Math 2200: Instructor: Office: E-mail: Website: Differential Calculus Summer 2010 Class Syllabus Phil Bergonio Boyd GSRC 325A Call Number: Class Time: Classroom: Recitation: Teaching Asst: TA Office: TA Email: 20-894 MTWRF 9:15 - 10:15 AM Life Sciences Room 120 TR 1:00 - 2:00 PM Maxim Arap Boyd GSRC 427A Course Description: This course is for the students to learn about derivatives and their applications. We plan to cover chapters 2, 3, and 4 as well as sections 5.1, and 5.2. Topics include Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives, Application of Differentiation, and Antiderivatives. Course Notes: This is a terminal class. You must transfer into Math 2250 if you need to take Calculus II or beyond. Please see your advisor for details on this issue. Grading Policy: There will be three tests and one cumulative final. Announced quizzes will also be given on a regular basis and will be given during the recitations. A homework presentation grade is also factored into your semester average. The grading scale will break down as follows: Test Average 55%* Homework Presentation 10% Quizzes 10% Final 25% I do not drop any test grades. Your lowest test score will count for 15% of your grade, the other two tests will count for 20% of your grade. My letter scale is as follows: B+: 88.50 – 89.49 C+: 78.50 – 79.49 A: 92.50+ A-: 89.5 – 92.49 B: 82.50 – 87.49 B-: 79.5 – 82.49 C: 72.50 – 77.49 C-: 69.5 – 72.49 D: 59.50 – 69.49 F: 0.00 - 59.49 Attendance: It is your responsibility to attend this class regularly and to attempt the assigned homework problems. However, I will not be taking formal attendance for the class after the first two weeks. Note, however, that you cannot make up the announced quizzes, so attendance is required for that day if you want proper credit for that quiz. Tests and Quizzes: For your tests and quizzes, you will be allowed to use a nongraphing scientific calculator, such as a TI-30. If I catch anyone using a graphing calculator, all calculator privileges will be revoked for the rest of the semester. Quizzes cannot be made up, regardless of your reason. Tests are a little more lenient, but a documented excuse is necessary for make up exams. Note that your make up exam will be different, and will probably be more difficult. Classroom Etiquette: Students must arrive to class on time and should stay until class is dismissed. Cell phones, etc. should be turned off or on silent mode. If a cell phone ringer audibly goes off during lecture, the entire class will be subjected to a pop quiz. DRC Accommodations: Please speak to me privately if this pertains to you. These paperwork need to be handled at least a week before each test to ensure you get the proper accommodations. Homework Presentations: You are required to present one homework problem in front of the class. This presentation can be done at any time during the semester during the recitation sessions. These homework problems will be published online on my website. Your presentation grade will be based on attempt and mathematical correctness, as well as miscellaneous things such as preparedness, explanation clarity, and the ability to answer questions your fellow students may have. You may do an additional homework presentation for extra credit: your second homework grade overrides your lowest quiz score and you will get two points added to your final exam score. There are no “dibs” on homework questions; they are done on a volunteer basis. If more than one person wishes to present a homework problem, a fair “lottery” will be held to determine which student will present. Note that people that have not done a presentation will get preference over those that wish to do a second presentation. If nobody is willing to present a homework question, your teaching assistant will present the problem to the class. Withdrawal Policy: Any withdrawals processed before June 21 will receive an automatic WP. As mandated by the University, the last day to withdraw is July 9. If you wish to withdraw between June 22 and July 9, you will need to speak with me to determine whether you will receive a WP or a WF for the course. Any withdrawals past July 9 will be an automatic WF. Academic Calendar: Quizzes will be announced at least one day in advance, but the test dates are set. June June June June July July July July July July 4 4 - 8 9 18 5 7 9 22 28 30 First day of classes Add/Drop Extra day to add Test 1 No classes Test 2 Withdrawal Deadline Test 3 Last day of classes Final Exam 8:00 to 11:00 AM This syllabus is subject to change as the instructor deems it necessary. hours are to be announced. Office