Relationship Development IPC Enhancing Relationships Preview The Importance of Friendship The Importance of Family The Importance of Colleagues Stages of Relationship Development Managing Interpersonal Conflict The Importance of Friendship Friendship over the Years Childhood Adolescent peer relationships are the most important social influence on our behavior Adult Elderly and friendships Enhancing Friendships Awareness of yourself We Use Communication To Initiate, Develop, Deepen And Maintain Friendships Listening And Responding Are Critical Learn to Adapt The Importance of Family Changing Nature of Family Enhancing Family Relationships Discover who we are in families Earliest lessons about verbal and nonverbal communication Family relationships are built upon trust Family relationships involve adaptation The importance of Colleagues On the job communication Communication skills are highly valued Enhancing Workplace Relationships Uncertainty reduction Verbal and nonverbal communication skills Listening and responding Adaptation is critical to successful coworker relationships Stages of Interpersonal Relationships Relational Development Proceeds in Discernable Stages IPC is Affected by the Stage of the Relationship IPC is Affected by the Stage of the Relationship IPC Facilitates Movement between the Various Stages Relational Development and Maintenance (RDM) A: Development Model B: Dialectical Perspective there are certain goals each person wants to reach, but often goals differ dialectical tension: conflicts that arise when 2 opposing forces exist simultaneously Goals: connection vs. autonomy predictability vs. novelty openness vs. privacy Elevator Model Relational Escalation Pre-Interaction Awareness Initiation Exploration Intensification Intimacy/ Integrating Bonding Relational De-Escalation Differentiation/ Individualization De-Intensification Stagnation Avoidance Termination How Conflict Functions in Relationships Conflict is normal Constructive Conflict Construct something new Suggest areas of change Revitalize the relationship Destructive Conflict Dismantles relationships Lack of flexibility is the hallmark Characteristics of RDM A. Relationships are constantly changing B. Movement is always to a new place 4Resynthesis 1Security (make up) (safety) 3Alienation 2Disintegration (alone) (falls apart)