Dr. McCuskey Advanced Placement Human Geography Fall 2008 - Room H119 Chattahoochee High School (770) 521-7600, ext. 167 mccuskey@fulton.k12.ga.us Texts: Human Geography, Fellmann, Getis and Getis Collapse, Jared Diamond (paperback to be purchased) Other readings as assigned Required Supplies: Three-ring binder for ancillary materials, chapter review notes, map exercises, etc. 3 x 5 cards for vocabulary Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the study of patterns and processes that have influenced human use, understanding, and alteration of the Earth’s surface. A global perspective is critical for understanding population dynamics, growth, and movement; cultural patterns and processes; the political organization of space; agricultural and urban land use; as well as industrialization and economic development across the globe. Human Geography is a college course which uses a college level text and has college level expectations. Critical thinking and excellent writing skills required. Assignments will include reading from the Fellmann textbook, Diamond’s book, and other readings as appropriate. Reading assignments, projects, quizzes and chapter test dates are provided several weeks in advance of the due date, therefore, if a student is absent one day, he or she is expected to keep up with all assignments. In compliance with the College Board Advanced Placement Program, a comprehensive course description is attached. AP Human Geography requires preparation of critical-thinking essays which will be evaluated for organization, grammar, and content. Please keep in mind that Advanced Placement Exams are given May 4 - 15, 2009. We will have practice exams in addition to in-class review. The score on the AP exam is reported to the high school and to the student’s college but will not be a component of a student’s grade. Doing well in the AP class is your best strategy for doing well on the AP exam. Grades Grades will be determined by the following categories and percentages: Major Grades (includes chapter tests) 65% Quizzes 20% Comprehensive Final Project 15% Tests and essays count as major grades. Occasionally, an assignment will count as two or three quiz grades. Fulton County Grading Scale: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 F below 70 Attendance Be on time and in your seat, ready to work, when the bell rings. Tell me in advance when you are going to miss a class for music lessons, guidance appointments, etc. It is your responsibility to turn in any assignments due and find out about what you missed. If you are absent, you are expected to make up assignments according to the CHS Make-Up Work policy (CHS Student Handbook, p. 7). Exchange phone numbers with a classmate so that you can find out about work you missed. Tardy Policy In all Chattahoochee classrooms, instruction occurs from bell to bell. If a student is not in class before the tardy bell rings, a Tardy Pass or Check-in Pass will be required in order to enter class. This policy is designed to encourage prompt arrival to class in order to minimize disturbances that occur when students arrive late. Tardiness to class will be tracked by the Administration on a weekly basis, and they may result in disciplinary consequences as shown below. Excessive tardiness to the same class over the duration of the semester may also initiate an administrator’s response. A class cut occurs when a student is absent from class for more than 10 minutes without having permission from their assigned teacher or authorization from the office to do so. Students will not be admitted into any class without a Tardy Machine Pass, Teacher Pass or Check-in Pass. Supplies Each day, you must come prepared with the following: 3-ring binder, with paper Textbook Pen, pencil, and highlighter Chattahoochee agenda book Text You will receive a copy of our text book. When you bring your textbook to school, it must be covered. Our text is: Fellmann, Getis, Getis, Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities, 9th edition, McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., New York, New York, 2007. -other readings will be assigned to supplement the text Students are financially responsible for all books issued by CHS. Textbooks may not be left in classrooms and teachers are not responsible for the whereabouts of your book. The copy that was issued must be turned in at the end of the course. You will not receive credit for turning in another student’s book and may not turn in replacement books. The cost of replacement ($82.50) will be assessed to any student that fails to turn in the book they were issued or turns in a damaged book. Grades I am here to support you in doing well in class. Assignments and learning activities are designed to help you to do your best. If you skip assignments, take shortcuts, or do them half-heartedly, you will jeopardize your own success. I will make myself available to help you when you need it. You must take the initiative in showing up and asking for help! The grade you earn is the grade you receive. A grade is just one measure of your success in the course. Your ultimate goal should be to do your best and enjoy it! Your grade will be based upon tests, quizzes, homework assignments, projects, and classroom performance. Report card grades will be determined by the following categories and percentages: Major Grades (unit tests and projects) 65% Quizzes 20% Comprehensive Final Project 15% Fulton County Grading Scale A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 F below 70 Tests Tests will be given at the end of each unit and will count as 65 percent of your grade. Each test will typically be formatted similarly to an AP exam, using a combination of multiple-choice and free response questions. Quizzes Quizzes will be given regularly and may consist of AP-style questions, free response questions, on-demand tasks (activity graded as a quiz). Quizzes will make up 20you’re your grade. Your participation in class is vital to your success and that of other students; be alert and speak up during discussions! Participation Participation includes each of the following: being prepared and on time for class volunteering to answer questions and participating in classroom discussion taking an active role in learning activities and cooperative lessons being exclusively focused on classroom activity and staying on task showing respect for all members of the classroom community Projects Periodically you will be assigned a special project that will center on our current topic. This is your chance to shine and to show your unique talents. Plagiarism/Cheating Plagiarism includes copying any portion of another’s work, his thoughts or words, without correctly citing and/or quoting the information. Papers are often scanned to check for internet plagiarism. Cheating includes giving and receiving answers or information on any assignment not deemed as group work. Both of these offenses will result in a zero for the assignment and negate any chances of recovery. How to Succeed in AP Human Geography *Have a positive attitude. *Take excellent notes. *Complete all homework and class work. *Study for tests. *Ask questions when you don’t understand. *Avoid unacceptable behavior. *Pay attention to the important stuff! *Be prepared for surprises (quizzes). *Turn in all projects on time. *Come get extra help when you need it! *Participate! Do not be a spectator. Raise your hand and have something to say! FULTON COUNTY RECOVERY POLICY (High School version) Provision for Improving Grades 1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance. 2. Students should contact the teacher concerning recovery opportunities. Teachers are expected to establish a reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester. All recovery work must be directly related to course objectives and must be completed ten school days prior to the end of the semester. 3. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades. CHATTAHOOCHEE HIGH SCHOOL RECOVERY GUIDELINES: Recovery is available to students with a cumulative grade below 74% after a minimum of two (2) major grades. The maximum grade a student can earn for a recovery activity is 70%. There will be only one recovery opportunity per failed major assessment. The individual teacher will determine the means of recovery. THE STUDENT MUST INITIATE THE RECOVERY PROCESS WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF NOTIFICATION OF A FAILING GRADE ON A MAJOR ASSESSMENT. Best wishes for a fun-filled and successful year! Dr. McCuskey Student Name (print) ______________________________ Date______________ AP Human Geography, period ____ Student Section I have read and understand the Course Requirements Sheet. Student Signature X____________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Section My child has shown me the Course Requirements sheet for AP Human Geography. I have reviewed it and have discussed its provisions with my child. I am aware that I may contact Dr. McCuskey with questions at any time and that the best way to initiate contact is to e-mail Dr. McCuskey at mccuskey@fulton.k12.ga.us. Parent/Guardian’s Signature X____________________________________________ So that Dr. McCuskey may contact me/us regarding my/our child’s progress… Parent/ Guardian’s Name ____________________________________________________________ My E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ My Home Phone: Phone: My Work Phone: _______________ _______________ My Mobile _______________ Parent/ Guardian’s Name ____________________________________________________________ My E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ My Home Phone: Phone: My Work Phone: _______________ _______________ My Mobile _______________ Student: Return only this section to me no later than Friday, August 15. Thank you!