, France , German y and LONG ISLAND NOW !lnItaly.England It was remotely controlled the Navy Department' s reCONNECTED WITH from ceiving station at Washington , D. C. Navy Department discontinued PERU BY RADIO The its operation in 1924 and the sta- An air wedding over Roosevelt field was satisfactoril y ended' with a parac hute jump. Most married coup les don 't get down to earth until after the honeymo on Is ' over. It is said that the greatest of tho tion was taken over by the Mackay ancient Egyptian pyr amids could be Radio and Telegraph Company three built nowadays in four or five years. years later. But how long would lb last? Sayvllle station operates on meter and wave lengths which enable It , ANNUAL MEETING with specially designed high power equ ipment for long range to com- The Annu al Meeting of the stockmunicate with far distant ships at holders of The Bank of Port J effersea. It Is connected by direct wire son for tho election of nine direc•with the main office at 20 Broad tors , will be held at the banking Street; New York , where another house on Janu ary 14 , 1930, at 4 sta tion , WSF, esta bllsheo radio tele- P- m. ' graph Communication with ships in H. E. Davis, Secretary Dee.' 16, 1929. New York Harbor or vicinity. ¦ '. ' — o «27 For generations -England and NOTICE OF ANNTJAI, MEETING Russia have been bitter rivals over The Tinker Natio nal Bank China. Now Russia Is moving an arKast Setanket , N. Y. my Into Chin a and doing about as The annual meeting of stockholdshe pleases . This must make a lot ers of this Bank for the election of of British statesmen mighty uncomfortable . In view of the further } directors and for the trans action of such other busin ess as may prop erfact that the ' British government has just thrown its arms aroun d the ly come before this meeting will be held at its Banking House at East bolsheviks and called them broSetauket , New York , on January 14, thers. 1930 at 8 o'clock p. m. B. G. Dearborn Cashier. 4 t 27 By modem vaporizing ^A TAX NOTICE V Wj ©intmont— J ust rub on Our Garaciis <By M. G. KAINS Long Island is now directly connected with Peru by means of a commerc ial radio telegraph service. Outgoing messages are sent from the wireless station at Sayvllle and the receiving plant la at Southampton. Radio telegraph communication from Sayvllle already had . been made countrywide with the opening of service to San Francisco through the station at Palo Alto and thence with point to point service along the Pacific Coast. In etxendlng the service over the seas on December 11 President Herbert Hoover , at "Washington , D.. C, exchanged messages with President Augusto B, Legu ia, at Lima , Peru. The Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company of the Internat ional System owns and operates the Sayvllle and Southam pton plants. , The Long Island Chamber of Commerce , through its Information Bureau , states that tho opening of communication with Peru marks the first trans-oceanic radio telegra ph circuit to South America in which the Mackay Station at Sayvllle played a major part. The southern end of the circuit is operated by All America Cables station at Lima. Sayvllle 's wireless elation , the OVEffff MIUIOW JABS USED YEARLY Long Island Chamber observes , has had an exceptionally Interesting history, technically and also as a pioneer in international wireless comVAIL G. TOOKE R mun ication. Besides the transconti nenta l and South American services Attorney and Counselor At Law First ' National Bank Building this station provides radio communi" cation with ships on the Atlantic Phone 667. Port Jefferson and Pac ific oceans. It recently esta¦ satisfa ctor y communication blished with a ship in Australian waters. Its equipment is such as to place it In the forefront among the world' s ra dio communication plants. Sayvllle station was established In ST. J AMK U. K. S. 1912 and operated as a subsidiary Notary Public of the German Telefunken Company. When Germany ¦ entered the World War she lost the use of her cables which were operated from the Com>. mercial Cable Company 's station at o f All Kinds Far Rockaway and depended upon the Sayvllle wireless for international communication to countries not immediate adjacent. In 1917 , when the United States entered the war , the Navy Department took control of the station and made extensive improvements. Until after , peace came In 1919 Sayvllle station was in constant use, communicating with radio stations Author, Lecturer and Consultant on H orticulture i. ¦> 1 t * * .(Sun a scnpbook and keep all articles for reference) ¦ wTiyHouse Plants Often Sta rve of poisonin g by the former ce burn in? Y Pott ed plants may havo plenty latter. All that is Hood in their soil and yet starve to the skin by the to smear the gloves death. Unless there is enough wat er necessary is the mixture and rub lightl y with get it. they can't to dissolve the food halittlebcforcp lahting. "Pot bound" plants suffer most be- eachbulbwit of these precauneither Where dries out cause the ball of soil is used the bulbs ma y he proSlickl y. Plants that have been al- tions keeping the ground bare tected by wed to become so dry that the soil grass or othe r mashrinks awa y from the pots also of straw , leaves, fter it has froze n hard. terial until a aufler sever ly because tne wate r made their rushes down the cracks between the ¦The mice will then have will not be able soil and the pots and out at the nests elsewhere and ground. hthefrozen burrowthrou g to earth, wettin g the witho ut iottom be safe to apply To correct such conditions first see Not until then will it covering to prestraw or other litter , To disare pot-bound. If the plants and tha wing cover this put your hand over the vent alternate freezing vicinit y of the of th e ground. In the stem of the with top of tho pot plant between your first and second New York the latter part of Decemthese to make enough ber is soon down lingers. Turn the plant upside an d knock the rim of the pot against dr essings. The time to remove them something stat ionary. You may then is when the buds of the earliest Eft off tho pot and examine the shrubs begin to swell. wots If the y form a dense mass Plant stakes 'dipp ed in melted ta r ar ound the ball of soil put the plant or stood for a day or two in creosote in the next size larger pot with ad- as deeply as they are to be driven in ditional soil. If the roots are not the ground will last far longer than very abundant but the soil is dry, untrea ted ones. The parts ahove pnt ' tht p lant back in the pot and ground should be painted. This may tut the surface soil a quarter inch be quickly done by hav ing thin paint eleap all around the top with an old in a deep tube , or a narrow deep pail , kr -ifc. Then stand tho pot in a in whi ch to dip the sta kes as deeply couple of inches of water until the as necessary. After dr aining and lurfac e soil becomes dark. This will drying, give them a second dip. ihow that water has risen in and Gather all the "mummies " you Tjcttcd the ball of soil. Stand the can find on peach , plum , cherry, apr iplant in a sink to dra in after which cot and nectarine trees and on the place where wanted. Each time you ground beneath. Burn them. They water tho plants make sure to soak contain the germs of brown rot that the whole ball of soil. Once or twice destroys fruit , foliage and young a week of soaking each tim e is better shoots. After burning them spray than little sprin kles every day. the trees with winter str ength limesulphur solution accordin g to the Saving Tulips from Mice manufacturer 's directions. Better Mi ce are so fond of tulip, crocus bu y what spray material you need and various other bulbs they some- at the garden supply stores than times destroy all in a planting. Yet attem pt to make it yourse lf. a few simple, inexpensive precauAs a precaution again st peach tions will prev ent such losses. Some leaf cur l, spray the trees with of these must be ta ken as the bulbs winter strength lime-sulphur before ars being planted and one after- the buds swell , preferably on a mild war ds. day. This disease lives over winter Among the former , moth balls are on the buds and twigs. When growth often recommended to plant among starts it contorts the leaves and ofth e bulbs. Cre osote is also some- ten kills them. Follow man ufactimes poured into holes punched turer 's direc tions. xp aVio-.it six inches deep and a couple of feet annrt in tho ground—a teaExumin yout j uniper or cedar to> a hole—and the hole cioonful closed by trampin g. These materials tre es criti-ully this month. If you someth ing ni a!;e smells which are offensive to find swellings that look the mice. They last only one season. lik e pock-marked liver , cut off and Another way is to smear the bulbs burn them. They are "cedar apples " with materials which eith er poison which cause damage to the trees the mice or teach them to leave tho nnd also "rust ," a disease of apple bulbs alone. Lead • arsenate is tho tree foliage and fruit. When spring nx.-.t effective poison and cayenne opens they swell nnd loo't like opper ono of the strongest repel- prongy sponge. Then they are more fiurits. When either is used it is mixed conspicuous. If any reach that wi th Imd (tnb iespoonful to pound ) stage , cut an d burn them al Jnco t<. nrn ko it stick and applied with as tho y are then apreadin z tho : :' ber gloves to prevent danger of disenn o by their germs. Colds Checked N&& VISH GEO H SMITH Insurance r i erid it to M. G, Ksin. , Garden C!ly, N. Y. *'!iim you Itave a cnrdenui g: problem I -¦.:.• '. nnd snm'rr s oI Beneral inlrre if wil fi r rrinli -d in OUR GARDENS when timely. 1. vim tii .h a direct re ply cncloio a ¦ctf .acldrv • ii, .lump ed envelope. Conyiiuli t 1929—M. G. Kala t CHAS. V. PL-.TT County Jud ge Furman •S'jKj ^a^'eC^^ 'S^CSS-K^'SC j> Will Seek Re-election % DIPPING i;,'70 ' | County Judge fieo. II. Furm n n announced last wool: thnt ho will be a candidate for re-election tills fall. Tho announcem ent came nn nn answer to tlio boom for District Attorney George Illldroth , started last week when ho wns given a sondoff by lawyers and Judges durin g the closing days of bis regime ns Distr ict Attorney. Furniau Is lined up with County loader W. Klngsland JIncy and It In claimed that ho will have the support of the county Re publican organization. % \\<S> SCJEWCE 4 ' ;.' R.r ,':-a!s The tn ;...- , o.' U..: ; , f.sr :;.¦.;! '„ ; 5o j? <£ X i .'I .1 v.- . ' l.. i ii " i.:;:. ' ' i ...s :.. ;i piuuii i.1 Im ' : '. . '• ivni iili i Ik Ki' iii' i'i 1 ' ly ii !'.>:::• ; : :'* !. ' •:. Iln lij- s .. !.nvli- U ii li ' i iil in ; "I ' iiiii rl ' lilr. ' . J£ 6 t> V o llii' ,v ii .::- i niiili's I- n u t i .ii ' I I IMcs ..is: II . ' i 'in- : i'V.'I i y i ' i. 's w up 1. ;: i' i..:il.s I 'i inn.';' -I . n:. !i's mi ¦; '. .i 'r i....I niv ilie 'I ;. - | •'• "" • I:: *:. •! r r r -n <•) C- As l l l li h ' iI l l l l l l- ; w i l l l'"i llll " ,[, Ji' < '; Reiirejwniliin LDhUIINO COMI 'ANIial tffik l^k ift*Sf"r5w Jlgga sriss «tu ..»..i.iiW... ii.i. m.v...i ..i.«ji .iiwuiAua GORDON PRIVATE I AND Vice-Pros. Ii. I. Real instate Ilour o Ilrancli Oftlr * Mala Office Ilinne S? Pnone OGT Ol'IOM TO TIUO I'UIHIO llraneb Offloe Ilione 078 ' IVirr Jfaffaruon Ma ' If BXONV llllfili ROAM I'ORT JmWKUflON. N. V. TKMOPIIONIi ) 7fl r.TO-.-.7ic.»ira tp^3A^n.^.^T.i;r..^.^.i5im Real Eotate H. BAYLES FRANK ¦ .' , .|n(OH IN . I.>. J . .-!t|7 Insurance ' , , ¦ ¦ eMf iHY... .. ;,;:\ ,' .;;¦ ,,B^A - 'f 1 J , Wffij ;^,J ;_ m^.h' t ^ n xJ j fiw \ti iiw^iMHnSlnsMPWM SwafetinuK '" (W ^ Children Iif ^f) ZffllfofL Our work combines that of the Optometrist and Optician. Wo examine your eyes with the most scientific instruments , proscr ibe the proper lenses, then gr ind tho lenses nnd mount them In th e most becoming frames. A quick and reliabl e sorylco mado possible by our complete and modern equipment. Your Byes Deserve tlio Bcot: THE BEST Is Wlint Wo Offer. MOTH ERJ-Fletch er's Castor ia is especially prepared to relieve In fants in arms and Children all ages of Consti pation Wind Colic Tc^Sweeten Stomach Flatulency Diarrhea Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilatio nof Food, promoting Cheer fulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates _f Hotel Square • l' ort Joff orson OMr e to the POST OFFIC R nUUiUINO Port Joffer eon • . jTCL f^i^CW Complete }>mdy|l Optical '%J-~--$ Service C. H. HARTM AN Attorney and Counce uor-at-Law IMWW MMMP HM ^^ M ATliRN IT Y HOSPITAL Stony Bron* GEORGE E. DARLING , ', . , . ...i \v,. rtt i n %'. i. ;,:,|„ , litil.in » ' - .-< .' ;'>;• ¦.. X >> 11EALT0R INSURANCE Port Jeff erson Leading Fire Ins. Companies ii>-^ V i ^ ? ' ' - . ' .' ; .>'.• ,. •;,> Dances, Weddings , Parties , etc. One of the Finest Halls on Long Island. Address Vandall' s Meat Market Port Jefferson , N. Y. L. C. CLARKE Inc. I' ORT JHFFERSON , N. f. ll 'Unj rontliig th« *'¦ TO RENT By the Day or Night < HR£ I N SURANCE Town of Brookha ven To the taxpayers and inhabitants of the Town of Bro okhaven , take notice. The undersigned , Receiver ' of Taxes , in and for said town , having rece ived the warrant -for the- collecting of taxes for the year 1929, will ait at his office, 144 Mai n Street , Port Jefferson , N. Y., to receive same , beginning Decembe r 1, 1929, and ending June 1, 1930. Dated at Port J efferson , N. Y. December 1, 1929. JACOB S. DHEYER , Receiver of Taxes. Taxes can be paid between December 1, 1929 , and Ja nuary 10, 1930 , without any fee or penalty. On all taxes paid between January 10, 1930 and June 1, 1930, a penalty of five per cent will be added. 6t2 G m SPECIAL i $75.00 i **yetl Mtukrat and Great Northe rn a**o Baltic seal coats YEAR GUARANTEE AND MWmlm\TWO ' fur ^EE STORAGE ^Mwl| | from coats purchased us. "^>iJ5»ffiI»f/^ On MUSKRAT ^^W5y HUDSON SEAL CL RACCOONS ilKl natura ' l and dyed squirrels , nort hern ii i lif ,fe seal and several other coats. Mff Z ' I lot!', ] Reasonable repairing and remodeling a'9° tr 'mrnm S8Itflk WiSw> ? Sets and Scarfs of all kinds We pay beat prices for raw skins 1 / tTo avoid Imitations , always look for the signature ol 0&A// 7-&£J&A/ Proven di rections on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend It 1 | | WILLIAM H. ROSE FUNERAL DIRECTOR | 202 and 206 Bayview Terr ace. f > j B I AGENCY AETNA INSURANCE CO.~~ of Hartford HOME INSURANCE CO. FURRIER l'hoiieai flmtUito wn fla-R , Ree. ltiflJ 411 I „**tf?r 11 * ¦ ^SffltiiitS] of New York IRVING M. SWEZEY Room 2, First National Bank Bldg. Port JelTerhon , N. Y. BMITHTOWN 1UIANCII ¦ MsJsil ssMs.iaa aWa.lllls.n.WM. ^ I 1 I I I O. B. DAVIS INC. FUNERAL Port Jefferson , N. Y. Telephone 410 Port Jefferson , N. Y. S. G0URAS \ | gate 's Court of our said Count y of Suffolk to be hereu nto affiled. WITNESS, HON. ROBERT S. of our PBLLETREAU , Surrogate nald County, at Riverhead , N. Y., this 6th day of Decembe r , 1929. JOHN D. HALLOCK , Legal Notice Clerk of the Surro gate 's CourtWells R. Rltch Citation to Attend Accounting At torney for Executor No. 323 P 192S Port Jefferson , N. Y. . The People of the State of Bt27 New York TO -' Legal Notice Jennie Garrison Clarence Woods . * Citation to Attend Accountin g John Woods ••• No. 283. P 1928 Edith Doebner The People of the State of. Katherlne Smith New York Stanley Hawkins TO . Francis Hawkins Everett A. Hawkins David L. Wishart Amanda Wishart Manly E. Smith Ellen Jane Smith Maude Pit zpatr ick Jennie Garrison Harold Smith Clarence Woods Prank Baldwin • * John Woods Edward Baldwin , Jr. Edith Doebner Arthur Baldwin Katherlne Smith Annie Pendleton Stanley Hawkins Laura Baldwin Francis Hawkins Lester Camedy David L. Wishart Percy Armstrong Manly E. Smith And all persons Interested in the Maude Fltzpatrick estate of Eliza A. Hawkins late of Harold Smith the town of Brookhaven in the Frank Baiwln County of Suffolk , deceased , as creEdward Baldwin , Jr. ditors , legatees , next of kin , or Arthur Baldwin otherwise . Greeting: Annie Pendleton Upon the petition of Jesse W. Laura Baldwin Wells residing at Setauket , N. Y. And all persons interested in the esYou and each of you are herehy tate of Alexander Hawkins late of cited to show cause before our Surthe town of Brookhaven In the rogate of the County of Suffolk at deceased , as crethe Surrogate 's office, at RJ vertiea d , County of Suffolk , next of kin , or in said County, on the 3rd day of ditors , legatees, February, 1930 at one o'clock p. m., otherwise . Greeting: Upon the petition ot Jesse W. why the accounts of Jesse W. Wells as executor of the will of Eliza A. Wells residing at Setauket , N. Y. You and each of you aro hereby Hawkins , deceased , should not be cited to show cause before our Surjudicially settled and allowed. And such of you as are hereby rogate of the County of Suffolk at cited as are under the age of twen- the Surrogate 's office, at River head , ty-one years may appear by your in sold County, on the 3rd day ot guardian , if you have one, or if you Fohruary, 1930 at one o'clock p. m., have none you may appear and ap- •why the accounts of Jesse W. Wells ply for one to be appointed or In as executor ot the will of Alexander the event of your neglect or failure Hawkins deceased , should not be to do so a guardia n will be appoint- judicially settled and allowed. And such of yon as are hereby ed by the Surrogate to represent cite d as are under the age of twentyand act for you In the pro ceeding. IN TESTIMONY WHER EOF , WE one years may appear by your guarhave caused the Seal of the Sur ro- dian . If you have one, or It you have none you may appear and apply for one to be appointed or in the event of your neglect or failure to do so a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent an d act for you in the proceeding. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF , WE havo caused the Seal of the Surrogate 's Court of our said County of Suffolk to he hereunto affixed. WITNESS , HON. ROBERT S.' Women in London are beginning to wear monoc les. They ought to be fined for staring down rude and I nsolent mashers on the street corners. ? ~— All Kitu lii MonuiuenUil Woilt Fra n Gra nite and IvfyrM e. r ' , ' ¦ , • .' " , ¦ ¦¦ ' ll»!dt>uo» Htadlo of Thm urvw ttHiUIONAQUttt i HWI lUlaO I* looftled twrfw wi, vnTi M rQ n nan Mad Ska* fMawlunt, on (It * ll»*u» Itoad. Tho Htuilin I* now utwts ¦ ¦ .^™|" . . . *C* bOMllMM. ^ ..,... — ,¦¦ „', ,,', ,!,, »> •» | i,„i,(,, ,,,, iii . i. yj .". ..m;. i-^r — ,V.'A ." ,''" . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order of Robert S. Polletreau , Surro gate of the County of Suffolk , N. Y., not ice Is hereby given to all persona having claims against Mar y A. Sells, deceased , late of the Town of Broo khavon ,that thoy are re quired to exhibit the same , properly verifie d to Frank E. Wallace , tho undersigned , at tho office ot Elmer P. Smith , at tho First National Bank Blag., Port Jefferson , N. Y., on or before the 21st day of February, 1050. > Frank UJ. Wallace , Executor. Elinor P. Smith , Atf y. for Elxooutor First National Bank Bldg. Port Jo fforson , N. Y. 2Rt» NOTICE TO CRKDITORS • Pursu ant to an order of Robert 8% Pelloatroau , Surrogate of the County of Suffolk , N. Y„ notice Is hereby given to all personu having claims agai nst Charloo Puriok , ' deceased , lato ot tho Town ot Brookhaven , that they aro required to exhibit the same , properly verified to Qooralana Ha wkins , the undersi gned , at tho office of Elmer P. Smith, at tlio Firs t National Bank Bid g., Port Jo fforson , N. Y„ on or before the 11th day ot January, 1030. Bated , Jul y nth , lo go. Oeorglnna Hawkins , IHxeoutrlx. IMmor P. Smith , Att y. for fflioeutrlx , rirut Nati onal Hank Bld g., Port Jefferson , N. Y. »7t« BOND nnd UORTOAOm LOANfl r\iH f t C t e n K M A. S- GR K E N E Ptioto sranher ^ PBLLETREAU , Surrogate of our snld County, at Riverhead , N. Y., this 6th day of December , 1929. J OHN D. HALLOCK , Clerk of tho Surrogate 's Cour tWells R. R ltch Attorney for Executor Port Jefforaon , N, Y. Bt27 ELMER P. SMITH Atlornev & Cotin seloMstlLaw DIREC TORS Tel. 28S ,.^ '" —-.™—--™ .„ VmMUUAI, iPIW aOlflOls nuAhj mvA'ta i . , . ifcimiwiAV^^ iwrji oii!, , ;j ' .»1