DBQs may be revised and
submitted for a higher grade (up to a B-). Students must make an appointment to discuss
revisions prior to submission. Multiple choice exams may be corrected with justifications for up
to a B- during the first quarter only. Revisions and corrections must be submitted within one
week of the exam.
Grading Scale:
Tests, Essays, Projects, DBQs
Semester Final
Quizzes (Chapter & reading)
Notebook, in-class and HW
95-100 =A
90-94 =A70-73=C87-89=B+
Below 60=F
Grades ending in .5 or higher will be rounded up to the next whole number.
Writing assignments:
Writing assignments will be graded using the College Board’s Free-Response Question Rubric
and DBQ rubric. The numerical scores will be converted as follows:
9 = 40 points A
4 = 28 points C8 = 36 points A3 = 27 points D+
7 = 35 points B+
2 = 24 points D6 = 32 points B1 = 0-20 points depending on quantity and quality of written work.
5 = 31 points C+
Grade adjustments will be made based on performance on external assessments (CST exams and
AP exam). Information will be distributed to students in April.
Make-up Work:
Homework assignments are posted online, therefore students are expected to return to work with
assignments that are due after an absence. Students with excused absences may complete makeup work within one day of returning to school. Students who are absent on exam days will be
given an alternate exam which may be either an essay or multiple choice exam. After two
absences on exam days, I will request a parent conference. Students with unexcused absences or
tardies to AP Euro on the day of exams or assignment due dates will not be allowed to make up
the assignments or turn them in. AP European History is a cumulative, fast-paced course.
Failure to make-up work and excessive absences, excused or not, will have a detrimental effect
on students performance. Students should consult the course outline and homework site on the
Kennedy webpage prior to returning to class.
Academic Honesty:
Cheating in the form of copying, plagiarism, academic dishonesty, or deception that unfairly,
improperly or illegally enhances the grade on an individual or group assignment, or a final course
grade will result in serious consequences. If students have any doubt as to whether a particular
act constitutes cheating, he/she should ask the teacher before proceeding. Consequences will
follow the Kennedy Policy Handbook. First offense will result in no credit for the assignment
and a lowering of the current grading period citizenship grade to a “U.” A second offense will
result in no credit on the assignment, the lowering of the semester grade by one letter grade and a
“U” in citizenship for the semester. In all cases, parents will be contacted and a referral will be
sent to the appropriate administrator.
Materials needed for class:
Textbook: The Western Heritage (provided)
3 prong notebook to submitted every two weeks
3-ring binder suggested for keeping work organized at home for AP review
Highlighter, pencil, blue or black pen and colored pen for revising
Classroom policies:
Be on time, be prepared with your own work and be respectful.
All Kennedy policies will be followed. Unexcused tardies will result in a one hour detention and
a phone call home. After two tardies, a referral to the AP will be submitted. No cell phones or
electronic devices should be seen or heard in class. In addition to immediate confiscation of the
device and OCS, any phones or electronic devices seen out during an exam will result in an
immediate zero on the exam. Follow the school rules and our lives will be easier.
Office hours:
Mrs. Foy is available at lunch and before school to provide tutorial assistance. In addition,
possible evening and Saturday morning study sessions may be held to review for finals and the
AP exam. Students may also contact Mrs. Foy via email at Foy_J@auhsd.us.
If you have any questions throughout the year, please email me or leave a message at (714) 2204101. Please indicate the student’s name so that I can access your student’s information before
returning your call or email.
I am looking forward to a great year with your child!
Mrs. Julie Foy
AP European History Teacher
IB Diploma Program Co-Coordinator