af hsr Debt THE DAILY TRIBUNE" with all the Im :LOI| ~ - -eeedlngsin Congree ears fal’tmmmLrleJo torsi ~s de :WLADELPIIIA, .... + of thebest t~aterlal. th, xek’l~nce°fstlteh, f°ret+¢eng durahltity of ~.m, for eeonbmyo1~ tl read, for.,.~ nqd c tv a d tharodghness,,, and for e~ealme+.sthis mac~ ++ ts A IdtVAL,. Maehlno also ~t Ifi’l d x+porta of the’ Amer " United States, and we ’+: ," ,, , . fhnlleuge’the World [: - ’ t.’prndttco thelr~¢qualfet¢thoprleo.’ Jl:arranted to i’,l)lfi~e ~,~t.1 " : . . . " .I : ’ A~J~T,q Wanted In every towfi a~d the UJHIedI~tatee: . , ¯ the Farms tga of the country: - ’ ¯ attics in want of. a good SowingMashnt ’ Fr~’mthe./~hrl,h’a, l.t~l~{tleneer,.~Yew. Yor~’, for fuulily.uso br cloth Workoferery kind, wll J.:y 16;1S,~3,’ "Inpolntof ,rice tills machine plcaseeXataine the Eloreenco before purchasing is less lll~n l~lf that of nny other rdllable and elsewhere. stitch Is morenlaef1~Vt"rollahiIIty anff. durabillty, ohrie, almost leas, s~laplv in eoustruetion, Is tit of repair. Ilavlng n revorsihlo feo;J’~llttb pnrator, to stitch, either to the right or ~OUR DIFFI~RE,~’T D,,.bl¢ L.¢L" and DoubleJ~5,ot. __, .:¯ / o¢cr every other" preparatton t]toae whohavea finc’hcad 6f ha.k, [o as’Wellas tho~ew|~ .t=-Tk~b+a~rf" mparted to thc 1.t’~ir makcit for old and young.- , to resoled tlmt lho to:be L - .°. +1 t bill for’, thb.)retirement Oreat sad :¯~ "~ "+~:" " . . -.~ ’i -,+.. +:1869; ..... :.L_~........̄ ......... : _~...... ~lifedo~ce hold. the .work ¯ Thouevade st boxNsol~+ ," ¯ . .... The Drucal,t ]lammoutonh~s L , .ineom~tent ~Ir, Pomer6y’tri’d to hare the ~ntrtl l’g~laol~lmid hi11 eOnildered’, sad Nr. Ed. of..!rba of tho.0ourt Ih~m:d.’, Mr. l~bl,+msi bill ext~ndlni; the Jurbdl0dofi of 01dmz tO 16ygl citizens for am tho Mr,’ Wits for the reducdon"of the its ..senmml T++...+,...... iUVentlons~aud +. ~-ly ,. ¯ O Bre wy, e Y rk are GImNT8 m~tlol from aud from 180 to ’ ofthd bind ~orth~e will ~O ~IiII, it ]tOg{venphcoto’ th0 ielegraph. The telegrai~h hts everywhereb¯pplunled it endtbie not the Continentalnations but extensivelyiu the Lrnited Kingdoaiit. undiu ell the Britidtcolonies+ sons-inter so ~those4n-that-bua of.the need ne ’phip In her xoyag0i~omllavre to’ York,the .F(rll ~legrap~"wna ~ew teaehere la 1835t a’ccordiug presentOltpO~unit~ el : ~.’eurinigto concurrenti~tlmo.yo! i Iho regulallonat liJq~ed 1~’flat’ ai:~nte, opoll.ed bya: priva coal rmo, di~"al~Wblooks ~ of Iho used to the dietaut reamthe sp+t. IkemwhichI, now addre~+yon.It wa~a/oeblo child itfdeed. un~nJntyIn its¯ <he~.slat*merit+8: lu itn bu’tit hadthepall the distinctive ’of |Is Jpre,ent o! the few w. delivered Eatn & OrnamentaIPrinting +&eel 1,143 I&lO of. Commeme. i,lt -.’~.utialdate~,+-familiai’-iudeed - t+ -ail~who haverd~tda.y uuth0nti0hi.tory el the is; Well. are 3ut ! em given the m ly the resultof he povortyiand .the influenceqf ’the sul~tsn-tlol4nored¯llly--ef.theee-+~ho+eoeld have r¢~euedit front its ob.~eurily.It foundt IHeud--nneflk~iont ~hnd--ln Nr. AIIred Vail bf NewJoney~~ho, with 5h’ father nnd~rether~ t~mished]he .meannto +give the oh lid a d~con~dPe~Dt~iml~10ry’fo la Vhlt to fl/o sent’of Govnrumont.Tho~o fewlasts suiteshoroto IndiCts the’time end phmol thd blrth el the Telegraph. In’1832it was plannedou board the ehlp: lu 11+115 ]tn fires oper~tlo,Winshown.In the NnwYorkCity t1,,¥;’ ]nthowi ’of 1837and]838 It ~os’ ,~oegrm,:. WhothO~ had not in it~ setups mt,n withthe so.calk~l telegraphs In l’:., rope (hut whLeh,wet*Mmplx olo~ro.mSll. not~otalet.raphe), it Is evldonttram file dates Ihut the Amerlean’ telellraidt could ~eateelyhavndorlvodn,~thl0t~fromthole’, u~ooeIhoe0did’ not p~otleally’oxlo~till ~q Yearaeub~q¯oot(o’ Iho ®~¢optlOll I plqaulnliot" the l,!eArsphOnIm,rdthn p ; itot"dLdIhoarat EOll nolle ~mepltoronxlat ¯nail aRcr the przctloaluperstiou of th¯ Amorimm ele~tm squalls tololrmph In thh’dly,. 1¯ ehdm. Inl for the U~ltodSlamthe blr(hl~eco of ths t~lOemllh , do 1 olalm" too ’An [ uRlust to the dbtinlutWedRvuuso the Old. and mma alto In tim ~owWerld~ Wht~o I;ttlenl lalmruuodbrill~nt drossy. elim ptol-,red lho wQfur I t. sdvanL~~/o uq~omornslnv0t~l¥ al~rU~lel tl~ m3aolC qhos~Inutilh ~.eambus of ~lUillOr~ ol/~,lapmm tof.~ of Ohm;of Fro’talert of-thlM,-m~l--i-hos el di~tinluhhed wurkotl In the t~humql