Chapter 6 Study Guide

Psychology Chapter 6 Study Guide
*This is a hard test- please read the questions carefully*
What is a mental picture and what is another term for it?
What is the most effective reinforcement schedule and why is it?
What is negative reinforcement, and think up a good example?
What did E.C. Tolman discover about the relationship between
reinforcement and learning that was different than previously thought?
5. How does classical conditioning help animals and people in their lives?
6. Ivan Pavlov’s dog experiments discovered what field of learning?
7. When does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?
8. What is a primary reinforcer?- Example
9. What do you call it when you learn different steps that lead to a complex
10.What is spontaneous recovery?- Example
11.In conditioning experiments, what is meant by generalization?
12.What do you call it when you try and learn something all at once?
13.Modeling is a form of what type of learning?
14.What is partial reinforcement and what type of reinforcement schedule do
they occur in?
15.Taste Aversion is what form of conditioning?
16.What form of behavior modification involves you setting goals and a
system of rewards for yourself?
17.What is a token economy and how does it work?
18.What do you call it when you repeatedly expose somebody to what they
fear until they are no longer afraid of it?
19.What kind of learning is hidden until it is needed and then shows itself?
20.What are the individual steps that when learned result in complex
21.What are the 6 steps in PQ4R?
22.Write out a classical conditioning experiment and label the NS, CS, CR,
UCR, and UCS?