SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 Technical Capability (Depth and Breadth) 3.1 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT (Zone 1) N65236-03-D-6830 FTI provides R&D support to the Navy. Michael Waite is PM for Research and Analysis, War Gaming Center (since Mar 00).TSC under Phase I, II, & III SBIR for AIR 4.5.9 specified the Mode S requirements for the new IFF systems for the Navy, TSC focused on tracker algorithms. (Zone 2) N00178-00-C-1042 SI (Dan Jones) provides R&D support to NSWCDD, including researching new technologies for weaponization, e.g. reactive materials and energetic structures, advanced gunship concepts, and hyper-velocity missile concepts. (Zone 3) N635326-040D-7112 Sim-G provides R&D support for Homeland Security and Force Protection areas as performed portions of the research and design for software development and documentation for the IS/ADP systems. (Zone 4) W912DY-05-D-0003 Sim-G provided R&D support in the development of functional requirements, systems design, code construction for IS/ADP programs. (Zone 5) N00164-01-D-0039 TSC James Froh and Robert Koda support development of discrimination algorithms for ABMD, AN/SPY-1D(V) and MFR (AN/SPY-3) radars. (Zone 6) DAAB15-020D-1007 Sim-G provides R&D services. (Zone 7) DE-AC07-15ID14517 DAC (Murray Donaldson) provides technical consultant services on the R&D of a national framework for securing homeland security sites, including security policies, systems documentation, requirements and implementation strategies. 3.2 ENGINEERING, SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND PROCESS ENGINEERING SUPPORT (Zone 1) GS-35F-5173H, DO DAAB07-01-C-K617 SRC engineered NetTempo, a rapid prototyping program developing technology to enable mission aware, multi-layer QoS policy management for Army Brigade networks. NetTempo’s mission-aware policy management capabilities will immediately help to improve battlefield C4I robustness for Stryker Brigade by intelligently orchestrating and prioritizing bandwidth usage across multiple simultaneous missions that rely on a shared battlespace infrastructure. (Zone 2)W912DY-05-D-0003 Sim-G provides systems engineering services. SRC under NBCHCO3133 provides support to DD(X), SRC plans to extend the Core content-Based Information Security (CBIS) technology with security provisioning capabilities needed for periods of processing and dynamic resource management. (Zone 3) N65236-05-D-7824 SRC has extensive experience in engineering advanced hardware and software systems that apply to Navy ships and submarines in the area of signature and silencing systems, air and surveillance and detection systems, special warfare systems, engineering and process engineering support services to the JTWS. SRC also provides system engineering and process engineering support for the CVN, LPD, and LHA new construction. (Zone 4) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC through marine engineer Larry Jutas provided engineering and production services for the development of the LHD 1 Class ship. CSC supported PMS377 in the design and development of alternatives to the boiler propulsion plant for LHD 8. (Zone 5) N00164-01-D-0039 TSC, Richard D’Alessandro provides support to all aspects of CEC integration into AEGIS. In support of SPAWAR, SRC, under N65236-03-D-5853 provides support to the naval Modular automated communications System (NAVMACS II), the Single SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 Messaging Solution (SMS), and the Defense Message System (DMS) SRC provides engineering technical support to fleet units as well as with system configuration, and protocol support. (Zone 6) DAAB15-02-D-1008 Sim-G provides systems engineering services. Under F08635-97D-0017, DO 0017 SRC provides technical support to analyze and evaluate the GPS system and subsystem capabilities and performance in its combat effectiveness and in its ability to satisfy war fighting requirements. (Zone 7) GS-35F-0474L Sim-G provides systems engineering services. Although engineering support is currently only provided by Sim-G in this Zone other team members (SRC, Centurum, FTI, DAC and CSC have extensive experience providing engineering services to the Navy in all the other Zones. 3.3 MODELING, SIMULATION , AND ANALYSIS SUPPORT (Zone 1) N65236-03-D-6830 FTI provided modeling and simulation support for ships and ships systems, including Littoral Warfare systems; Scott Hovanec who supports this effort is Lead Sr. Systems Engineer, Modeling and Simulation Division, Naval War College. (Zone 2) N00024-00-C-4123 SRC in the Phase 2 Option implemented stream encryption and enhanced IRMS persistent streams to demonstrate stream brokering, buffering, synchronization, and reconnection with relocating processes. Additional research investigated relationships between the IRMS and Real-Time/Fault Tolerant CORBA specifications. (Zone 3) N65236-03-D-5853 SRC for NTIRA employed modeling tools (e.g. Rational Rose) to create designs using UML. This provided a method by which the problem was broken down and described using standard diagrams that illustrate user interaction and interfaces (use cases), components (collaboration diagrams), and relative timelines (sequence diagrams). When necessary developed customized simulations to address design decisions not easily addresses using existing models. (Zone 4) DAAH01-00-D-0012 CSC provided an upgraded Dual Mount Stinger Trainer (DMST) to Taiwan through the AMCOM in Huntsville Al. DMST provides full immersion training for gunners and unit commanders. (Zone 5) 02-0011, DO 008 SRC provided support to develop a methodology to analyze the Joint Data Link procedures, and modeling process to support validation. Supported modeling the logical representation of data links and associated systems and using simulation techniques to capture statistical data for analysis and validation of the data link process and its combat employment. (Zone 6) FA2517-06-D-0003 DAC provides warfare analysis and modeling services to the Navy. DAC also provides modeling services under HQ0006-04-F-0019, HQ0006-03-F-0016 services to MDA Sensors Directorate and Program Integration Directorate. 3.4 PROTOTYPING, PRE-PRODUCTION, MODEL MAKING, AND FABRICATION SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-04-C-0535 FTI provides prototyping for undersea warfare command and controls systems. (Zone 2) N00174-01-D-0016/0012 SASI provides prototyping, pre-production and modeling support to the Navy, especially in relation to foreign threats and associated analysis and test. Patrick Sweet involved in threat replication. (Zone 3) N65236-03-D-5853 SRC determined the requirements for the communication equipment cooling in the CSSR, provided the engineering required for design, procurement and SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 installation of two chilled water systems to support system integration and testing of both SSBN and SSGN Radio Rooms simultaneously in the SSCC Integration and Test Area (ITA). (Zone 4) DAAH01-96-C-R080 CSC built 11 Institutional Conduct of Fire Trainers (ICOFT) for the USA AMCOM to develop Avenger gunner skills in search of acquisition, and engagement of hostiles. (Zone 5) N00164-01-D-0039 TSC provides prototyping and pre-production support to PEO TSC Chief Scientist and NAVSEA Crane agent for MWTs. TSC investigates microwave integrated circuits, photonic, and other advanced technologies that could enhance AN/SPY-1 performance. TSC supports the S-Band prototype and the high power discriminator development programs. 3.5 SYSTEM DESIGN DOCUMENTATION AND TECHNICAL DATA SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-02-D-1118 FTI provides support for systems design documentation and technical documentation for undersea warfare command and control systems. Roger Boudreau participates in combat system sim/stim S/W spec development, and IETM development. (Zone 2) N00024-02-D-7017, DO 0016 Tech-Marine provides system design do/tech data support for littoral warfare and amphibious warfare systems. Mike Zabel is a PM and supports the Integrated Design Environment (IDE) project. (Zone 3) N65236-03-D-5853 SRC developed ICDs, SIDs, and Pre-installation Briefing Packages for the following systems: TRE, TIBS, TADIXS B, JTT, CTTH3, and CTTHR. SRC worked all the elements of the SHIPALT process. (Zone 4) FA4417-03-C-M001 SRC developed and delivered documentation and technical data products in areas of drawings, briefings, software, soft-copy documentation, databases, and training materials for programs such as JCAF, SENTINEL, and JTWS. (Zone 5) GS-35F-4357D TSC provides system design documentation and technical data support to the Navy. Daniel Brandt provides specification and other design documentation review for all AN/SPY-1 Baselines since Baseline 5. (Zone 6) N0024-96-C-5166 TSC provides system design documentation and technical data support to NAVSEA, IWS. (Zone 7) GS402717-A-D3 DAC (Terry Fletcher0 provides technical consultant services on the development of security policies, system documentation, requirements and implementation for DHS framework, DOE Nuclear materials protection, control and accounting (MPC&A) and Seymour Johnson AFB. 3.6 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, DEVELOPMENT, PROGRAMMING, AND NETWORK SUPPORT (Zone 1) N65236-00-D-7830 SRC provides programming, script writing and testing in Nashua, NH for the JCAF program. SRC analyzes and defines the software development processes and policies required to achieve a CMM level 3 assessments. The software language for this program is C, C++ and the development uses a HPUX distributed architecture. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017, DO 0017 Tech-Marine, Karen Bevenour manages VSAM files as a hierarchical database in a CICS environment, certified OLSA managing LiveLink’s Corp Doc Management Systems (CDMS) for Naval Sea Logistics Center’s Amphibious Warfare Program Offices (PMS377). (Zone 3) GS09K99BHD003, DOR320011004 CSC support NAVSEALOGCEN, Yorktown VA in legacy Sybase and NMCI modification, deployment, quality assurance testing, integration testing, documentation and maintenance of the SLDCADA system. SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 (Zone 4) DAAH01-00-C-A107, DO’s 0008, 00013, 0015, 0024, and 0025 SRC RES systems employ 150,000 lines of C and C++ code, to perform real-time signal processing functions. For the DRM programs, SRC modifies the software baseline SRC to tailor radar-specific portions of the code for the radar or digital model user test. (Zone 5) N00024-96-C-5166 TSC provides software engineering support to NAVSEA. Craig Jennings is Lead S/W engineer for RSAT software certification effort for DDX. (Zone 6) N00178-03-D-3073 TSC performs Software Certification for the DD(X) family of ships. TSC identifies capabilities and limitations of the software, achieved by applying a disciplined engineering process throughout the development, test and operations and support phases of the program. 3.7 RELIABILITY, MAINTAINABILITY, AND AVAILABILITY (RM&A) SUPPORT (Zone 1) N00406-99-D-5209 FTI provides reliability, maintainability and availability studies and analysis in support of undersea warfare command and control systems. Jerry Culver improved performance and reliability of COTS workstation, optimized system safety. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC prepared RM&A analyses to identify failure modes and their criticality for the purpose of providing feedback to the design process, such as the FMEA prepared for the T-AKE firefighting systems. (Zone 3) N65236-01-7830 SRC provided Reliability and Maintainability support for BGPHES and TRDF systems. PMS was developed and reviewed. MRC’s and MIP’s were developed and reviewed. SRC provided reliability and maintainability input to government development specifications (i.e. systems A-specs, etc.) to support the systems and equipment Inherent Availability (Ai) threshold design requirements. (Zone 4) GS-23F-0032L TSC provides RM&A support including, RM&A analysis, NSWC Crane. TSC analyzed tube reliability and offered ideas to improve MWT life. Tom Shaw provides RM&A support to CEC. (Zone 5) N00164-01-D-0039 TSC provides RM&A support to the CEC program by coordinating and performing RM&A program planning, data collection, and analysis in support of product qualification and production milestones.,. Most recently done in support of DT events for CEC. (Zone 6) GS-23F-0032L TSC provides RM&A, Tom Shaw, provides RM&A support to CEC. 3.8 HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-02-D-120B FTI provides support in the area of HF engineering in support of undersea warfare command and control systems in the HF design, production and installation of EO systems. (Zone 2) GS-23F-8098H/FS1733004T1 SI provides a variety of HF engineering efforts in support of USW Weapons and Vehicles, and ships and ships systems. Geof Chesbrough has been the senior analyst leading and team lead for the past 5 years. (Zone 3) N65236-01-D-7830 SRC design engineers, technical personnel and fleet equipment operators review and evaluate prototype and upgraded new cryptologic/communication systems and hardware development designs using engineering and analytical discipline methodologies ensure that the systems designed are safe, secure and are operation and maintenance friendly. SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 (Zone 4) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC in New Orleans performs on-site technical analysis and review of human factors engineering related issues associated with the design and construction of the LPD 17. 3.9 SYSTEM SAFETY ENGINEERING SUPPORT (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC for over 22 years has performed system safety analysis for the MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) safety customer at NSWC Dahlgren. CSC safety team is performing the safety analysis and evaluation and certification of the Battle Force Tactical Training Systems, the Rapid Anti-ship Missile Defense System (RAIDS) 6.1., and the USS RONALD REAGAN CVN76 Ship Self-Defense Combat Systems, including the MK 2 Mod 1 Ship Self-Defense System (SSDS) (Zone 3) N65235-01-D-7830 SRC In the design, development, operation, maintenance, and modification of shipboard systems, i.e. Sub-SMS, Mini-DAMA, BGPHES, SSEE, CDL-N, CDF, COBLU, and ACCES, SRC technical personnel apply and adhere to OSHA Title 29/ANSI Requirements and Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat (OPNAVINST 5100.19C)/ (Zone 4) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC for the LPD 17 CSC provides oversight of the Shipbuilder’s system safety effort and participates in the Shipbuilder’s (Avondale) various IPTs as part of a joint Government/Industry systems engineering effort. (Zone 6) DACA45-03-D-0034 Sim-G provides systems safety engineering service. 3.10 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-99-D-4005 FTI provides a wide range of configuration management support to Code 34 Periscope/Antenna systems for undersea warfare command and control systems. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017 DO 23, S776 BCF provides a full range of configuration management support to NAVSEA, ERP Program Office, concentrating on Software CM. (Zone 4) DAAH) 01-00-C-A107, DO’s 0008, 0013, 0015, 0024, 0025 SRC provides process improvement and CM effort. SRC has developed and provides a comprehensive systems engineering and software engineering management program based on CMMI Level III requirements. SRC provides CM support to the Control Visioning System (CVS). 3.11 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) SUPPORT (Zone 2) N00178-97-C-2002 FTI provides quality assurance support for surface ship combat systems. Debbi Kimmel is the SQA and SCM Leader for NG AEGIS (T&E) program. (Zone 3) N65236-05-D-7866 SRC has developed a Quality Assurance manual and implemented standard quality operating procedures and processes to support hardware/software development and systems integration for several programs including; BGPHES, SSEE, CDL-N, CDF, COBLU, CLASSIC TROLL, and ACCES. (Zone 4) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC provides QA services for the purpose of monitoring the LPD 17 design development, manufacture, testing, and introduction of ships, systems, and components. QA inspections are also provided for LMSR ships built at Avondale. (Zone 6) N00024-96-C-5459 TSC engineers developed testing procedures and test station specifications that enable NAVSEA Crane to verify MWT performance standards. TSC developed MWT test techniques for SDR phase warm-up, expanded CWI testing for Sea Sparrow. SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 3.12 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT, INFORMATION ASSURANCE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT (Zone 1) GS-35F-5173H, DO DAAB07-07-C-K616 SRC has developed several Information Systems solutions under this delivery order. For PEO-Command Control Tactical office, SRC supports the IBCS, a Brigade and Below next generation secure mobile networking platform designed to be vehicle mounted or stand alone. The IBCS provides high-speed LAN access wrapped around the “set and forget” Mobile networking technology to allow the Warfighter seamless ingress and egress into disparate networks while making no internal changes to his network. (Zone 2) NBCHC03133 SRC. DARPA has partnered with the Navy to research and develop Adaptive Reflective Middleware (ARMS) technologies that DD(X) will use for secure dynamic resource management and fault tolerance. As part of the DARPA ARMS team, SRC is focusing on security-related requirements, research and analysis, design, and integration planning in the area of multi-level secure (MLS) application interaction within the DD(X) Total ship Computing Environment (TSCE). (Zone 3) N65236-03-D-5853 SRC supports Network systems and programs including the Certificate Authority Workstation (CAW), Naval Research laboratory (NRL) Secure Network Systems branch of the Center for High Assurance computing Systems, Naval Modular Automated communications Systems (NAVMACS) II, Single Messaging solutions (SMS) and Defense Message System (DMS). BCF under NM06AA15Z/NNM06AA90T, NNM06AA91T TO 901, Sub contract 06S-0044 provided the following IT/IA/IS support to NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). BCF personnel developed an automated performance measurement, analysis and reporting too that was compatible with MFSC architecture (IEMP/SAP, WebTADS, PMII) and with the MSFC work tools (MS Project, Primavera, Excel, wInsight). This was designed to meet NPR 7120.5D requirements and the principals of ANSI/EIA-748. (Zone 4) N00039-03-C-0011 SRC has developed a Secure IP Multicast (SIM) product to address shortfalls in standard IP implementations. This combines the bandwidth efficiency of multicast IP traffic with the confidentiality of the IP security protocol (IPsec) for Need-to-Know (NTK) separation within a security domain. (Zone 6) GS-35F-0474L Sim-G provides IS/IA/IT services to the Federal Government. Sim-G has provided these services to the FBI in support of their FDDI network, and to U.S. Capital in developing software utilities to monitor the wireless communications efficiency. (Zone 7) GS-35F-0474L Sim-G provides IS/IA/IT services to the Federal Government. Sim-G has provided these services to the FBI in support of their FDDI network, and to U.S. Capital in developing software utilities to monitor the wireless communications efficiency 3.13 SHIP INACTIVATION AND DISPOSAL SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-01-R-0211 FTI provides a wide variety of services to USW Command and Control systems for ship inactivation and disposal. Bill Perkins directs the disposition and disposal of excess/obsolete weapons system material. (Zone 3) N65236-00-D-7824 (multiple DO’s) Centurum provides ship inactivation and material disposal support to SPAWAR and SPAWARSYSCEN Charleston on a variety of Navy cryptologic and C4I programs, including SSEE, CCOP, CDF,OUTBOARD. 3.14 INTEROPERABILITY, TEST AND EVALUATION, TRAILS SUPPORT SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 (Zone 1) N00024-03-D-6606, Order 0027 FTI provides interoperability/T&E/Trials support for USW Command and Control Systems. William Ellison is the principal in the interoperability for the development and deployment of SURTASS LFA. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017, DO 0017 Tech-Marine, Michael Joyce provides assistance to NAVSEA Program Manager for Joint Maritime Command and Control (JCC(x)) Program in the areas of T&E, Trials support and interoperability. (Zone 3) F08635-97-D-0017, DO’s 0036, 0039, 02-011, 014 SRC provides recommended improvements to interfaces and interoperability in support of employment and combat effectiveness. SRC performs maintenance and technical support to LAN and WAN in support of testing, data collection, database administration, and test analysis. (Zone 4) N00178-04-D-4139-FC01 TSC provides interoperability, T&E and trial support to NSWC Crane. TSC engineers developed testing procedures and test station specifications that enable NSWC Crane to verify MWT performance standards. (Zone 5) N00178-04-D-4139-FC01 TSC provides interoperability, T&E and trial support to NSWC Crane. TSC engineers developed new MWT test techniques for SDR phase warm-up, expanded CWI testing for SEASPARROW, and developed test techniques needed to establish improved noise and phase performance in the SDT TWT, the CWI TWT, and the LNCFA. (Zone 6) N00178-04-D-4139-FC01 TSCF09635-97-D-0017, Task 14 SRC supports the JGPSCE JT&E in identifying the impact of GPS Electronic Warfare (EW) on Joint operational effectiveness in conducting precision engagement missions. SRC is identifying solutions through changes in tactics, techniques, procedures, and material in support of operational mitigation. SRC conducts test planning, execution, and analysis ensuring test objectives and Joint interoperability requirements are fully met through analytical rigor and discipline. 3.15 MEASUREMENT FACILITIES, RANGE, AND INSTRUMENTATION (Zone 1) N66604-03-C-0357 FTI provides ranges and test and measurement services to Newport RI, in support of USW Command and Control systems. Jonathan Tucker is the senior Metrologist supporting Metrology Lab, NUWCDIVNPT . (Zone 2) N00241-02-C-3052 CSC provides operations and maintenance support services to the Atlantic ranges and facilities and the test article preparation departments relative to the midAtlantic test and training range operations, telemetry operations, antenna receiving and processing operations, and aircraft instrumentation and modification. (Zone 3) N65236-00-D-7824 (multiple DO’s) Centurum provides range and measurement support to SPAWAR and SPAWARSYSCEN Charleston on a wide variety of cryptologic, and C4I programs, for all phases of testing, installation and deployment. Systems include; BGPHES, CDF, COBLU, CCOP, ACCES, and carry on systems. (Zone 6) F08635-97-D-0017, DO’s 0014,0017 SRC supports the JGPSCE JT&E in identifying the impact of GPS Electronic Warfare (EW) on Joint operational effectiveness in conducting precision engagement missions. SRC is identifying solutions through changes in tactics, techniques, procedures, and material in support of operational mitigation. SRC conducts test planning, execution, and analysis ensuring test objectives and Joint interoperability requirements are fully met through analytical rigor and discipline. 3.16 ACQUISITION LOGISTICS SUPPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-02-D-0128, DO 0001 FTI (Carol Parris) provides logistics support services for all logistics elements in support of USW Command and Control systems to NUWCDIVNPT, SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017, DO 0017 Tech-Marine, Jim Tucker, is the Lead Program Manager and provides n-service engineering, technical and logistic support to the Expeditionary Program Office (PMS470). (Zone 3) N65236-02-D-5840 (Multiple DOs) Centurum provided full scope of acquisition logistics support to SPAWARSYSCENs on a variety of Navy Ships and programs, including, LHD, BGPHES, COBLU, CDF, ACCES, among others. (Zone 4) N00024-01-D-7017 CSC (Vernon Wallace) manages the logistics support for SUPSHIPS Gulf Coast, provides oversight for induction, assessment, inventory, shipment, repair, delivery, data input, and data monitoring for the LHD 8/LCAC Government Furnished Property in support of PMS 377’s GFP management plan and the LCAC SLEP. (Zone 5) N00024-00-F-2307 TSC provides total logistics and acquisition support to NAVSEA for over 30 years. TSC is senior advisor on the PHALANX Block 1B Radar Improvement Program, acting senior advisor on world frequency management issues, and Core Failure Review Board member. (Zone 6) N00024-00-F-2307 TSC provides total logistics and acquisition support to NAVSEA. PHALANX CIWS Program and has for over 25 years. TSC assessed all PHALANX major ECP from the programs’ inception, through T&E , transition to production, production, Fleet introduction. 3.17 SUPPLY AND PROVISIONING SUPPORT (Zone 1) N00140-92-R-F021 FTI provides provisioning support and supply support services for surface warfare systems, an example is Scott Bundy is managing material/supply integration for NAVSEA Ship Transfer Program. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017, DO 0017 Tech-Marine provides provisioning and supply support services to NAVSEA and ship acquisition programs. Including review and development of provisioning and supply documentation. (Zone 3) N65236-01-D-7830 SRC performs provisioning support with emphasis on accuracy in support of the SEE, CDF, CLASSIC TROLL and ACCES systems. SRC developed and maintained APLs and AELs in support of the latest DCN’s and FCB’s. (Zone 4) 98-C-6655 SRC provides to SENTINEL programs, developed a Problem/Inventory Tracking Data Base, compiled on a weekly basis, assembled into an easy to read report and delivered to govt. Through the use of this database, authorized maintenance and management personnel can access and enter data into the system database. (Zone 6) N00164-01-D-0039 TSC provides provisioning and supply support services to AEGIS, other DOD Agencies, and NATO SEASPARROW. For AEGIS TSC develops, coordinates, and analyzes spares budgets, and provide guidance and program management for PBL contracting. 3.18 TRAINING SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-03-C-2043 FTI provides training services in support of USW Command and Control Systems and Peter Handibode is providing custom-tailored instruction for “demilitarization” of excess military property. (Zone 2) N00178-97-C-2002 FTI provides training services for surface ship combat systems. Bill Hottel performs training analysis, development and modification of ACTS scenarios. (Zone 3) N65236-05-D-7866 SRC provides training to the NAVY onboard Navy ships (both in part and underway) SRC personnel man and operate a 24 X 7 help desk to answer questions and to provide technical training assistance. SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 (Zone 4) DTFA01-00-C-0047 CSC developed the Enhanced Tower Simulator (ETOS) project which encompasses system development, training and course development. And engineering is support of the new air traffic control simulations. (Zone 6) N65236-03-D-5853 SRC provides AIT- on-the-job training (OJT) onboard navy ships both pier-side and while underway, an example of a system trained is NAVMACS II/SMS. SRC Offices in Charleston SC and San Diego CA are the primary focus for this activity. 3.19 IN-SERVICE ENGINEERING, FLEET INTRODUCTION, INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT SUPPORT (Zone 1) N00406-99-D-5290 FTI provides a full variety of in-service engineering support services in support of USW Command and Control systems, an example is Nicholas DePaolo, Lead Engineer for the support for the installation of SSGN MS TEMPLAT. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017, DO 00017 Tech-Marine, Angelo Peter Spagnuolo, provides inservice engineering, technical and installation and checkout, and logistics support to the Expeditionary Program Office (PMS470) (Zone 3) N65236-01-D-7830 SRC is currently providing SPAWAR n-service engineering, fleet introduction, and installation and check out support on NAVSEA platforms for the following systems; BGPHES, SSEE, CDL-N, CDF, COBLU, and ACCES. (Zone 4) N00600-96-D-0285 CSC supports the OHIO Class CCS program planning/execution, ILS, SC system certification and integration at Kings Bay GA. (Zone 6) GS-23F-0032L/A2S17B1277 TSC provides in-service engineering and installation and checkout support to AEGIS and other programs. TSC provides general on-site production and overhaul monitoring, and is a team member on all design reviews. 3.20 PROGRAM SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-02-D-221D, DO 0001 FTI (William Giordano; 20 +years PM experience) provides program support to NUWCDIVNPT in support of USW Command and Control Systems. (Zone 2) N00024-01-D-7017, DO23, S7763 BCF, Sheryl Post, and Kemisola Lofinmakin provide a variety of Program Support to NAVSEA. (Navy ERP Program Office). In addition, BCF provides a wide variety of Program Support to MDA/DO offices. Frank Bettinger, with over 30 years of Army and support contractor Program Management experience heads up this effort. Under HQ0006-04-F-0017, Leigh Guy (5 yrs gov’t. and 8 yrs contractor PM experience) provides Program Support to MDA/Do in the areas of Program Assessment, Program Control, Reporting, and Strategic Planning. In addition, BCF employee, Billy G. Love, former MDA Deputy for Resource Management where he directed all facets of agency financial management, program planning and control and program analysis. He was dual tasked as agency POC for infrastructure and facility management. He reported directly to the Director and was responsible for creating and maintaining a safe, efficient, and productive professional physical work environment. He also directed this effort in regard to BRAC. Mr. Love has over 26 years of NAVSEA experience as a manger, one specific is; Director, Operations Division, Financial Management Officer, NAVSEA (PMS 377 from 1983-1988). Prior to this Billy Love was a Supervisory Budget Analyst for Aegis Shipbuilding, PMS 400. (Zone 3) N635326-04-D-7112 Sim-G, Don Curtis, is the PM on the SPAWAR effort providing program support to SPAWAR delivery orders, provides technical, cost and schedules recommendations and solutions to concerns that arise. SEAPORT ENHANCED N00178-07-R-4000 (Zone 4) W912DY-05-D-003 Sim-G provides program support. (Zone 6) DASG62-01-D-0002 DAC provides program support to U.S. Army Strategic command. DAC provides complete Program support to SMDC/ARSTRAT for all MASINT, Advanced Geospatial Intelligence (AGI), and Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) production and exploitation requirements. 3.21 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT (Zone 1) N66604-02-D-2281 FTI (Lisa Sylvester) provides a full scope of administrative support to NUWCDIVNPT Department Head, Code 60. Centurum under GS-35F-4745G, Margaret Cook, provides administrative support to the base communications office in Newport, RI. (Zone 2) HQ0006-04-D-7112 BCF provides administrative support to MDA/DO in support of the Defense Travel System (DTS) implementation and operations. BCF provides tracking, management, and scheduling of classes; track travel obligations and status, provide a variety of DTS reports. (Zone 3) N635326-04-D-7112 Sim-G provides comprehensive administrative support. SRC under F08635-97-D-0017 DO 0039 provides comprehensive administrative support to the Navy including technical library maintenance, security support, document control and technical editing, travel arrangement support and test and management schedules. (Zone 4) W912DY-05-D-004 Sim-G provides comprehensive administrative support. Under contract 98-C-6655 SRC provides support to an office in Tampa FL which includes all general administrative functions, controlling visitor access by badge issuance, monitoring surveillance cameras, receiving/mailing correspondence. (Zone 5) N00164-98-D-0020 TSC provides comprehensive administrative support to the Navy. (Zone 6) F08635-97-D-0017, DO 0017 SRC provides comprehensive administrative support, including tech library maintenance, security support, document control and technical editing, travel management support, and test and management schedules. 3.22 PUBLIC AFFAIRS SUPPORT (Zone 2) GS-23F-0382K, Order 33203 DAC provides program and public affairs support to the Horizontal Fusion Program for OUSD/ASD/NII. Centurum, John Malthaner – public affairs officer, on GS-35F-4509G provides public affairs support to Command and Control systems (ISR/IO/IW). Writing, editing services are provided, multimedia instruments and brand messaging was developed. (Zone 3) F09635-97-D-0017, DO 0039 SRC provides comprehensive Public Affairs support ensuring all deadlines and commitments are met. (Zone 4) HQ0006-04-F-0001 Paradigm, Kay Harris provides a full range of Public Affairs support to MDA offices in Huntsville, AL. Team presence (offices)/contracts: Zone 1; Centurum, DAC, FTI & SRC; Zone 2; BCF and All Team Members; Zone 3; BCF, Centurum, CSC, SRC, & SIm-G; Zone 4; BCF, CSC, DAC, Paradigm, SIm-G, SRC, & TSC; Zone 5; SRC & TSC; Zone 6; DAC, SRC, SIm-G & TSC; Zone 7; DAC and SIm-G.