Chapter 5 Quiz and Exam Review This review is in not

Chapter 5 Quiz and Exam Review
This review is in not comprehensive. Please read your chapter to ensure that you are prepared for the
quiz and exam.
Know what classical conditioning means
Know the components of classical conditioning and what each stands for e.g. UCS, UCR, etc…
Be able to distinguish between extinction, spontaneous recovery and acquisition from classical
Who is the researcher most closely associated with classical conditioning? What are the contributions
this person is most known for?
Know what operant conditioning means
Know the components of operant conditioning and what each stands for e.g. reinforcement,
punishment etc…
Be able to distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement
Be able to distinguish between positive and negative punishment
Who is the researcher most closely associated with operant conditioning, what are the contributions
this person is most known for?
How are operant and classical conditioning similar? How are they different?
Be familiar with a phobia is; know what conditioned taste aversions are. Be able to explain how people
develop phobias and food aversions-are they easy to extinguish?
Know the definition and difference between learning versus maturation
Be familiar with the research and contributions of Edward Thorndike
Know the difference between stimulus discrimination and stimulus generalization
Know the difference between primary and secondary reinforcement (be able to identify examples of
Know what conditioned emotional responses are and be able to identify examples
Know the contributions and research of Albert Bandura
Know the contributions and research of Martin Seligman
Be able to tell the difference between schedules of reinforcement e.g. ratio vs. interval, fixed vs.
variable, partial vs. continuous etc…