Historical Fiction Independent Reading Project

Historical Fiction Independent Reading Project
For this independent reading project, we will be creating reading folders that you can share
with other students. The folders provide information for students that may be interested in
reading your book. In addition to fulfilling the requirements, try to add creativity to how you
present the project.
Here are the Requirements:
Front of the Folder:
Provide a picture of the cover of the book
Make sure you have the author’s name on the front of the folder
Your own medal of award and/or your own symbol
Your name
Inside Left of Folder:
Include a summary of your book
In addition to the summary, choose three of the following to include or respond to.
Why do you think the author wrote about this historical time period or event?
Why did you choose this historical time period or event?
What was the most shocking event in your novel?
What was the most shocking part of the actual historical event?
(Further Possible Suggestions)
Include a picture of the author
Include a picture of what you think the protagonist may look like
A rating like you may see on a movie poster
A quote that is meaningful from the book
Inside Right of Folder:
A paragraph about the actual historical event or person (Use WorldBook Online)
- Make sure you do not plagiarize. You will use research, but make sure you
organize your thoughts.
Include at least three of the following items:
A map
A timeline
A photograph
A drawing
A historical document
Back Cover of Folder
A Review or an Interview with the Author
A quote from the novel
A quote from the author
Save your recommendation for the back
Compare it to another book
More books by the author
When you are working on your folder, consider the size of your pictures and/or
artifacts. You will have a lot of information for only a small space