Renaissance, Reformations, and Scientific revolution

Renaissance, Reformations, and Scientific Revolution
Engineering a Better World
The Background: The years between 1300 and 1650 saw Europe emerge slowly
from the Middle Ages into a time of rebirth, the Renaissance… Fueled by world
contact through the Crusades and the Silk Road Europeans began to reevaluate
their place in the emerging global community. What would result was a time of
change, innovation, and turmoil…
The Task: Working in groups of 3, you will be responsible for researching (aka
outlining and discussing):
1) The Renaissance (Italian and Northern) (48-60)
2) The Protestant Reformation (61-65)
3) Reformation Ideas Spread (66-71)
4) The Scientific Revolution (72-77)
After your group has done the research and taken a critical look at the time period and
society it will be your task to not only present your information, but also put yourself in the
true spirit of the times and be the “Renaissance Group” by inventing something that would
be a benefit to the society at the time – using only the resources available at the time…
The Presentation: Your group will be presenting your innovation/invention to the class,
followed by a question (group or individual) to be answered… Your presentation grade will
be determined by your invention as well as how well you answer the presentation question…
The Timeframe:
Day 1: Break into groups and start the research
Day 2: Discuss/revisit the information, start planning
and creating your inventions.
Day 3: Workday, Start Presentations
Day 4: Finish Presentations
Notes – Brilliant Ideas