THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) 1. BASIS FOR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION The accompanying interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard No. 41 “Interim Financial Reporting” and Regulations of Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) relating to the accounting. The interim financial statements are prepared as additional information to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2002 with the emphasis on the more current information about activities, events and situations, not a duplicate of information previously reported. These interim financial statements should therefore be read in conjunction with the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2002. The Company maintains its official accounting records in Thai Baht and prepares its statutory financial statements in the Thai language in conformity with financial accounting standards in Thailand which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. Accordingly, the users of these financial statements should have sufficient knowledge about Thai accounting principles and practices. For the convenience of the readers, an English translation of financial statements has been prepared from the statutory Thai language financial statements which are issued for domestic reporting purposes. The Company owns substantial portion of the capital shares of the companies in The Siam Cement Group. A substantial portion of the Company’s business is represented by transactions with subsidiaries, associated and other companies. The consolidated financial statements for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, include the accounts of The Siam Cement Public Company Limited and subsidiaries. Subsidiaries which included in the consolidated financial statements are as follows: 1. Siam Cement Industry Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries 2. Cementhai Chemicals Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries 3. The Siam Pulp and Paper Public Company Limited and subsidiaries 4. Cementhai Building Products Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries 5. Cementhai Distribution Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries 6. Cementhai Holding Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries 7. Cementhai Property (2001) Public Company Limited and subsidiaries In the first quarter of 2003 the Company purchased additional outstanding shares (9.48%) of The Siam Pulp and Paper Public Company Limited at total Baht 2,890 million. As a result, the Company’s interest in this company becomes 96.89%. The Company adjusted its minority interest in subsidiary to present the amount as percentage of interest at the present. In March 2003, The Siam Pulp and Paper Public Company Limited - a subsidiary purchased all newly issued common shares of Thai Cane Paper Public Company Limited at Baht 1,000 million, representing 40% of total shares. As at March 31, 2003, the Company accounted for the investment at cost since the Company had no significant influence in the management in that company. All significant intercompany transactions with subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements have been eliminated. 12 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Significant transactions with associated companies for the three - month periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 are as follows: Purchases Sales Service income and others In Million Baht 2003 2002 4,211 2,299 3,284 2,629 117 114 Pricing policy Market price Market price Mainly based on percentage of net sales No transactions of purchases, sales, guarantees and commitment are made to individual related party who may have the interest in the Company. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accompanying interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The significant accounting policies that have been applied to the preparation of the interim financial statements for the three-month period ended March 31, 2003 are similar to those have been applied to the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2002. Basic Earnings per Share Basic earnings per share is determined by dividing the net income by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period (120,000,000 shares for 2003 and 2002). (See Note 9) 3. TRADE AND NOTE RECEIVABLES As at March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, the Company and subsidiaries have long outstanding accounts receivable aged as follows: In Million Baht March 31, December 31, 2003 2002 Over 3 to 6 months Over 6 to 12 months Over 1 year Total 9 20 835 864 65 337 676 1,078 The Company and subsidiaries provided the allowance for doubtful accounts amounted to approximately Baht 835 million as at March 31, 2003 and Baht 849 million as at December 31, 2002, which are adequate to absorb possible losses and comply with the accounting policy for allowance for doubtful accounts. 13 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) 4. INVESTMENTS IN SHARES AND LONG-TERM LOANS TO ASSOCIATED AND OTHER COMPANIES - Net Percentage of Direct and Indirect Holdings 2003 2002 A. Associated Companies - At Equity Cement Aalborg Siam White Cement Pte., Ltd. Petrochemicals National Petrochemical Public Company Limited Siam Styrene Monomer Co., Ltd. Siam Mitsui PTA Co., Ltd. Thai Plastic and Chemical Public Company Limited Thai MMA Co., Ltd. Siam Polyethylene Co., Ltd. Siam Polystyrene Co., Ltd. Siam Synthetic Latex Co., Ltd. Grand Siam Composites Co., Ltd. Pacific Plastics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thai Pet Rasin Co., Ltd. PT. Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama Thai MFC Co., Ltd. PT. Siam Maspion Terminal SD Group Service Co., Ltd. Tianjin Cementhai Plastic Products Co., Ltd. Others Paper United Pulp and Paper Co., Inc. Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited Siam Toppan Packaging Co., Ltd. P&S Holding Phillipines Building Products Sosuco Ceramic Co., Ltd. Mariwasa Manufacturing., Inc. The Siam Gypsum Industry Co., Ltd. Siam Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. The Siam Sanitary Fittings Co. ,Ltd. The Siam Moulding Plaster Co., Ltd. Lafarge Siam Roofing Co., Ltd. Others In Million Baht Investment Dividend 2003 2002 2003 2002 50 50 3 3 3 3 - - 26 50 50 26 46 50 50 50 46 48 20 20 45 50 49 25 26 50 50 26 46 50 50 50 46 48 20 45 50 49 25 4,747 3,388 3,081 1,935 1,114 1,070 377 323 285 265 181 174 161 107 82 52 50 17,392 4,540 3,170 2,534 1,765 957 1,011 376 316 241 257 174 151 107 82 53 48 15,782 - 206 247 103 205 65 11 837 37 49 49 40 37 49 49 40 715 257 238 42 1,252 729 243 228 43 1,243 - - 45 46 29 36 45 40 25 45 46 29 36 45 40 - 253 213 193 180 109 52 44 58 1,102 242 297 170 150 100 49 58 1,066 - 32 13 45 14 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Percentage of Direct and Indirect Holdings 2003 2002 Distribution Thai Prosperity Terminal Co., Ltd. Siam Pulsawat Lighter Co., Ltd. Survey Marine Service Co., Ltd. Others Cementhai Holding Siam Yamato Steel Co., Ltd. Michelin Siam Group Co., Ltd. Siam Asahi Technoglass Co. ,Ltd. Thai CRT Co., Ltd. The Siam Kubota Industry Co., Ltd. Millennium Steel Public Company Limited Musashi Auto Parts Co., Ltd. The Deves Insurance Public Co., Ltd. Thai Engineering Products Co., Ltd. Siam Lemmerz Co., Ltd. The Siam Industrial Wire Co., Ltd. Aisin Takaoka Foundry Bangpakong Co., Ltd. Siam Furukawa Co., Ltd. Thai Tokai Carbon Product Co., Ltd. Others 50 29 48 46 39 27 48 42 45 21 21 30 30 29 30 29 - 50 29 48 46 39 27 48 42 45 21 21 30 30 29 30 29 22 In Million Baht Investment Dividend 2003 2002 2003 2002 63 19 18 15 115 65 18 18 16 117 10 2,718 1,997 1,475 1,317 1,054 503 364 313 207 203 131 106 86 86 10,560 2,533 1,838 1,370 1,343 991 415 301 325 181 177 111 105 82 196 67 10,035 - 10 20 20 Cementhai Property Nawa 84 Co., Ltd. 25 25 294 294 295 295 - IT One Co., Ltd. 49 49 52 52 30,770 41 41 28,582 - Total Investments in Associates 15 15 624 98 175 13 20 7 937 - 30 15 1,834 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Percentage of Direct and Indirect Holdings 2003 2002 In Million Baht Investment Dividend 2003 2002 2003 2002 B. Associated Company - At cost Paper Thai Cane Paper Public Company Limited 40 - 1,000 1,000 C. Other Companies - At cost Cement Asia Cement Public Company Limited Holcim (Bangladesh) Co., Ltd. 10 10 10 10 1,255 361 1,616 1,255 361 1,616 - 10 18 10 10 10 18 10 10 1,133 352 31 22 18 1,556 1,133 352 31 22 18 1,556 - 299 50 349 299 50 349 - - Petrochemicals Thai Olefins Co., Ltd. Bangkok Synthetic Co., Ltd. PT .Trans - Pacific Styrene Indonesia PT .Trans - Pacific Polypropylene Indonesia Others Building Products Finfloor S.R.L. Ya-Hua Building Material Co., Ltd. Distribution Advance Paint & Chemical (Thailand) Public Company Limited Others Cementhai Holding Toyota Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Siam Toyota Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Thai Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd. Investment in convertible debenture – Millennium Steel Public Company Limited Others Others 10 20 10 20 - - - 59 4 63 3 3 2 2 7 7 23 5 28 23 5 28 - - 10 4 7 10 4 - 881 98 48 881 98 - - - 790 27 1,844 84 5,477 790 28 1,797 123 5,469 - 68 16 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Percentage of Direct and Indirect Holdings 2003 2002 Marketable securities -At fair value (Available-for-sale) The Aromatic (Thailand) Public Company Limited Warrant – Millennium Steel Public Company Limited 13 Total Less allowance for decline in value of investments Investments in associated and other companies - net Long-term loans to associated and other companies The Aromatic (Thailand) Public Company Limited United Pulp and Paper Co., Inc. Millennium Steel Public Company Limited IT One Co., Ltd. Total Long-term loans to associated and other companies Total Investments in shares of and long – term loans to associated and other companies 13 In Million Baht Investment Dividend 2003 2002 2003 2002 1,650 410 2,060 39,307 382 38,925 665 64 729 34,780 381 34,399 - 1,225 160 420 1,805 1,225 161 9 1,395 - 40,730 35,794 1,902 1,902 30 30 30 1,902 The aggregate values of the above investments in shares of other companies, based on the latest available audited/reviewed statements or the quoted market prices in the Stock Exchange as at March 31, 2003 are as follows: Cost Non-Marketable Marketable Total 5. 5,477 1,222 6,699 In Million Baht Allowance for Net Book decline in Value/ quoted value of Market Price investments 5,354 2,060 7,414 Unrealized gain on investments in securities ( 382) ( 382) 838 838 DEBENTURES As at March 31, 2003, the Company and subsidiary issued unsubordinated and unsecured debentures totalling of Baht 92,500 million by issuance in 10 placements, the details are as follows: Debentures Debentures The Siam Cement PCL No. 1/1999 No. 2/1999 No. 3/1999 No. 4/1999 No. 5/1999 No. 6/1999 In Million Baht 5,200 8,800 12,000 12,000 6,000 6,000 Interest rate (% p.a.) *floating rate+ 3.50 10.50 8.00 9.50 8.00 8.75 Term Maturity date Fair Value** 5 years April 1, 2004 1,031 5 years 3.5 years 5.5 years 4 years 5 years April 1, 2004 April 1, 2003 April 1, 2005 November 1, 2003 November 1, 2004 1,083 1,019 1,164 1,049 1,115 17 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Debentures No. 1/2000 25,000 No. 1/2002 7,500 82,500 Debentures The Siam Pulp and Paper PCL No. 1/2001 No. 2/2001 Total Less Debentures held by subsidiary Net Less : Current portion Net Interest rate (% p.a.) In Million Baht 5,000 5,000 10,000 92,500 Term Maturity date Fair Value** 7.75 for first 4 years and *floating rate +2.00 for last 2 years 4.50 6 years March 31, 2006 1,083 3 years October 1, 2005 1,053 5.50 6.50 3 years 5 years October 1, 2004 October 1, 2006 1,049 1,142 1,244 91,256 17,638 73,618 * Floating rate is equal average rate of 12 months fixed deposit of 4 banks ** Latest price (Baht per unit:1 Unit=Baht 1,000) as at March 31, 2003. 6. SEGMENT INFORMATION Information relation to industry segment for the three – months periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 are as follows: Total Assets March 31, 2003 Total Consolidated Business Group Cement Petrochemicals Paper (3) Building Products Distribution Cementhai Holding Cementhai Property December 31, 2002 In Million Baht Net Sales January 1 January 1 March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 Total EBITDA (1) January 1 January 1 March 31, March 31 2003 2002 243,854 235,644 36,498 30,866 9,485 7,189 65,285 67,422 45,984 23,169 7,689 13,482 6,233 65,630 64,122 44,443 22,592 7,144 13,082 6,273 7,352 13,713 7,772 4,654 13,836 85 6,360 9,836 7,054 4,069 13,231 2,015 68 2,883 2,140 2,494 1,116 238 144 42 1,682 1,600 2,278 854 294 290 33 18 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) In Million Baht Operating Profit before Gain (loss) on Investments, and Assets Sold and Others (2) January 1 January 1 March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 Total Consolidated Business Group Cement Petrochemicals Paper (3) Building Products Distribution Cementhai Holding Cementhai Property Net Income (Loss) January 1 January 1 March 31, March 31 2003 2002 5,128 2,165 5,533 2,320 1,187 2,693 1,182 539 115 642 ( 68) 8 1,017 913 410 163 553 ( 60) 1,187 2,693 1,182 539 115 714 ( 68) 8 1,022 913 410 163 703 ( 60) Depreciation and Amortization January 1 January 1 March 31, March 31 2003 2002 2,326 2,555 601 639 665 202 35 8 628 604 718 250 27 106 15 (1) Represents income before income tax, interest expense and financial charges, depreciation and amortization, includes dividend from associated and other companies and cash gain from divestment. (2) Represents income (loss) before gain (loss) on investments and assets sold for restructuring and provision for decline in value of investments. (3) Includes the assets revaluation surplus (in case of excluding the assets revaluation surplus, total assets will be Baht 30,261 million and Baht 28,720 million as at March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively) 7. OPERATIONS OF BUSINESS GROUP Business Group (In Million Baht) Cement Petrochemicals Paper March 31, December 31, March 31, December 31, March 31, December 31, 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 Information from Balance Sheets Current Assets Investments in shares of and Long-term loans to Associated and Other Companies - net Property, Plant and equipment - Net Asset Revaluation Surplus Other Assets Total Assets Short-Term Loan Current Liabilities Long-Term Loan Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Total Shareholders’ Equity and Minority Interest in Subsidiaries Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity Building Products March 31, December 31, 2003 2002 6,408 6,145 13,727 12,448 11,039 9,937 6,970 6,620 3,617 46,456 5,006 3,798 65,285 3,617 47,016 5,006 3,846 65,630 20,474 27,273 3,963 1,985 67,422 17,882 27,749 3,963 2,080 64,122 2,413 16,455 15,723 354 45,984 1,403 16,941 15,723 439 44,443 1,401 6,939 6,938 921 23,169 1,366 6,575 6,957 1,074 22,592 34,288 2,974 699 670 38,631 36,349 2,620 701 715 40,385 12,554 4,493 16,393 1,706 35,146 12,288 4,637 15,635 1,753 34,313 372 4,939 10,647 71 16,029 678 2,140 10,712 81 13,611 6,953 3,297 436 395 11,081 7,253 2,873 461 405 10,992 26,654 25,245 32,276 29,809 29,955 30,832 12,088 11,600 65,285 65,630 67,422 64,122 45,984 44,443 23,169 22,592 19 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Business Group (In Million Baht) Distribution Cementhai Holding Cementhai Property March 31, December 31, March 31, December 31, March 31, December 31, 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 Information from Balance Sheets Current Assets Investments in Shares of and Long-Term Loans to Associated and Other Companies - Net Property, Plant and Equipment - Net Asset Revaluation Surplus Other Assets Total Assets Short-Term Loan Current Liabilities Long-Term Loan Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Total Shareholders’ Equity and Minority Interest in Subsidiaries Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity 5,344 4,858 411 1,352 4,973 4,980 45,382 40,576 123 124 13,055 11,715 294 295 40,730 35,794 1,109 280 833 7,689 1,138 280 744 7,144 648 8 13,482 7 13,082 325 6,233 350 6,273 73,715 65,019 19,008 243,854 75,024 65,562 18,688 235,644 2,688 4,531 68 7,287 1,910 4,639 64 6,613 7,794 59 15 7,868 8,042 220 15 8,277 5,049 200 25 5,274 5,023 227 5,250 34,792 19,324 97,308 3,127 154,551 36,069 14,523 93,887 3,234 147,713 402 531 5,614 4,805 959 1,023 89,303 87,931 7,689 7,144 13,482 13,082 6,233 6,273 243,854 235,644 Cement January 1- January 1March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 Information from Statements of Income Net Sales Cost of Sales Gross Margin Operating Expenses Income from Operation Interest Expense and Financial Charges Other Income Income before Tax Income Tax Income after Tax Minority Interest in Net Earnings of Subsidiaries Equity in Associated Companies Income before Gain (Loss) on Investments and Assets Sold and Others Gain (Loss) on Investments and Assets Sold and Others* Net Income Consolidated March 31, December 31, 2003 2002 8 8 - 641 - - - Business Group (In Million Baht) Petrochemicals Paper January 1January 1January 1January 1March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 2003 2002 Building Products January 1- January 1March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 7,352 ( 4,398) 2,954 ( 741) 2,213 6,360 ( 4,782) 1,578 ( 570) 1,008 13,713 (11,810) 1,903 ( 496) 1,407 9,836 ( 8,760) 1,076 ( 427) 649 7,772 ( 5,312) 2,460 ( 654) 1,806 7,054 ( 4,739) 2,315 ( 781) 1,534 4,654 ( 3,068) 1,586 ( 724) 862 4,069 ( 2,843) 1,226 ( 685) 541 ( ( ( ( 336) 71 384 4) 380 ( 164) 22 1,664 ( 333) 1,331 ( 234) 26 1,326 ( 314) 1,012 ( 111) 52 803 216) 587 ( ( 167) 18 ( ( ( 58) 10 ( 581) 69 1,701 ( 515) 1,186 1 - ( 789) 48 267 258) 9 ( 1,187 ( ( 28 1,443 149 488 8 2,693 1,017 1,182 913 539 410 2,693 5 1,022 1,182 913 539 - 8 - 71) 28) ( 67) 63 537 15) 522 1) - 1,187 258) 94 1,243 ( 21) 1,222 20 131) 19 410 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) Distribution January 1 - January 1 March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 Information from Statements of Income Net Sales Cost of Sales Gross Margin Operating Expenses Income from Operation Interest Expense and Financial Charges Other Income Income(Loss) before Tax Income Tax Income (Loss) after Tax Minority Interest in Net Earnings of Subsidiaries Equity in Associated Companies Income (Loss) before Gain (Loss) on Investments and Assets Sold and Others Gain (Loss) on Investments and Assets Sold and Others* Net Income (Loss) 13,836 (12,728) 1,108 ( 999) 109 ( ( 31) 84 162 62) 100 6 9 13,231 (11,982) 1,249 ( 1,052) 197 ( ( ( 34) 70 233 73) 160 1) 4 Business Group (In Million Baht) Cementhai Holding Cementhai Property January 1 - January 1 - January 1 - January 1 March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 2003 2002 ( ( 11) 11) ( 98) 10 99) 2) 101) ( ( ( 2,015 ( 1,689) 326 ( 136) 190 ( ( 177) 57 70 17) 53 85 39) 46 32) 14 ( ( ( 80) 20 46) 21) 67) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 743 500 ( 1) 68) ( 68) ( 115 163 642 553 ( 115 163 72 714 150 703 ( 68 42) 26 27) 1) 36,498 (26,449) 10,049 ( 3,994) 6,055 30,866 (23,058) 7,808 ( 3,960) 3,948 59) 19 41) 29) 70) ( 2,122) 473 4,406 ( 1,286) 3,120 ( 2,582) 476 1,842 ( 510) 1,332 10 ( ( - - Consolidated January 1 - January 1 March 31, March 31, 2003 2002 226) 2,234 159) 992 60) 5,128 2,165 60) 405 5,533 155 2,320 - *Gain (Loss) on investments and assets sold and others represents gain (loss) on investments and assets sold for restructurings and provision for decline in value of investments-net of income tax 8. DIVIDENDS At the ordinary shareholders’ meeting held on March 26, 2003, the shareholders have resolved to declare dividend for the 2002 at Baht 30 per share, totalling amounting to Baht 3,600 million. The payment is made on April 23, 2003. 9. SHARE CAPITAL At the ordinary shareholders’ meeting held on March 26, 2003, the shareholders unanimously approved to change the par value of common shares of the Company Baht 10 per share divided into 160,000,000 shares to be Baht 1 per share divided into 1,600,000,000 shares. The change was registered with the Ministry of Commerce on April 17, 2003. As at March 31, 2003, the issued and fully paid share capital is 120,000,000 shares, totalling Baht 1,200 million. 21 THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002 (REVIEWED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 (AUDITED) 10. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES As at March 31, 2003, the Company and subsidiaries had: a) Contingent liabilities for guaranteed on loans of affiliated companies amounting to Baht 14,116 million, b) Contingent liabilities for Bank guarantee issued by banks to government agencies amounting to Baht 1,322 million, c) Unused letters of credit amounting to Baht 1,024 million, d) Commitment for purchase of raw material contracts amounting to Baht 2,919 million, and e) Contingent liability arising from assessment of valued added tax and special business tax for the transfer of Lampang plant project which was under construction to a subsidiary company amounting to Baht 202 million. The Company is contesting the assessment to the Supreme Court. The ultimate outcome of this can not be determined presently. However, no provision for possible loss on such assessment has been made in the accounts. 11. RECLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Certain accounts in 2002 were reclassified to conform with those in the 2003 financial statements. 22