" ,. ," .,: 'l -. ' . ~ ~. .~ , " " c : " .' i , :' t,...' ~ .' , ',i .,' , !. .;: ~ , . •••• r--! ,'( , ...1'. .r, ~... ..... , ~'., , .•.. do'.·· S"·,,··, .r • +••••.• ' .' . .. >··,,,· •." ... ,', .•.•, ..,./ ''''''''''/ •... '/' ) ..•. , ... ", ...•. ,j MARIANG ~~KILING by Jose Rizal In my town thQ"e is G i.:) th was a prov1ne n v r iden who inhabited r 5 t been r r mu h ti road f nd th t r r ng go 0 tha.t th s with flat strip 5 only miser But it y bl hut with 8.e I' turn. have brilliant adloUon r in as a er r s. t and all tehed r of declar wali(wQven y give p.l .ce to th s the g ha tune to ent as to the 1 cation h be th t the. n t b en a bl ~ d be utiful f bambc )e Similar con Is VEl w s t h r residence a beautiful round II tb t th Y manto on gr-ace ully b Ii n I- lUling. mountain which s parates sed t are not in agre de aription~ >hile som g1v lt lquary utitul nd of ,riang Those who,- 105 ' In'.th- .f r' at.'rh an tar bl the b the 1 guna. and Tayab Bt! It is sup t a fixed looatine e unter h . its eserved a legend. 0 two d\'lelilngs h 11k i rll i true. many wealthy persons g to Ace rdi w • s to tanf mo n of t t c or Phi ipptn f n ur • in th r fac '. half sylpho b rn my tery of it th t 1'e tati n r1ang Maki11ng is presel'ved pir1t d r th ended h r ho with a thrust at aunt ine t dist ttrib t ts a to th n~ th t t sand es always a virg151. slender and mysterious as the nciant ag 1nst th servant, wh m w Iftulisanes" hay an amaz _ (b nd1ts) and kill of a lance - assured me that iucher';chllciho n easing f the raTs of the a gu t for lulla.by of the murmurs of the neighboring lake. Aooordin and contrary nd light nh ga og G ession of 11 a f nt r • Her ging- (li rown She's a young g 10 Ion large s ye-litn a v I I th l'kogr.malee'; (gr S6 1 on wh ai1'7 tht not even the flexible blnd. 8 of grass wet' ,bent the night of H ~y rrida1~ when the hunters with the odor of 'tile They t.~t SAy light bon;N..r&Bt.o attract on the sh'ea to whieh, theY. are $0 'ad.d1oted.o they diecel'!:lfPl het at a ,: ~stanoe,iWll.obi~(i at t.hE) brj,rJ( of the most dan~erou abye es, lGQv1ng hE)r hair :to float in the wind all inundated by the light or the ay also that at t.im $ (iiex' oneously.passedil Sl;l. has deigned to' app:t'O&ch B,nd. disappeared For' the' ••est n h queoti 1 n aU 11keda~ ,tallow bel' hQUl"s n a r ok 'Q%'" them; th n h .' • ~$GS. • rev,.red her~ and, n~. ~ne dafQd at; ny time t , s'W b en . on he~:.; She .ha ,., t a nv, t the banK r' $ .~ . ~lso Se teC1 tor- as though contemplating th f the waters., 'fuere 1s 'not lacking an old hunt r Who COUl"S' sal~edl in -th&sh,ddowo! the adjaocmt f lhay Q01\ slow that he 8S'$erts v-, has seen her bathing',tn' 5oltU'~h1~defi 6~1ng :i, sleep0 r, atmidnig;ht. th~ Qr:1ckot . " reigns in. the midst of silenco, t'lnell the moon -, 1<jh~ (.' di·st.iU"bs the and n thing •.• • " pell solltttd.o. In these same hQUl"s., aM'1n the midst of th f th~ 't . •.••.. s e , oiroUFlstanc(:ls. is when also ~the sound 8£ h(4' h rp e n be heard. mystexoious and melancholy Those whohearr 1t< are stop~d bee distance and is ext>inguishCil4 Her f it is l'cm.eved to a' U! c when an 8.ttetl'1p~is mado \0 bunt tor :1t&, . verite walk '.",.. ,was, a$ they say; after the, ~tQ~; attha~ . time ane , eal.m. the trees straightened their 'bent ,tt'unks; tho riVers 'Were lOCked: 1n their Channels and the t,1"llcks' of the ~unchained el~nts When. he poor rustics' • jewel " returning th an ,. . .' of Ute '. t of tbe. SlQPes ot, MakU1ng- ne.ed.,a. oloth.ing Of tor the $1 n\1lities 'wet'e, ~b11t~at$i •• • t. f ~ .f- ~ sbe loaned .~~ '., g1vf' g in addi ti n & gg Q - ~pon C , , t10n ot ,', & whl,te h n that , laid h.a l t hi th poor old ,Qpl ',who want to,.th r~e ..• Q , w.lat'Qlls they sa.y. • riang Makiling was ~r, Y chari tabl ld.nd he rt" H<F.4 mnny times has 'shjl 'not., in tho 'fOrt! of a -impl. a1d«l tb' 0;1" " t}oX' f~r~ 00. and had ),>iUlt1c. •• to geth.' - J - IANG HAKIL nag to them grains Of gold, money r w1ld fruits. wild boar across th - gratis 1 nd A hun~er who n day t! th rny b sh s an1~1 no f th eta as hiddens From t aid to hi oalmly: hut r bi ode ntera th surpri an ble t t som plea UQ • h gingw" raoo ut th. ,:i~r1 thanks, J all of th • h hi k a sinijle 'Ih hunter 00. ft.er At the s rem ad re a:1 pursue '!I ur all t'~ t she hi d G rture ba t ( r: ""CW'1 ) urneYe feeling that the ny of t, pieces r gin 61' the and thr wh n on the following 1 ved to be ginger Was solid by' the b II ty wi hout 1den oave him hi-a mother for h r h. his sala gt ( 0 harm It. tored h t th 1- ) wild boars h\""I ) burdened ala Qt" ( It don rms and legs oinat EH'ld1ngthat he give them t inth ur e w1t~dr .• I, l"osigned to his loss surFrl-se and grief what th y b worde Bet lltitul b that e ed aooo1n addition,! enterede ate mea weall)" boin e and you h « t you are very fat1. ore: eat -00 late:r man!! oontus 'lb t a hut wh a tel' a short merg "Th ,wild boar belong:» to, g it- but I s 'n- ared unexpectedly 160 nd tbr - gh t e." day hi lIaye mother Bu h t und t gold, r81ucent a t r1a.ng· t l<:Uing w s no hunt rs;sh$ W 8 alGO r vegeful/l The maiden way - pl' serV' th a deer whioh t t W t nder h~rt and e eea.bl 07: were oruel. durin th Mountain, d y. They g1v her a pi ce of th _ meat an c l'l"yi et n old th 0 rt that th he 'Would go to hunter" rt to th oman Who own~d th ayin , at which se eni th y h wi t.h tb of a woman•. n de e nded tlt had hunt e ys b untif'ul although her ven snccs ne ft rno wild bar '$I o s ~ it h t o • MARIANG HAKILING ot the mountain. 1he ory s strange and said: And anoth r ory, still That cry surpr1sed it; their dogs" approached tn. 11 on mora distant, it, raised ~ing 1n light Q on descending th \her that those Wholaunoh t also s ugbt. t . dlso6l"ned limb Monst rs" th t a distano tri g s 8 wer tree. 001088 betwe.n for ning wit.h cry had traveled s of their fir in th t10n r of the hunters rested th 0 e arri ngl to m this adV'l.mtUl"e, fom of the strangers the fange which glistened in the'light most by the removed 41 of 'the in the meant· e. of a panic terror a nge. nnounced. footsteps Bukal. the hunters a sited str el.fP1t wbioh b. oarried turned t.o nee barks and t eir appear nee fro~e the blo H who related did not describe gav me wer full $' th s raised .• 'lh' r dogs the town witho t uttering 'lhe monsters arrived but. which the ther to 1 e of the bunterst approach1n~. their and fro that th y Were de~ rted. h two 1ng whi¢h is called upon s ein t but this v J.y turned the hea:de Then by the run with the oelerity having reaobed dir and but t..~1 t m cry resounded a a n 11 l"apid1ty& t the strang r burd n hunter that s ug t to s op thetn and to' load his firM So that. l1ttl a' thougll seeking Proteot1on@ 'l'hes8, tl}e sinister mountain with w uld permit.. th growled am cry resounded. aain. tin t that both instinct! • of the intrepid" t. sh rt a time. 0 rand ears, looked aet Dished urt without saying a w rd. q estt ow'1n the plain 01 their ssed , the gae l they were surprised so tar It skirt of tho mountain" Upon h$aring it th~ dogs.pat tail rt their "flu aa •••• Ruy hunters~ legs and drew I)los. to thermasters their answered, It they, did not know to "hat to attrib both hunters; tt r so a minutes h d time in th "Huya§l •••••••• Huyo. ne' tAl in th of on. of the The only detail ot th veins whlob moon.. It 16 ILING an that b h - 5- rei his unole. 1'0 In a few seconds th bo r and dear which they found on th to the Elotain Only th n did th ground.; hunters mons er8 at oonducting th· recover wild s. ves afterward tbemselv s, and the brav6r aimed" but tho shot did not go out and the monsto1"s disappeared. _t is not known that ~ clan M30 br the or relative I appearsimilar sona s71n no.ture,lik tho stones whioh' thcTagaJ.ogs ~a.ll p e.rl.Nor is her tru s en to enter WaS sn name kn wn; eh is called town, no to take to giv her a name Sh rt in any roUg1ous remained always tho same, and the five or ::;1,x genera.tions But it 1s no H ny y . doe 11s in ,th 6 r the mal neh ly aee wi out r ee1v1 that 'rB vaporous sillio the water t least .or h j killn de poil them ot thei an old woodcutter version onh ifl not or cross ermitte4 lcv. iiJ rn«1 1"8 gift natives r it i 1s tf nded. because tb that of h y reject car in village who by appropriating r each acous tion and the y Doudn:1oan tria.r tb half' of tb the seventy y ldling cutUng down the mor seoular t it it is not well known b s at 1e ,.ount in; but rs that he lived trees, has given m.e at gr_ter appearanoe ot probability. At the waterfall au! t1v t10 rent It of the mountain 11v or W 1 found. a youth dedioated nd he was the support of bis genteel. 8 to c stolJW.ry white hen but al 0 d1d not return who spent sixty tiv in the for ats ot another e1 no" on harp, a cl property d$e. v llys,nor tr1 ndly contact avoid to give th gifts loan riang -h knew har saw has n t b en noted on JlJS.k1l1ngl not go through t, mysterious e pIlt the b am for this not only ~etus her presenoe ron, moonlight nights; from her 8ith dis p aredt or that ceremony. gs.1~lender and eh sta. her always young h th 1a in order robust and a workera he p S8ess to th Id and infirm ,a noble and simp! heart oonlflold d '0 he was somewhattaoiturn although nded upon ,them. the tylhoons nor did the n tiel boring ~t would ret'tU'n saf ven which protects yeu ys ll. ar1n i .• Su.ohgo an rewa y runs tho go 8 ted be id at nig' t£ to oort in to tho the COnQUGt ot h at aldn Mt s 1 s of 101 . s d1 and it sons. Nev rthel torrent,. 130m 4111' i . :.dated the fortun'i ecmo ~ttr1but erious enougn~his short ti 'tain upon ap torrential ets, ~thers to the protect! n of a sa! t, and others p ar1s and th the , the drouth Never d d t (;p;1.Qgue decimate his cattl e h. d e nduct, 1ble seemed to respect rot when th 0 tho dy 10 t h s bee. e the - at beautitul and b st cut v ted.· the 10 Gte n pa:t'ch the invi and unOQmmu.nic t1ve. lone or 1l\1GS to li ten to strange voices. enter HeanwhUethe t $lG rm.ye God knows how rived t: /th h th TTlU goodbye •• '!he seven or· 11n, gilt y r-s of li£' of the b.tu.·rack yo th s a long his lifeb i vith the whip, ar. nigJlt Which whioh parche on 5 e ns tatton. bruta.llz1ng and raphr$.se th presented t in th oth r3 abov all: and the lnt of honoz-, a d ometiu); s r v101ou , in Which th$ ooa%'$6 1nt rjeoti armed never hef e 1t youths feared horne. family, good f youth drawing of lot5 for s rVio millry t.10 1 des tis ~~nati·n of th the most ·0 ·n 'is s wi a St hOl"r1bl ft'l'"I'1I.!Ul1S n1ghtmar in order to awaken old, it has be n mili 1'7 was n ce beeo or 801'y <omth t many cut ott c; others have pul_ 'a to hi the ,~trldge; ng hi. w ymen; and not a f best pr autin a our yQuth det hded nst th1 to t1ng$r~ t.. exempt to out their to t.h Ii) in th Iv :s trom 1n which. t time others h ve fled to the h 'Ie ommit..ted suio1d s hw thelsas misfortune has been DJE.rriage, and th rry him to a .maiden, hand.sOl!1< th rents or .- 1 .•, MARIA G MAKILING not very dis who lived ountain" Tho ,-utb nt on the s not appE)4l"very enthu.s1astio, with o. sale aCCGpted it. nav uch' oro,$l' to .rre~ 1tnse1f from the mili tnry draf't first,in andonhis 01 parent. qu1ok1y arranGed Nv 51 ce ther tbele So in propQl:'tion became roo taciturn an and when h rfiJturned they r ply whe' they less no obstacl it S nd. the day :fertbe as th said flI presenUy co .un1cative; hime 1 we. proaohed he di ot th for ma. y hours, and many tim. breath evening bat ore th 'ti)er wedding t n1 appeared do not wish to' cease to' and oom ssian; ee you she said to him in sweet It --- "but I come to' bring ypu JrlY' gift, als to you . eeause I you Wel'"est}"ong and a worker and I d -air aw that your brid " I have protected to' m " Got Alt ough an earthly you have n t had the val r either and t t wh -to h1m.a the 01· thee and the j liberty did not h ry bea ty tones mingled with regret con ecrated er not to I) to the y he Was rl;;lturnin,g to the bouse. of hi$ betrothed, n ot xtraordi and in •• wedding was fixed. aw h1l!1 to be out ue ticn did ma. e yourself to contr you h v parents) Go I deliver in me I you to your tate; necessary nt your hard ind.ependent inth not had eontidenc 8.1though love is l'va y and h ve 1 v to' have you tor althou 0'1, f te or t dete security of th Sa mo tains. b v Y W 0' '1 nd· ur and stru c n." t is $ud the shSddQWSe H was left thre bundl brid ate fo iden th W s removed to a distance lmmobile and as if petr1fied; ow he.r but she had disap. wbiob the mal en had depos1t4d n ther 'lAna.ng Mkilin t. on th h The woodcutter p.p olothsnor r no who recounted t his red. feet this 1at 1" he t He 811 ntl and enter used the jewel r and w s lost. It nd ek hip heu 1nc~ then. to the rustics. history tome k t 0 or did no :wish MA J~ =hero, on Warren's typewriter the "O"" appears almost as a "C" !; 8 _ ,~KILING •• I. .:I what h.er hero was called. Wheth$r this 1s true or not, I do not know. Various times I have wandered to the skirts kUlin of lI.akiling and, instead the poor pigeons who oount their of dedioating myself to friendships in the high r-anches f .reminding myself of what &J'iang 11akll1nghas in eked, I have the trees, listened,a.ttentive in e sile ce of the forest, to peroeive th harmonies f her melancholy inatrUlJ1ent; and to see if I can discern her ideal figure fl ating in the air, nsd by a ray of the moonwhioh filtered half ill through the th ok fQ11 ge, I have loft I seen. Nothin Latel' .r have Ih me at night. to surprise ar • climbed to ti e sa e ascension which the friars lit of the mountain (in that i'amous attewted t ot be that ng with us of an 91'fi(:ial and a soldier a freebooter, t e 00 ca c' ty of tOUl-istS) and we sa~' d lightf\l1. places, to be inhabited trunks, Qet rar as V guard in the c arming places, worthy and gr~ceful, endid pluril8.g : all o ' ma ch at val' ous ties the split and mossy nss weavo. most b~aut1.fU1laces embroidered plants from the thr and varied parasitic to the toothed broad leaf. kinds, tall of the oivil notwithstanding by gods and goddess s. Tall trees with straight amongwhose branches t ie 'Hi th nowers. Nothing have or ciroular w eh distribute th s and more their sym trical 1 palms of all vas in spao have seen and admired. Ya in order to tarry nehant.ed place nor the humble hut oftariang gigant~ 0 fern, ika form ecstatic; but neit l"iakiling were left suspending er the to be sen. ( Transla.ted into English b:Y9 Arno d H. i~arren from a manusoript typewritten in ""panish. The rr.anusoript was ty waterma.rkedWOROr OCO BO D l~l. brown pa r. The titl folllT·nu MARIANO itten on white pa. r, 8" x 13", bound with a ribbon betl'lsen tlo she t is written with pen and il'lk oA the bre rn "per as LX G POl' Jose Rizal. The brown paper 1s brittle; much ...• .ider than the typeWritten sheets.) of lIIB.y be