Chapter 6

Introductory Psychology
Chapter Objectives
Chapter 6
Students should be able to describe the basic tenets (i.e., temporal contiguity, neutral
stimulus, UCS, and so on) of classical conditioning.
When given an example of classical conditioning, students should be able to identify the
UCS, UCR, CS, and CR. Further, students should be able to generate a unique example
of classical conditioning and outline the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR in the example.
Students should be able to differentiate between a UCR and CR.
Students should be able to define, generate, and identify examples of stimulus
generalization, stimulus discrimination, extinction, reconditioning, spontaneous recovery,
and higher-order conditioning.
Students should be able to describe how biological constraints on learning affect
Students should be able to describe the basic tenets of operant conditioning.
Students should be able to generate and identify examples of primary and secondary
reinforcers, positive/negative reinforcers, and positive/negative punishments.
Students should be able to describe and generate and identify examples of the different
schedules of reinforcement.
Students should be able to describe what is likely to occur (i.e., will behavior increase,
decrease, remain the same for awhile and then increase, and so on) following the different
schedules of reinforcement.
Students should be able to describe why superstitious behavior persists.
Students should be able to describe what the BAS and BIS are. Further, students should
be able to identify or explain how a person with high/low sensitivity on each system
might respond in given situations.
Students should be able to differentiate between classical and operant conditioning.
Students should be able to describe the basic tenets of observational learning.
Students should be able to explain and identify and generate examples of vicarious
reinforcement and punishment.
Students should be able to list and describe the factors that Bandura believed to be most
important in observational learning.
Students should be able to describe, generate, and identify examples of latent learning
and cognitive maps.
Students should be able to list and identify the different areas of the brain and nervous
system that are related to learning.