Study Guide: Renaissance and Reformation A. Renaissance 1

Study Guide: Renaissance and Reformation
A. Renaissance
1. Discuss what happened that enabled the Renaissance to come about.
Where did this movement start and why?
2. What contributions did Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and
Raphael make to the Renaissance?
3. What impact did Brunelleschi have on the Renaissance?
4. Which individuals had a major impact on literature during the
5. Discuss Machiavelli’s political philosophy.
6. Where does the Northern Renaissance begin? What impact does
Bruegal have on this movement?
7. Discuss Erasmus and More’s contributions to this time period.
8. What impact did Gutenberg’s invention have on society?
B. Protestant Reformation
9. What expensive worldly affairs did the church get involved in that
people started to question? How did the church finance its worldly
10. Why did Martin Luther challenge the church? What reforms did he
call for?
11. How did peasants respond to reforms? What did Martin Luther think
of peasants’ reaction?
12. Discuss what happens at the Diet of Worms and the Peace of
13. Explain John Calvin’s religious theory. What impact did John Knox
have on this reformation?
14. Why was Henry the VIII called the “defender of the faith”? Discuss
the confrontation between Henry VIII and the Pope? What resulted
from this confrontation?
What happened to each of Henry VIII’s wives?
15. Catherine of Aragon & Anne Boleyn
16. Jane Seymour & Anne Cleves
17. Catherine Howard & Catherine Parr
18. Discuss the different leadership styles of Mary Tudor & Elizabeth I
19. What was the Counter Reformation?