Friendships - Christ Our Light Catholic Parish

Make-up Homework for CONFIRMATION
Candidate’s Name: ______________________________________
Usually homework is not given for our Confirmation Classes, but due to the group dynamics of
each session it is impossible to duplicate our Wednesday evening experience. Because you missed
Session 2, with your sponsor, each of you are to take a few minutes to fill out separate copies of
the “Friendship Worksheet” attached to the end of this document. Together discuss each section.
As part of your conversation, the Confirmation Student needs to write down his/her personal
response to each of these questions. Note: the responses are to refer to the Candidate’s situation.
Once completed this form is to be signed by the sponsor and student and handed into Jenny.
How are your skills of “making new friends.” Explain
What causes friendships among your peers to end?
What, in your opinion, is the best way to end a friendship?
What would you like to change about the way you make friends?
Explain the qualities that you value in friendships.
(#2 continued)
How would your closest friends compare to your choices? List three friends and explain.
How have your values changed since 7th grade?
How have your values changed since last summer?
Describe one of the greatest hurts you have experienced in friendship.
What is currently your biggest challenge with your friends?
Describe your adult friendships.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of an adult friend?
What does it mean to have a mentor/role model?
Describe a situation when you needed to help a friend.
What do you need from your friends when you have a problem?
How hard is it for you to ask for help from your peers? Explain.
How hard is it for you to ask for help from adults? Explain.
Explain your rankings (i.e. what you most value from a friend).
Who among your current friends do you expect to remain close 10 years from now?
What would you do if a friend of yours starts doing things that you don’t approve of?
(e.g. smoking, drinking).
Who makes better friends… girls or guys?. Explain.
How many “real close” friends can a person sustain?
#7 Explain your answer. To me, a real friend would never:
Sponsor signature
Confirmation Student signature
Amount of time spent on this project
When it comes to making friends, I tend to: (put an X somewhere on each line).
Make new friends:
Change friend: CONSTANTLY---------------------------------------------NEVER
Break off friendships: EASILY---------------------------------------------WITH GREAT PAIN
The qualities that I value in friendship are:
(Choose 5 and rank them 1-5, 1 being most valued)
___Similar interests
___Spiritual depth
___Similar values
___ Dependability
___ Other_______________
The greatest hurts I’ve ever felt in friendship are:
(Check two)
___Being left out
___Talking behind my back
___Feeling used
___Cheap shots
___Broken promises
___Stealing boy/girl friend
___Forgotten Birthday
___Sad good-byes
___Betrayed a confidence
___Other ________________________
The best adult friend I ever had was/is:
___Friend’s parent
___Youth Minister
___ Baby-sitter
When one of my friends has a problem, I am best at:
(Check two)
___Praying for them
___Cheering them up
___Sticking by them
___Giving advice
___Helping them forget the problem
___Getting others to help
___Other ____________________
___Older sister
___Older brother
___Other ____________
The greatest gifts a friend can give me are:
(Pick 4 and rank them 1-4, 1 being the most valued)
___Having fun together
___Sharing their feelings honestly
___Being there when I hurt
___Sharing faith
___ Not being “nosy”
___Complementing me
___Their total acceptance
___Forgiving me when I “screw up”
___Challenging me to risk
___Having similar interests
To me, a real friend would never __________________________________
Think of a specific person in your life who is/was a close
1. What adjectives would you use to describe this person?
2. How long have you known this person?
3. How did you become friends?
4. Do you expect this friendship to continue after high school? Explain.
5. In what ways would your life be different without this friend?
6. In what ways would your friend’s life be different without you?
7. How often do you see your friend? … text? … call?
8. Can a person have too many friends?
Can a person have more than one “best friend?