Copying/Moving Content Items and Folders in Blackboard 9

Copying/Moving Content Items and Folders
in Blackboard 9
Instructors have the ability to copy or move content items such as folders and documents into
another area within the same course or into another course.
Copying/Moving a Content Item Within the Same Course:
1) Navigate to the content you want to copy/move
2) Click on the drop down arrow next to the desired item
3) Click on Copy or Move
4) Click Browse for Destination Folder and select the folder into which you want to copy/move
the item
5) Click Submit
Copying/Moving a Content Item to Another Course:
1) Navigate to the content you want to copy/move
2) Click on the drop down arrow next to the desired item
3) Click on Copy or Move
4) Click on the drop down arrow next to Destination Course and select the course into which
you want to copy/move the item
5) Click Browse for Destination Folder and select the folder into which you want to copy/move
the item
6) Click Submit
Please Note: If you wish to copy/move a folder containing assessments into another
course, please refer to our documentation on Course Copy.