Tips for file management in the VLE

Tips for file management in the VLE
1) Think about how you want to organise your files before you start adding them to My Files. It is
much easier to do this first than try to move files around afterwards.
2) Create new folders to organise your content first.
3) Think about how you want to name your folders.
4) Follow the same folder naming conventions for all of your files.
5) Try not to use spaces in your folder name titles.
6) It is OK to put folders inside folders.
7) Organise your folders for your use – if it seems logical to you that is all that matters. If there
are folders or files that you regularly use, start their name with AA. That way they will always
appear at the top of the list.
8) Make sure you are in the correct folder before you start loading files otherwise they will end up
in the root folder in a big, messy pile.
9) Be specific - give files logical, specific names and include dates in file names if possible. The
goal when naming files is to be able to tell what the file is about without having to open it and
10) Clear out your old files regularly. If there are files you are not using either delete them or have
a separate Archive folder and transfer old content into there.
Abigail Ball, Media Workshop