O RCCl Chapter 15 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Acyl chloride O O Carboxylic Acid Derivatives RCOCR Anhydride O RCOR' RCOR Ester O RCNR'2 O RCCl O RCCl Acyl chloride O O Decreasing Reactivity (Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution) RCOCR Anhydride Ester O RCNR'2 Acyl chloride O O O RCOR' RCOR Amide Increasing stabilization of C=O RCOCR Anhydride O RCOR' RCOR Ester O Amide RCNR'2 Amide most reactive O RCCl O O RCOCR' O a carboxylic acid derivative can be RCOR' converted by nucleophilic acyl substitution to any other type that lies below it in this table Spectroscopic Analysis of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives O RCNR' RC NR'2 O RCO– least reactive Infrared Spectroscopy Infrared Spectroscopy C=O stretching frequency depends on whether the compound is an acyl chloride, anhydride, ester, or amide. Anhydrides have two peaks due to C=O stretching. One results from symmetrical stretching of the C=O C O unit, the other from an antisymmetrical stretch. C=O stretching frequency ν C=O stretching frequency ν O O O CH3CCl CH3COCCH3 1822 cm-1 1748 and 1815 cm-1 O O CH3COCH3 CH3CNH2 1736 cm-1 1694 cm-1 O O CH3COCCH3 1748 1748 and and -1 1815 1815cm cm-1 Infrared Spectroscopy Infrared Spectroscopy Amides show different NN-H stretching peaks depending on the number of hydrogens present: A primary amide ((--CONH2) shows two peaks A secondary amide ((--CONHR) shows one peaks A tertiary amide ((--CONR2) shows no NN-H stretching Infrared Spectroscopy Nitriles are readily identified by absorption due to carbon--nitrogen triple bond stretching in the 2210carbon 22102260 cm-1 region. 1H NMR 1H NMR readily y distinguishes g between isomeric esters of the type: O RCO COR' R' O and R'CO R' COR R O O C H is less shielded than C C H O O 1H NMR CH3CH2CO COCH CH3 CH3CO COCH CH2CH3 For example: O O CH3COCH2CH3 and CH3CH2COCH3 Both have a triplet triplet--quartet pattern for an ethyl group and a methyl singlet. They can be identified, however, on the basis of chemical shifts. 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 5.0 Chemical shift (δ (δ, ppm) 13C NMR Carbonyl carbon is at low field (δ (δ 160 160--180 ppm), but not as deshielded as the carbonyl carbon of an aldehyde or ketone (δ (δ 190 190--215 ppm). The carbon of a CN group appears near δ 120 ppm. Acid halides 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 Acyl Halides Acyl Halides O RC O X acetyl chloride CH3CCl Name the acyl group after the carboxylic acid and substitute -ic acid by -yl chloride, chloride, fluoride fluoride,, bromide bromide,, or iodide as appropriate acyl chlorides are, by far, the most frequently encountered of the acyl halides O H2C CHCH2CCl 3-butenoyl chloride O F CBr p-fluorobenzoyl bromide Preparation of Acyl Chlorides From carboxylic y acids and thionyl y chloride O (CH3)2CHC CHCOH OH O SOCl2 heat CHCCl Cl + SO2 + HCl (CH3)2CHC (90%) The same reaction can be carried out with PCl3 Reactions of Acid Chlorides: Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions of Acyl Chlorides General Mechanism for Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution O involves formation and dissociation off a tetrahedral t t h d l intermediate i t di t RCCl RC Cl O O RCOCR' OH •• O •• R C HY O •• - HX R C X O •• Y R C RCOR' O Y RCNR' RC NR'2 O X RCO– Reactions of Acyl Chlorides Reactions of Acyl Chlorides Acyl chlorides react with water to give carboxylic acids (carboxylate (carboxylate ion in base): O RCCl RC Cl + H2O Acyl chlorides react with water to give carboxylic acids (carboxylate (carboxylate ion in base): O RCO RC OH O O + HCl RCCl RC Cl + H2O RCO RC OH H O 2HO O– RCCl RC Cl + 2H O O RCO RC O– + Cl– + H2O via: R C Cl OH + HCl Example Reactions of Acyl Chlorides Acyl chlorides react with carboxylic acids to give acid anhydrides: O O C6H5CH2COH + HCl C6H5CH2CCl + H2O O O O O R'CO OH RCCl RC Cl + R'C Reactions of Acyl Chlorides O O O RCCl RC Cl + R'COH RCOCR' H via: R O O C OCR' Cl + Example Acyl chlorides react with carboxylic acids to give acid anhydrides: O RCO RC OCR' O O CH3(CH2)5CCl + CH3(CH2)5COH pyridine + HCl O O CH3(CH2)5COC(CH2)5CH3 (78--83%) (78 HCl Reactions of Acyl Chlorides Reactions of Acyl Chlorides Acyl chlorides react with alcohols to give esters: Acyl chlorides react with alcohols to give esters: O O R'O OH RCCl RC Cl + R' O O RCO RC OR' + HCl R'O OH RCCl RC Cl + R' RCO RC OR' + HCl H O via: R C OR' Cl Example Reactions of Acyl Chlorides O O C6H5CCl + (CH3)3COH pyridine C6H5COC(CH3)3 (80%) Acyl chlorides react with ammonia and amines to give amides: O RCCl RC Cl + R'2NH + HO– O RCN RC NR'2 + H2O + Cl– Reactions of Acyl Chlorides Example Acyl chlorides react with ammonia and amines to give amides: RCCl + R'2NH + HO– C6H5CN C (87--91%) (87 + Cl– O R H2O RCNR'2 + H2O H via: NaOH C6H5CCl + HN O O O O NR'2 Cl Friedel-Crafts Acylation of Benzene Reaction with Grignard reagents O O O H AlCl3 + CH3CH2CCl O R'MgX C CCH2CH3 R OH 1. R'MgX C Cl R R' 2. H+, H2O R C R' + HCl Example: El t hil iis an acyll cation Electrophile ti O C + CH3CH2C •• O •• CH3CH2C + O •• Cl 1. 2 CH3MgCl 2. H+, H2O C(CH3)2 OH R' R Lithium diorganocuprates are used to form C—C bonds Example: Lithium dimethylcuprate (CH3)2Cu CuLi Li + CH3(CH2)8CH2COCl O R2Cu CuLi Li + R‘CX R‘C X O R‘CX X Ar2Cu CuLi Li + R‘C O diethyl ether LiX X R C R' + RCu + Li O LiX X Ar C R' + Ar ArCu Cu + Li Example: Lithium diphenylcuprate CH3(CH2)8CH2CO COCH CH3 Reduction of Acyl Chlorides (C6H5)2Cu CuLi Li + CH3(CH2)6CH2COCl O LiAlH(O ( tBu))3 CH O diethyl ether CCl Or CH3(CH2)6CH2CO COC C6H5 R O CCl LiAlH(OtBu)3 O R CH Reaction with LiAlH4, yields a primary alcohol RCH2OH α-Halogenation of Carboxylic Acids O O R2CCOH + X2 α-Halogenation of Carboxylic Acids: The HellHell-Volhard Volhard--Zelinsky Reaction R2CCOH H + HX X analogous g to α-halogenation g of aldehydes y and ketones key question: Is enol content of carboxylic acids high enough to permit reaction to occur at reasonable rate? (Answer is NO) Example But... O O R2CCOH + X2 CH2COH + Br2 O PX3 R2CCOH + HX H X When a small amount of phosphorus trihalide is added to the reaction mixture the reaction proceeds faster. PX3 will convert carboxylic acid to acyl halide this combination is called the HellHell-Volhard Volhard-Zelinsky reaction PCl3 benzene 80°°C 80 O CHCOH Br (60--62%) (60 Value Value O CH3CH2CH2COH O Br2 P CH3CH2CHCOH O CH3CH2CH2COH O Br2 P CH3CH2CHCOH Br Br (77%) (77%) α-Halogen g can be replaced p by y nucleophilic p substitution O CH3CH2CHCOH K2CO3 H2O heat OH (69%) Synthesis of α-Amino Acids O (CH3)2CHCH2COH O Br2 PCl3 (CH3)2CHCHCOH Br O (CH3)2CHCHCOH NH2 (48%) NH3 H2O (88%) Anhydrides of Carboxylic Acids Acid Anhydrides Acid Anhydrides O O O O RCOCR' CH3COCCH3 when both acyl groups are the same, name the acid and add the word anhydride when h th the groups are diff different, t list li t th the names off th the corresponding acids in alphabetical order and add the word anhydride acetic anhydride O O C6H5COCC6H5 benzoic anhydride O O C6H5COC(CH2)5CH3 benzoic heptanoic anhydride Some anhydrides are industrial chemicals O O Preparation of Carboxylic Acid Anhydrides O O CH3COCCH3 O O O O Prepared from Acyl Halides (see the previous section) Acetic anhydride Phthalic anhydride Maleic anhydride From dicarboxylic acids Cyclic anhydrides with 5 5-- and 66-membered rings can be prepared by dehydration of dicarboxylic acids O H COH C H C O H tetrachloroethane O 130°°C 130 H COH O Reactions of Carboxylic Acid Anhydrides + H2O O (89%) Reactions of Anhydrides Reactions of Acid Anhydrides Carboxylic acid anhydrides react with alcohols to give esters: O O RCOCR' O O O RCOR' R'O OH RCO RC OCR + R' O O RCO RC OR' O + RCOH normally, y, symmetrical y anhydrides y are used (both R groups the same) RCNR' RC NR'2 O RCO– reaction can be carried out in presence of pyridine (a base) or it can be catalyzed by acids Reactions of Acid Anhydrides Example O O Carboxylic acid anhydrides react with alcohols to give esters: O O O R'O OH RCO RC OCR + R' RCO RC OR' + CH3CHCH2CH3 CH3COCCH3 O OH + RCOH H2SO4 H O via: R O OR' C CH3COCHCH2CH3 OCR CH3 O Reactions of Acid Anhydrides Reactions of Acid Anhydrides Acid anhydrides react with ammonia and amines to give amides: O O O RCO RC OCR + 2R'2NH (60%) O RCN RC NR'2 + RCO– Acid anhydrides react with ammonia and amines to give amides: O O O RCO RC OCR + 2R'2NH RCN RC NR'2 + RCO– H + R'2NH2 + R'2NH2 O via: O R NR'2 C OCR O Example Reactions of Acid Anhydrides O O CH3COCCH3 + H2N CH(CH3)2 Acid anhydrides react with water to give carboxylic acids (carboxylate ion in base): O O O + H2O RCO RC OCR 2RCO 2RC OH O O O CH3CNH CH(CH3)2 O RCO RC OCR + 2H 2HO O– 2RCO– + H2O (98%) Reactions of Acid Anhydrides Acid anhydrides react with water to give carboxylic acids (carboxylate ion in base): Example O O COH O O RCO RC OCR O + H2O 2RCO 2RC OH H O R OCR O COH O O OH C O + H2O Friedel-Crafts Acylation of Benzene Friedel-Crafts Acylation of Benzene O O H + (RCO)2O AlCl3 CR O + RCOH O AlCl3 + (CH3CO)2O CCH3 O + CH3COOH Esters O RCOR' Esters of Carboxylic Acids name as alkyl alkanoates cite the alkyl group attached to oxygen first (R') name the acyl group second; substitute the suffix -ate for the -ic ending of the corresponding acid Esters O CH3CO COCH CH2CH3 ethyl acetate Sources of Esters O CH3CH2CO COCH CH3 methyl propanoate O COCH CO CH2CH2Cl 2-chloroethyl benzoate Esters are very common natural products Esters of Glycerol O O CH3COCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 3-methylbutyl acetate also l called ll d "i "isopentyl t l acetate" t t " and d "isoamyl "i l acetate" contributes to characteristic odor of bananas O CH2OCR' RCOCH CH2OCR" O R, R', and R" can be the same or different called "triacylglycerols," "glyceryl triesters," or "triglycerides" fats and oils are mixtures of glyceryl triesters Esters of Glycerol Preparation of Esters O O CH2OC(CH2)16CH3 CH3(CH2)16COCH Fischer esterification from acyl chlorides CH2OC(CH2)16CH3 O from carboxylic acid anhydrides Baeyer--Villiger oxidation of ketones Baeyer Tristearin: found in many animal and vegetable fats Reactions of Esters: Preparation of Tertiary Alcohols From Esters and Grignard Reagents Grignard reagents react with esters δ– R R' Grignard reagents react with esters R' •• diethyl ether δ+ OCH 3 •• C R MgX O •• •• C •• OCH3 •• •• O •• + MgX •• – but species formed is unstable and dissociates under the reaction conditions to form a ketone δ– R R' •• δ+ OCH 3 •• C R' diethyl ether R MgX O •• •• this ketone then goes on to react with a second mole of the Grignard reagent to give a tertiary alcohol C •• •• O •• + MgX •• – –CH3OMgX R R' C O •• •• Example O CHCOCH OCH3 2 CH3MgBr + (CH3)2CHC 1. diethyl ether 2. H3O+ OH (CH3)2CHC CHCCH CH3 CH3 (73%) Preparation of Alcohols By Reduction of Esters Two of the groups attached to the tertiary carbon come from the Grignard reagent •• OCH3 Example: Reduction of a Carboxylic Acid O COCH2CH2CH3 1. LiAlH4 diethyl ether Acid--Catalyzed Ester Hydrolysis Acid 2. H2O CH2OH + CH3CH2CH2OH (90%) Example Acid--Catalyzed Ester Hydrolysis Acid O iss the t e reverse e e se o of Fischer sc e este esterification cat o O RCO RC OR' + H+ H2O O CHCO CHC OCH2CH3 + H2O Cl HCl, heat R'OH RCOH + R'O O maximize conversion to ester by removing water maximize ester hydrolysis by having large excess of water CHCOH equilibrium is closely balanced because carbonyl group of ester and of carboxylic acid are comparably stabilized Cl (80--82%) (80 + CH3CH2OH Mechanism of Acid Acid--Catalyzed Ester Hydrolysis First stage: formation of tetrahedral intermediate O Is the reverse of the mechanism for acidacidcatalyzed esterification. Like the mechanism of esterification, it involves two stages: 1) formation of tetrahedral intermediate (3 steps) 2) dissociation of tetrahedral intermediate (3 steps) RCO RC OR' + H2O H+ OH RC OR' water adds to the carbonyl group of the ester this stage is analogous to the acidacidcatalyzed addition of water to a ketone OH Second stage: cleavage of tetrahedral intermediate O + R' R'O OH RCOH H+ OH RC OH OR' Mechanism of formation of tetrahedral intermediate Step 1 Step 1 H •• O •• H O• +• H RC •• O •• H •• O •• O• +• H H RC •• O •• R' •• +O R' H H •• O • • H RC Step 1 •• •• O •• O •• R' •• +O H Step 2 H RC +O R' •• +O H •• RC •• O •• carbonyl oxygen is protonated because cation produced is stabilized by electron delocalization (resonance) •• O • • RC R' •• O •• H R' H Step 2 Step 3 •• •• OH •• •• OH H + O •• RC RC H •• OR' •• •• +O •• OR' •• H H + O •• H H •• O • • H •• O • • RC •• O •• R' H Step 3 •• •• OH RC H + O •• H •• OR' •• •• OR' •• •• O • • H •• • • OH RC H H O •• •• + H O •• H H Cleavage of tetrahedral intermediate H Step 4 Step 4 •• •• OH •• R' •• •• OH RC R' H OH RC + O •• •• •• O • • H H •• •• OH •• OH H •• O •• •• H Step 5 O• +• •• RC R' OH H •• O •• •• O• +• H H H Step 5 •• •• •• OH •• OH RC R' + O •• •• OH •• H •• OH RC R' + O •• •• H •• •• OH RC + •• OH •• + •• R' O •• H Step 5 Step 6 H •• O •• •• O+ H H H •• O RC •• •• •• •• OH RC + •• OH •• •• + OH OH •• •• +O H RC RC •• OH •• •• OH •• Key Features of Mechanism Activation of carbonyl group by protonation of carbonyl oxygen Nucleophilic addition of water to carbonyl group forms tetrahedral intermediate Eli i ti off alcohol Elimination l h l from f tetrahedral t t h d l intermediate i t di t restores carbonyl group Ester Hydrolysis in Base: Saponification H Ester Hydrolysis in Aqueous Base O O RCO RC OR' + HO– R'O OH RCO– + R' Ester Hydrolysis in Aqueous Base O O RCO RC OR' + HO– R'O OH RCO– + R' H+ is called saponification is irreversible, irreversible because of strong stabilization of carboxylate ion O if carboxylic acid is desired product, saponification is followed by a separate acidification step (simply a pH adjustment) Example RCOH Example O H2C CH2OCCH3 CH3 O + NaOH CCOCH3 CH3 1. NaOH, H2O, heat water--methanol, heat water 2. H2SO4 O O CH2OH (95--97%) (95 CH3 + CH3CONa H2C (87%) CCOH CH3 + CH3OH Soap--Making Soap Basic hydrolysis of the glyceryl triesters ((from fats and oils) gives salts of long--chain long carboxylic acids. These salts are soaps. O CH2OC(CH2)xCH3 O CH3(CH2)yCOCH CH2OC(CH2)zCH3 O K2CO3, H2O, heat O O CH3(CH2)xCOK CH3(CH2)yCOK Mechanism of Ester Hydrolysis in Base Involves two stages: 1) formation of tetrahedral intermediate 2) dissociation of tetrahedral intermediate O CH3(CH2)zCOK First stage: formation of tetrahedral intermediate O Second stage: cleavage of tetrahedral intermediate O RCO RC OR' + H2O HO– OH RC OH OR' + R' R'O OH RCOH water adds to the carbonyl group of the ester this stage is analogous to the base--catalyzed base addition of water to a ketone HO– OH RC OH OR' Step 1 •• O •• Mechanism of formation of tetrahedral intermediate Step 1 H •• O • • •• – RC •• OR' •• Step 2 •• O •• H •• O • • •• – RC •• OR' •• – •• • O •• • RC H O •• •• •• O H H – •• • O •• • RC •• •• OR' •• H O •• •• •• OR' •• Step 2 •• O •• H H – •• • •• O • •• H •• •• O O •• RC Dissociation of tetrahedral intermediate •• OR' •• H H – •• •• O •• H O •• RC •• •• OR' •• Step 3 Step 3 •• H •• •– •• O • H O •• RC •• O •• H H •• •– •• O • O •• •• •• •• O H O •• •• H •• OR' •• RC H •• OR' •• H •• O •• RC •• O •• H – •• •• OR' •• Step 4 Key Features of Mechanism •• O •• Nucleophilic addition of hydroxide ion to carbonyl group in first step RC •• O •• – •• HO– Tetrahedral intermediate formed in first stage H •• O •• •• Hydroxide-induced dissociation of tetrahedral Hydroxideintermediate in second stage g H2O RC •• O •• •• OR' H – •• •• OR' •• Acid--Catalyzed Transesterification Acid Transeterification O RCO RC OR' + H+ R”OH O R'O OH RCOR”+ R' Base--catalyzed Transesterification Base O RCO RC OR' O + R”O– R'O ORCOR”+ R' Reactions of Esters with Ammonia and Amines Reactions of Esters Reactions of Esters Esters react with ammonia and amines to give amides: O O RCO RC OR' O RCOR' O RCNR'2 O RCO– + R'2NH RCN RC NR'2 + R'O R' OH Reactions of Esters Example Esters react with ammonia and amines to give amides: O H2C O O RCO RC OR' + R'2NH RCN RC NR'2 + CCOCH3 + CH3 R'O R' OH H2O H O via: NH3 R O NR'2 C H2C OR' (75%) CCNH2 + CH3OH CH3 Example O FCH2COCH2CH3 + NH2 Intramolecular Ester Formation: Lactones heat O FCH2CNH (61%) + CH3CH2OH Examples Lactones O Lactones are cyclic esters O + HOCH2CH2CH2COH Formed by intramolecular esterification in a compound that contains a hydroxyl group and a carboxylic acid function O 4-hydroxybutanoic acid 4-butanolide IUPAC nomenclature: replace the -oic acid ending of the carboxylic acid by -olide identify the oxygenated carbon by number Examples Common names HOCH2CH2CH2COH 4-hydroxybutanoic acid O + O H2O 5-hydroxypentanoic acid O β γ 4-butanolide O HOCH2CH2CH2CH2COH β α O O + H2O O 5-pentanolide O γ-butyrolactone α γ O δ O δ-valerolactone Ring size is designated by Greek letter corresponding to oxygenated carbon A γ lactone has a five five--membered ring A δ lactone has a sixsix-membered ring H2O Step-growth polymers, also called condensation Steppolymers, are made by combining two molecules by removing a small molecule Polyesters Amides having an NH2 group O RCN RC NH2 Amides identify the corresponding carboxylic acid replace the -ic acid or -oic acid ending by -amide. Amides having an NH2 group Amides having substituents on N O O acetamide CH3CNH2 O RCN RC NHR' O and RCN RC NR'2 name the amide as before 3-methylbutanamide (CH3)2CHCH2CNH2 O benzamide CNH2 precede the name of the amide with the name of th appropriate the i t group or groups precede the names of the groups by the letter N(standing for nitrogen and used as a locant) Amides having substituents on N O N-methyl methylacetamide acetamide CH3CNHCH3 Preparation of Amides O CN(CH2CH3)2 N,N-diethyl diethylbenzamide benzamide O CH3CH2CH2CNCH(CH3)2 CH3 N-isopropyl isopropyl--N-methyl methylbutanamide butanamide Preparation of Amides Amides are prepared from amines by acylation with: ith acyl chlorides Hydrolysis of Amides anhydrides esters Hydrolysis of Amides Hydrolysis of amides is irreversible. In acid sol tion the amine prod solution product ct is protonated to give an ammonium salt. O RCN RC NHR' + H2O + H O + + R'N NH3 RCOH + R' Hydrolysis of Amides In basic solution the carboxylic acid product is deprotonated to gi give e a carbo carboxylate late ion ion. O RCN RC NHR' O – + HO – RCO + R' R'N NH2 Example: Acid Hydrolysis O Example: Basic Hydrolysis O CH3CH2CHCNH2 O CH3CH2CHCOH NH2 CH3CNH O H2O H2SO4 heat KOH + + NH4 HSO4– (88--90%) (88 H2O heat Br CH3COK + Br (95%) Mechanism of Acid Acid--Catalyzed Amide Hydrolysis First stage: formation of tetrahedral intermediate O Acid-catalyzed amide hydrolysis proceeds via Acidthe customary two stages: 1) formation of tetrahedral intermediate 2) dissociation of tetrahedral intermediate RCN RC NH2 + H2O H+ OH RC OH NH2 water adds to the carbonyl group of the amide this stage is analogous to the acidacidcatalyzed addition of water to a ketone Second stage: cleavage of tetrahedral intermediate O Mechanism of formation of tetrahedral intermediate + + NH4 RCOH H+ OH NH2 RC OH Step 1 Step 1 H •• O •• RC •• NH2 H H •• O •• O• +• H H O• +• H RC •• NH2 •• +O RC •• NH2 H H •• O • • H Step 1 •• •• O Step 2 H RC + NH2 •• +O H carbonyl oxygen is protonated because cation produced is stabilized by electron delocalization (resonance) •• +O RC H RC •• NH2 H •• NH2 Step 2 H •• O • • Step 3 •• •• OH •• •• OH H + O •• RC •• NH2 •• +O RC •• NH2 RC H H + O •• •• NH2 H H •• O • • H H H •• O • • H Step 3 •• •• OH RC H + O •• •• O • • H •• NH2 H •• • • OH RC Cleavage of tetrahedral intermediate H H O •• + H O •• •• •• NH2 H H Step 4 Step 4 •• •• OH •• H2N •• •• OH RC H2N •• + •• O •• H •• H O• +• RC H2N •• H •• O • • H •• •• OH H H OH RC H H O •• H •• H O• +• H Step 5 Step 5 •• •• OH •• OH RC H2N •• •• OH + •• RC •• H2N H OH + •• H •• •• OH RC + •• OH + •• NH3 •• Step 6 Step 6 •• •• OH •• RC H2N OH + •• H + NH •• •• OH RC + •• OH •• + H3O + •• NH3 4 •• •• OH RC + •• OH •• •• + OH RC •• OH •• Step 6 H •• O+ Mechanism of Amide Hydrolysis in Base H H •• O •• H •• O RC H Involves two stages: 1) formation of tetrahedral intermediate 2) dissociation of tetrahedral intermediate •• •• OH •• •• +O H RC •• OH •• First stage: formation of tetrahedral intermediate O Second stage: cleavage of tetrahedral intermediate O – RCO RCN RC NH2 + H2O HO– OH RC OH NH2 water adds to the carbonyl group of the amide this stage is analogous to the base--catalyzed base addition of water to a ketone + NH3 HO– OH RC OH NH2 Step 1 •• O •• Mechanism of formation of tetrahedral intermediate Step 1 H •• O • • •• – RC •• NH2 Step 2 •• O •• H •• O • • •• – RC •• NH2 – •• • O •• • RC •• NH2 H O •• •• •• •• O H H – •• • O •• • RC •• NH2 H O •• •• Step 2 •• O •• H •• – •• O •• O •• RC H •• •• O H •• Dissociation of tetrahedral intermediate •• NH2 H H – •• •• O •• RC H O •• •• •• NH2 Step 3 Step 3 •• •• OH •• H2N •• •• OH RC H2N •• + •• O •• H •• H O •• •• RC H2N •• •• O • •• • – H •• •• OH H H OH RC H O •• H •• H O •• •• Step 4 Step 4 •• H •• – •• O • • H •• H O •• •• – •• O • • •• RC O •• OH •• H H3N + •• •• O OH •• H3N + H H •• O •• RC •• O •• Step 5 •• RC H •• NH3 Reduction of Amides give Amines •• O •• RC O •• O •• – •• HO– CN(CH3)2 2. H2O CH2N(CH3)2 (88%) •• O •• RC •• O •• 1. LiAlH4 H •• NH3 Lactams Lactams are cyclic amides. Some are industrial chemicals others occur chemicals, occ r naturally. nat rall γ Lactams β α δ ε N O ε-Caprolactam*: used to prepare a type of nylon H *Caproic acid is the common name for hexanoic acid. Lactams Lactams are cyclic amides. Some are industrial chemicals others occur chemicals, occ r naturally. nat rall O Imides C6H5CH2CNH α O β N S CH3 CH3 CO2H Penicillin G: a β-lactam antibiotic Imides Imides have 2 acyl groups attached to the nitrogen. nitrogen Imides The most common examples p are cyclic y imides. O O O O RCN RC NCR R' NH O Succinimide NH O Phthalimide Nylon 6 is an example of a stepstep-growth polymer formed by a monomer with two different functional groups Polyamides A urethane (carbamate (carbamate)) is a compound that has an OR group and an NHR group bonded to the same carbonyl compound Polyurethanes Nitriles RC Nitriles N add the suffix -nitrile to the name of the parent hydrocarbon chain (including the triply bonded carbon of CN) or: replace the -ic acid or -oic acid name of the corresponding carboxylic acid by -onitrile or: name as an alkyl cyanide (functional class name) Nitriles CH3C ethanenitrile or: acetonitrile or: methyl cyanide N Preparation of Nitriles C6H5C benzonitrile N CH3CHCH3 C 2-methylpropanenitrile or: isopropyl cyanide N Example Example O KCN CH3(CH2)8CH2Cl CH3(CH2)8CH2C ethanolethanolwater SN2 OH KCN (95%) N CH3CH2CCH2CH3 H+ CH3CH2CCH2CH3 C N (75%) Preparation of Nitriles By dehydration of amides uses the reagent P4O10 (often written as P2O5) Hydrolysis of Nitriles O P4O10 ((CH3)2CH CHCN CNH H2 200°°C 200 ((CH3)2CH CHC C N (69--86%) (69 Hydrolysis of Nitriles Hydrolysis of nitriles resembles the hydrolysis of amides. The reaction is irreversible irreversible.. Ammonia is produced and is protonated to ammonium ion in acid solution. O RCN RC N + 2H2O + H + + RCOH + NH4 Hydrolysis of Nitriles In basic solution the carboxylic acid product is deprotonated to give a carboxylate ion. O RCN RC N – + H2O + HO – RCO + NH3 Example: Acid Hydrolysis Example: Basic Hydrolysis O CH2CN CH2COH O H2O CH3(CH2)9CN H2SO4 heat h t NO2 1. KOH, H2O, heat 2. H+ CH3(CH2)9COH (80%) NO2 (92--95%) (92 Mechanism of Hydrolysis of Nitriles O RC N H2O RCN RC NH2 Mechanism of Hydrolysis of Nitriles OH O H2O RCOH Hydrolysis of nitriles proceeds via the corresponding amide. We already know the mechanism of amide hydrolysis. Therefore, all we need to do is to see how amides are formed from nitriles under the conditions of hydrolysis. RC N H2O RC O NH RCN RC NH2 The mechanism of amide formation is analogous to that of conversion of alkynes to ketones. It begins with the addition of water across the carbon--nitrogen triple bond. carbon The product of this addition is the nitrogen analog of an enol. It is transformed to an amide under the reaction conditions. Step 1 Step 1 H H – RC H – •• O • • •• •• O • • •• N •• • O •• • N •• RC RC •• N •• – Step 2 Step 2 H H •• O •• •• O •• RC RC H •• N •• – H O •• •• H •• N •• H – O •• •• RC •• N H H •O • – • •• • H O •• •• Step 3 Step 3 H •• O •• H H •O • – • •• • •O • – • •• • H H •• • O • H O •• – O •• •• •• N •• •• RC •• N RC H RC •• N H Step 4 H Step 4 •• • O • •• • O • RC •• • O • RC – •• N •• •• N H H RC •• O •• H H H – – •• •• O •• H •• N •• H H •• O •• H Reduction of Nitriles yield Amines CH3CH2CH2CH2CN nitriles may also be reduced by lithium aluminum hydride H2 (100 atm), Ni CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2 (56%)