MATH 160: ELEMENTARY STATISTICS SYLLABUS CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY – DISTANCE EDUCATION INTERNET COURSE TERM: Spring I 2009 January 5 – February 28 INSTRUCTOR: Suzette Kliewer (pronounced Cleaver) PHONE: (910) 346 – 6748 E-MAIL: COURSE DESCRIPTION: Emphasis on statistical inference beginning with a study of elementary probability and continuing to "decision making" through topics that include: mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance, regression analysis of variance, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. TEXT: Bluman, Allan; Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version; 4th Ed. McGraw Hill Publishing, ISBN # 9780073312651 • Please note that this is a new textbook for this class. • You will need the 4th edition. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED CALCULATOR: TI – 83, TI-83 Plus, or TI-84 Learning Outcome: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to collect sample data and use basic statistical techniques to support decisionmaking. Students should also be capable of using the Texas Instrument 83 calculator (TI-83) to calculate basic statistical measurements and interpret their meaning within the context of the process. Expectations of Students: Students are expected to participate in all phases of the class, including the discussion board. All assignments, quizzes and tests are due on the dates as noted on the Course Calendar, which is located under Course Documents. All students are subject to the academic integrity and behavioral expectations of the University. Grading Criteria: 1.) UNITS OF STUDY: There are three units of study for MATH 160: UNIT I Chapter 1 Sections 1.1 – 1.8 Chapter 2 Sections 2.1 – 2.6 Chapter 3 Sections 3.1 – 3.6 UNIT II Chapter 4 Sections 4.1 – 4.7 Chapter 5 Sections 5.1 – 5.5 UNIT III Chapter 6 Sections 6.1 – 6.5 Chapter 7 Sections 7.1 – 7.5 A course calendar of events can be found under COURSE INFORMATION stating the dates for assignments, quizzes, tests, and the final. Please note that some dates may have to be adjusted as we proceed through the course. You will be given sufficient notice of such changes. 2.) SUGGESTED HOMEWORK PROBLEMS: Located under Assignments you will find a list of suggested homework problems for each section covered this term. These will NOT be turned in for a grade. These are for you to practice the concepts in each section. However, some of these exact problems will appear on assignments, quizzes, the discussion board and/or tests. 3.) QUIZZES: Quizzes are given to ensure you are mastering the material. The schedule for the quizzes can also be found under the course calendar. Quizzes will be posted on the scheduled days. You are expected to show all work to receive credit. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ SUBMITTING ITEMS TO ME FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE THE QUIZZES AND TESTS. 4.) TESTS: Three scheduled tests will be given this term over Unit I, Unit II and Unit III. Tests, just like quizzes, will be posted on designated days. 5.) SUBMITTING ITEMS TO ME: Please note that is not as MATH friendly as we would like, so we have to make the necessary adjustments. One main area involves the tests and quizzes. It takes time for students to work out problems and many times in the past, students would get bumped off the site by their internet service. Therefore, your quizzes and tests will have to be done off-line. You will print the quiz or test, work out the problems and then submit your work and answers to me in one of the following ways: • Scan the document using a scanner and save it as a file. You can also use the Acrobat Reader. Then send it to me either as an attachment to email or place in the drop box under I PREFER YOU PLACE IT IN MY DROPBOX! Please make sure I can read it and that it is scanned right side up. Points may be deducted if the item is sent where I can not read it! • Type the document as a doc document USING MICROSOFT WORD and send it to me as an attachment via email or place in the drop box. Please note: This is the method that I prefer. I can make the necessary corrections on your document and return it to your drop box the QUICKEST! • US mail to my home address (1022 5 Mile Road Richlands NC 28574) I try very hard to return tests and quizzes shortly after you submit them. However, it can take up to 7 – 10 days for me to return these items. 6.) CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students will be expected to participate in class discussions posted on the discussion board. Questions on the discussion board will be posted in which I expect ALL students to respond. The discussion board will be used to help answer questions and I expect ALL to participate, either by asking questions or help in answering other students’ questions. A portion of your final grade will come from your participation on the discussion board. You should make approximately 40 - 50 MEANINGFUL entries on the discussion board during the term – that is about 5 – 7 per discussion. If all of your entries are made 1 hour prior to the due date of a test, quiz, assignment, etc., these entries will not be graded. You will find that the more you participate in the discussion board, the more you will learn and the higher your grade becomes. THE USE OF THE DISCUSSION BOARD IS ESSENTIAL FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE. Students are expected to make mature comments only on the discussion board. No profanity, vulgar language or disrespectful comments toward the instructor or another student will be tolerated. Students are expected to keep in touch with the instructor weekly. I expect to hear from you at least twice a week. This can be through the discussion board, email or both. This is also a part of your class participation grade. In addition, students have the capability of e-mailing one or more students by using the email function under the Communications button. Finally, toward the end of the course, you will receive a course evaluation. This must be completed and returned ASAP. Not returning this evaluation will affect your class participation grade. Remember class participation is 100 points of the 1000 point total. Your class participation grade is computed as follows: 50 pts for discussion board, 25 pts for communication with me, and 25 pts for returning the evaluation. 7.) LATE SUBMISSIONS: All due dates for assignments, quizzes and tests are stated in the course calendar. All work should be submitted on time. Students who fail to turn in assignments or take posted quizzes by their due dates, WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL, will be assessed a penalty of one letter grade per day. Tests will not be accepted late. Exceptions will be handled individually by the instructor. 8.) Grading Policy: Official grades are issued for each student at the end of each term. Students will be graded by the letter grade system shown below. A – 90 –100 Excellent B – 80 – 89 Good C – 70 – 79 Average D – 60 – 69 Below Average F – Below 60 Unsatisfactory Your grade will be based on these components: CLASS PARTICIPATION/DISCUSSION BOARD ASSIGNMENTS QUIZZES TESTS 100 POINTS 100 POINTS 200 POINTS 600 POINTS (200 each) Grades are based on a point system using the following scale: 1000 – 900 points = A 899 – 800 points = B 799 – 700 points = C 699 – 600 points = D Below 600 = F Campbell University’s Statement of Purpose: Campbell University is a university of the liberal arts, sciences, and professions which is committed to helping students develop an integrated Christian personality characterized by a wholeness that includes: a method of critical judgment; an appreciation of our intellectual, cultural, and religious heritage; and a sensitive awareness of the world and society in which they live and work with persons. Campbell University is a Baptist university affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Both in and out of the classroom, the University endeavors to present Christian principles to students and to foster their application to daily life. This course is consistent with the aforementioned purpose and provides students a positive environment for learning. ADA Statement: Students with documented disabilities who desire modifications or accommodations should contact the Office of Student Support Services located in the University’s Hight House. Attendance: Campbell’s attendance policy states that regular attendance is mandatory. Students may miss only 15% of classes. Any student missing more than 15% of classes may fail the course due to a lack of attendance. Distance Education students will be required to fulfill the weekly assignment and participation requirements set forth in their instructor’s syllabus. - Classes meeting 1 time per week – 1 class per 9 week term (This includes blended classes.) - Classes meeting 2 times per week – 3 classes per 9 week term - Classes meeting 3 times per week – 4 classes per 9 week term Inclement Weather: Campbell University’s policy is to remain in operation during periods of inclement weather. Distance Education courses will go as scheduled. Scheduled outages in regard to the Blackboard server will be promulgated as soon as possible. Incomplete Work: In certain situations, a grade of an Incomplete will be given to a student when finishing the course work by the end of the term is not possible due to illness, death in the immediate family, deployment, etc. Each of these situations is handled on an individual basis. Internet/Email Requirements: This course may be web-supported or may utilize email for some assignments. Students are required to have and regularly monitor their Campbell University email account. This will be the email by which the student will be contacted. Computer Requirements: Windows 98 or newer version, Microsoft Word, and Dependable Internet Access Students taking this course MUST have a dependable computer with internet access. Your system must be able to support the web site. Internet Explorer 6.0 does NOT work well with Do not rely on the computers on base. Students in the past have experienced tremendous difficulty with the server. You must have dependable technology to complete this course. You must know how to create a file and then send it as an attachment through email. You will also need to be able to use the digital dropbox on the course site. Missed Classes: Students who are aware that they will miss a class should inform the instructor before class. Scheduled class assignments (tests, quizzes, etc.) may be re-scheduled or made-up with a prearranged, excused absence. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is any use of another person’s words or ideas without giving proper credit to the person from whom you borrowed the words or ideas. Plagiarism is the theft of intellectual property. Plagiarism includes the following: - - Failing to cite properly any direct or indirect quotation(s) from professionally written materials (books, journal articles, etc.) student papers, projects, presentations, etc. Submitting as your own work a paper, project, or presentation that you did not compose (that is, write, compile, draw, etc.) Allowing another person to write your paper or develop your presentation or assignment. Students who plagiarize will be subject to failing the assignment and/or failing the course. Additional sanctions may be imposed by the Campus Director. See the Extended Campus Student Handbook for further information. “” is a web-based service that provides online reviews of written material to judge if it has been copied from another source. is used to evaluate the possibility of a student plagiarizing or cheating on written material. The instructor may require students to submit written work in an electronic format for the purpose of utilizing the service. ACADEMIC HONESTY: The University trusts each student to maintain the highest standards of honesty and ethical behavior. That means all assignments, quizzes and tests submitted represent the student’s own individual work. TUTORS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HELP YOU ON QUIZZES OR TESTS! Students within this class are welcome to work together but understand that one person doing the work and the other one using it is NOT working together – that is cheating and both will be given a failing grade! If you at anytime during the course work with another student or tutor, you will need to let me know immediately. I do not have a problem with students working together or even a tutor helping students but I want to know about the situation so no misunderstandings take place. Academic dishonesty in an online learning environment could involve: having someone else complete any portion (however small) of your assignments, quiz or test; having a reviewer make extensive revisions to your work before it is submitted (this includes emailing others in the class and requesting answers!); copying work submitted by another student. Don’t complicate matters. Cheating of any kind, intended or otherwise, will not be tolerated. Penalties may include failure of the course. Class schedule: The schedule for this course is located under Course Information on the course site. NATURE OF THIS CLASS: Please understand that you have signed up for a MATH course over the Internet. Just by its nature, Statistics is a challenge to the average student. Those students that I have had in previous classes have had to work hard (some very hard) to complete this course successfully. This course was designed for those that have a strong mathematical background, self-motivated, hard working and persistent. Through my notes, using the supplements to the textbook, discussion boards and emails, I try to explain in detail the concepts. However, you will have to do a large amount of work on your own. I only say this to make you aware that this is not an easy class to the average student. If you have questions/concerns, let’s address those now. OBTAINING TEXTBOOKS: Please read the announcement posted by Campbell University concerning textbooks on the course site. If you are purchasing the books over the internet, make sure you check the edition number. Detailed information including the ISBN numbers for the textbooks can be found on the first page of this syllabus. Please double check the textbook you buy with the information I have provided you. Internet classes do not necessarily use the same textbook as the traditional classes. Note that we are using the 4th edition this term. I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU THIS TERM. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE CONCERNING THIS SYLLABUS.