Greek Mythology Overview of Myths and Activities included in presentation 1) Introductory Lesson – What is a Myth a. Identify the elements of a Myth in Pandora’s Box – Student Worksheet included b. Retell Pandora’s Box 2) Odysseus and the Cyclops – Choice Activities with assignment sheet and criteria sheet 3) Daedalus and Icarus – Sort and Predict Strategy, Flip Book 4) Echo and Narcissus – Choice Activity for defining narcissism. 5) Prometheus and Fire – Identifying plot elements. Creating a poster showing the journey of the main character. Includes Student Worksheet. 6) Assorted Activities to be used with Mythology. Final choice activity with Evaluation sheet. Other myths to consider reading to give a wider base of to draw on from the assorted activities Demeter and Persephone, The Seasons of Time Pegasus the Winged Horse Perseus and Medusa King Midas Introductory Lesson: What is Mythology? Notes: A Myth is a traditional story whose original author is unknown. The Key elements of myths: 1. They utilize the supernatural. This includes the inclusion of Gods and people with extraordinary strength and/or power. Gods will usually intervene to help or change something. 2. Myths explain the nature of humanity. They try to show what people are really like by showing human weaknesses and then teaching a lesson or giving a warning. 3. Myths explain something about the earth. Mythology is the study of Myths. After completing notes and discussion about the three key elements in a Myth, read Pandora’s box orally. Students then complete the student worksheet, on which they identify the key elements of a Myth in Pandora’s Box. They with then rewrite the myth from Pandora’s Point of View. They will need to include details as to why she opened the box, and how she felt afterwards. They need to keep true the format of a Myth, and include the three key elements in her retelling. Name: ________________________ Pandora’s Box – What is a Myth? Part A: Elements of a Myth In the space provided, identify the parts of a myth in Pandora’s Box. 1) The Supernatural Who is the God / Goddess in this myth and how do they interfere in and/or change life? __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2) The Nature of Humanity What does this myth explain and/or tell about human nature? __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3) Explanation About the Earth What does this myth explain about Earth? __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Part B: Retelling the Myth On a separate piece of paper, retell the story of Pandora’s Box from her point of view. In your retelling be sure to include the following things: o Why she opened the box o How she felt after opening the box o The Three elements of a Myth o The Supernatural o The Nature of Humanity o Explanation About the Earth. Lesson Idea for Echo and Narcissus Read Echo and Narcissus as a class After reading the myth. Discuss the following points as a class. Write responses and ideas on chart paper or the white board. Key Questions: What kind of person is Narcissus? Generate a list of words to describe him Why is he “narcissistic” i.e. totally in love with himself? How is this different then having a healthy self-image? Why is his punishment fitting? Then assign the following choice task. The following tasks all have the same outcome, demonstrating an understanding of what it means / looks like to be narcissistic. The different tasks allow the students to have choice in the delivery of that information. Assignment: “Don’t Be Like Narcissus” Topic A: Create an advertisement that stresses the message “Don’t Be Like Narcissus.” Be sure to include what is and isn’t narcissistic behaviour. Topic B: Create a collage of images with captions. On one side, include images of selfabsorbed people acting in particularly grating ways, or celebrities / models demonstrating narcissistic behaviour. On the other side, include images of people doing the opposite. Or Topic C: Write a set of rules outlining what it is and isn’t narcissistic behaviour. Name: _________________________ Prometheus and Fire Part A: Identify the elements of the Story Who are the gods or goddesses involved in this myth? What is the problem? What is the climax? What is the resolution? What is the moral of the myth? Do you agree with consequences / actions of Prometheus? Part B: Poster Assignment On an 11x17 piece of paper create a movie poster for the story of Prometheus. Be sure to include the following o Title of the Movie (story) o Key Characters in the movie o The director and the Producer o An image from the movie o Review and commentary about the movie. Name: _______________ Prometheus Movie Poster Evaluation Content: /20 o Title of the Movie (story) o Key Characters in the movie o The director and the Producer o An image from the movie o Review and commentary about the movie. Overall Presentation: Grand Total: /5 /25 Name: _______________ Prometheus Movie Poster Evaluation Content: /20 o Title of the Movie (story) o Key Characters in the movie o The director and the Producer o An image from the movie o Review and commentary about the movie. Overall Presentation: Grand Total: /5 /25 Name: _______________ Final Greek Mythology Assignment For this assignment, you have to choose two of the following activities. Each activity incorporates a written and artistic component. All artwork must be done by hand, no clipart etc. Each activity is work 20 marks. This includes 10 for the written portion and 10 for the artistic component. 1. Postcard Pick a location form one of the myths we have read Design a postcard with a picture of that location on one side Write on the back to a friend about your adventure visiting there, including who or what your saw there. 2. Create your own Greek God / Goddess Come up with a new god or goddess to add to the Mt. Olympus Family! Explain his or her birth, special gifts and a famous adventure Show how he/she fits into the Mt. Olympus family Include a picture 3. Letter Writing Pretend you are a character in one of the myths; write a letter to another character in the myth. Then, write a letter back as that character. Be sure to discuss the main events that both were involved in, and their perspective on the event For each letter, include an illustrated boarder and an envelope with an original stamp design. 4. Sporting Event Design an original sporting event that a god or goddess would have liked to play. Write a description of the game, the rules, number of players, object of the game, and other important information. Include a picture of where they would play the game, equipment and uniforms. 5. Poem / Song Create an original poem or song about a god / goddess Be sure to include information about his/her personality, duties and adventures. Illustrate your poem or song 6. Obituary Write a one-page obituary announcing the death of a mythological creature Include highlights of his / her life, cause of death, and other important information. Include a picture of the mythological creature. Name: _________________ Final Greek Mythology Marking Sheet Activity #1 ___________________________________ Written Component: /10 (includes content, spelling, organization) Comments:__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Artistic Component: /10 Comments:__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Total Mark: /20 Activity #2 ___________________________________ Written Component: /10 (includes content, spelling, organization) Comments:__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Artistic Component: /10 Comments:__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Total Mark: Grand Total: /20 /40