SYLLABUS COM 203-E & G PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS AVEN 112 FALL, 2011 CREDIT: Three semester hours Instructor: Sandra E. Grayson MC extension: 3454 Office: Aven 102 B E-mail: grayson@mc.ed REQUIRED MATERIAL: Joseph A. DeVito (2008) Essentials of Human Communication. (7th edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman. RATIONALE: This course is designed to improve oral communication skills and provide opportunities to develop communication skills in the area of problem solving, leadership, interviewing and negotiating. Students will practice identifying and using both verbal and nonverbal channels and cues. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will: 1. Understand some of the major concepts from communication and theory and research 2. Recognize his/her communication personality 3. Challenge and evaluate ideas to which he/she is exposed 4. Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of other speakers 5. Have improved his/her oral communication skills ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Mississippi College students are expected to be honest. Please refer to the Mississippi College Undergraduate Bulletin for a discussion of plagiarism and cheating. Also refer to university policy 2.19. COURSE POLICIES: EVALUATION: Your work in this course will be graded on the following scale: A = 94 - 100 Exceptional work B = 85 - 93 Above average work C = 75 - 84 Average work D = 68 - 74 Below average work F = Below 67 Failing work; No credit given ASSIGNMENTS: You will be evaluated on the following work: Interpersonal paper, Interview, Small Group work, Informative Speech, Persuasive Speech, Resume’, Quizzes, Participation, Exams WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: You will have one major written assignment- The Interpersonal Paper. I will grade this assignment on style as well as on content. This paper should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The MC librarians are a great source of help if you need further guidance on style. ATTENDANCE: It is in your best interest to be here. Much of your grade will be based on work performed in class in the form of presentations and activities. I will adhere strictly to the university policy on absenteeism. Tardiness may result in deductions from participation grade. PARTICIPATION: Participation is part of your grade. Participation includes: relevant contribution to class discussions, timeliness and general attitude. MAKE-UP WORK: PRESENTATIONS: Students with unexcused absences will NOT be allowed to make up presentations. Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up a presentation at MY earliest convenience. This means you should be prepared to present until you have the opportunity. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Papers, class activities and assignments will be penalized 10 points for every class day they are late. Nothing will be accepted more than one week after it is due. EXAMS: Students with an excused absence may make up an exam in one week. Unexcused absences will NOT be allowed to make up an exam. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES: Lecture, Class Activities, Readings, Class Discussion, Quizzes, Research paper, Presentations and Exams AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, SECTION 504 In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, he or she must contact Student Counseling Services (SCS). SCS will assist with information regarding the appropriate policy and procedure for disability accommodations before each semester or upon immediate recognition of the disability. SCS is located in Alumni Hall Room #4 or you may contact them by phone at 601-925-7790. The Director of Student Counseling Services, Dr. Bryant may be reached via email at