lMSSd I IL THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, rwr "Wfrr OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE SECTION TWO, PAG WEEKS SAYS TOO MUCH WAR TALK Agitation Deplores Senator Concerning U. S. Military Affairs nj TlmM.1 In Tint Itli AMiKltttxlTmi. WASHINGTON, 1). C. Doe. 12. Declaring tbnt there has boon too in noli publicity of tlio military affairs ot tli6 nation, Senator Weeks of Mns inrluiMtti, In n Kinucli to tlio Sonnto, nppotipd t!.( agitation for u special Investigation of our military preparedness, prnlHud tlio strength of tlio of tlio nnvy nmt urged tlio organisation ot an Army Uqsorvo. Ho sntU thoro was no reason why wo slioulil (1Ibc1oo our military secrets to tho Kuroponn powers by nn open Investigation. "Anyono oan loarn about our military or naval establishment by rending tlio reports ot tho secretaries of tlio departments and tho bureau reports. It la nn open I'oah to nil our citizens ami thoro nood bo no iloubt about our rotative capabilities It ono la deposed to study tlio roports Instcud of Bcoklin; uotorloty In tho press." por-foun- ol J ' ' '' I1TI1IMI1IIM iT SH P SAIL TO GERMAN I American Steamer Elmonte; of S. P. Lines, Leaves With Cotton for Bremen Itljr Amm Uiitl 1'r.M Id toon llx TlinM. Orognu now Htoamor to miiII dlroct from Now York tor n (Sorinau port sluco war was tic clarud four months nuo, ntonmol 'out of tho luirbor today. Tho yossoI Ih tho HI Monlo of o Soiitliont Pacific lino Hho Is bound for llromcn und Iiiih on board a full cart'o of cotton. SAI.1C.M, 2tcCflft Tr'l NI AX VV - " unrigj AND THAT'S THE REASON THAT JUST AT THE OPENING L ' I i f fll OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON WE ARE OFFERING DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR WELL-STOCKb- U at FIND HERE EVERYTHING Eastern Oregon TO DELIGHT . ' WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS LARGE AND SELECTION IS EASY VEY jri-fTLi ' ' You remember those buckwheat cakes and maple syrup that made chilly mornings a dslight and you the them with the joy of living. Well, we can give same thing over again if you will order "HUNGER'S PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR." ' A have the best in the market S and you will never regret South Broadway TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- - sound! has been a hobby with us forapodmanr codim to our customers will tell you when Itright bu8l. our Pceh0ainount you want durable framing material at the b"'ia to neis. Just tell what you wantwith our pencil ana ncuro t tbe bM, to spoad and we'll get busy your uooey can buy. Try us gfsiJod. "? Lumber & Mfg. Co. C. A. Smith OCT THE nnniri um flWiiftiitiri i ,T,S," Mil mtilri- - in TWO AWAllD DKCILMUEK Must Do Mailo to Nor I'Vti. in. uokIiiii rulluiiu)iit ). C. Deo. 1?. WASHINGTON'. Secretary Jlrynu nent to the Seno,to tudny u clioulnr from tho Nobel com-m- il too of tho Norwegian parliament, saying thut tho nominations for (ho Nobol pwioe pilzo to bo awarded in 101b must bo formnlly presented to tho commlttoo beforo February 15 Tho award will bo of that ear. inude Decombor 10, 1015, o Christ must be born in each heart in oruer that we may have a true Christmas. Are we rejoicing in the gifts human love? Shall we be unmindful of Him who is the "unspeakable gift?" Turn not the Christ pf God away from the heart's inn; banish Him not to the manger. Heaven's gift is now offered without money and without ' price. Receive Him with glad welcome. Christmas is every one's day. Childhood can have no monopoly of it, though His child life inspired it. Christians are riot its sole possessors, while they are its only true interpreters. Youth cannot claim tho whole of it even while its exuberance gives it its chief natural emphasis. Thsre are currents beneath the surface motion into which the plummet meditation must plunge to note their existence and determine their direction. of PSSW I'lll.KK N'oiulimlioiiK The birth of Jesus means the establishment of the reign of justice and conscience, and you and cannot realize the benafits of this divine season until we have become like little children in humility and gentleness and revived the will and the love of God as they have been made known to us in the Master's gospel. n .NOMKIi NKXT I - ll;m l.lltlo llopo ot efforts. Christ had nsver been born there would have been no Christmas, and where now is holy light would abide a great shadow, and where now is sweet and sacred joy would be sadness and tears. If Christ had never been ' born ths world would have bereft itself of the love and the light of God. Phone 326 4 KOMI-!- . Deo. 12. I'opo Uonodlct U urglni; that an understanding bo arranged botwoon tho warring factions under whloh a truce will bo posslblo during tho Christmas holidays'. It Is k'uld, howovor, that his holiness has little hope for tho success ot hU If - m KlICI tKS. Because Christmas stands for the child, as the father of the man, and for the cradle, as the one point where futurity is vulnerable, it will yet usher in the golden age. To produce an ideal world we need only one thing a Christmas that lasts ull the year. first first tolo-Kra- CllltlhTMAK TltUCH WANTS Mill Ih Sab I lo I CONNOR & HOAGLAND ' '1'01'H itt Let us prove it to you. it. CHRISTMAS IDEA! Christmas will be worthily kept by us in proportion as our hearts glow with Christlike feelings. Estrangements should melt in the warmth of Christmas gratitude to God. Let it be a sweet, forgiving time a time for the doing of blessed charities. MPh?n?3zW Utl I'm la Com IUj Tim. YOUK, Deo. 12. Tho llljr Am NHW from (lovornor Amnions ot Colorado, sayliiK that ho did not think It advisable to withdraw all tlio fodoral troops from tho strlko district at this tliuo. l'reshloiH WJ1-xo- ii wauU to wlthdiHW tho troops and will communicate further with tho (lovornor. c "ADIRONDACK PURE MAPLE SYRUP TOWLE'S VERMONT MAID MAPLE SYRUP breakfast fresh new stock of these appetizing 5S?J!tt TO rrosldont Wilson rocolved a ORE. aaaiauaHaHHBHHHBHaMBHHMMM"H MMMaMMB!MWHWWWWW"MM"WMWW'M"B uMy, How Good They Tasted" WABIIINtlTON, 1). 0., Doc. 12. has ono now county, tho secretary ot Htnto roooHliiK ndvlcos today from tho Crook County clork that tho moamiro i routing u now county from Ihu torrllory of Crook County, to bo known uh Jofforuou County, had itnrlod at tho rocout oloctlon. Aftor fleet Ion tho count ot tho voto wan doltoed by uu Injunction, NEEDS 3 n i; Tlrot,J III; AmkII(1 1'rwt In I'oo. DLDRMD STILL SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS MARSHFIELD, Injunction Delayed Returns ' DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 93M - is- Jefferson County Ornanized in YOU WILL PROFIT BY FREQUENT VISITS FOR YOU WILL TOY SECTION. AND CHARM THE BOYS AND GIRLS AND SAVE 25 CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR. NORTH FRONT STREET GOUT DIVIDED BYVDTE 25 Per Gent Discount COME TOMORROW Uag. Aniork-ii- D OUR ENTIRE LINE OF SMALL Toys the Hho flloii m GOODS MARKED BELOW COST WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE SMALL TOY BUSINESS ' iy. Doe. What Is aupposod to bo record spend lu goUlng man to a forest flro U reported from Oregon, whoro n 'mi ono of tho national forests raiiRor wont to town, hlrod ton mon. and got this forco to tho tiro Ilea away within 48 mlu-uttwelve i v. ho was notified by Ul phono, es i ijfiiRitiiMiiiPifWpiilg r 1