RHODES UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL A INTERIM EXECUTIVE MEETING HELD ON SUNDAY, 27TH SEPTEMBER 2009 AT 19:00 IN THE ROB ANTONISSEN ROOM AGENDA 2009.M3.2 PRESENT Mr E Ofei (Chair), Mr G Kahn, Mr D Knowles, Mr G Elzerman and Mr J Bata. 2009.M3.3 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Ms I Hlaposa 2009.M3.4 OTHER MATTERS FOR THE AGENDA 1. Mentorship 2. Bua Poetry Society 3. Treasurers Report 4. Auditors Report 2009.M3.5 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held on the 20 September 2009 were confirmed. Confirmed: Mr E Ofei Seconded: Mr D Knowles 2009.M3.6 MATTERS ARISING None. 2009.M3.7 SAUS REGISTRATION The Interim Executive discussed the feasibility and desirability of registering with SAUS in 2010. Noted benefits were 1. The SRC will have substantial voting rights on a national deliberative student body. 2. Relations with other SRCs can be enhanced and cultivated. 3. The body is held in high esteem by the Minister of Higher Education, and can thus influence legislation. The SRC Treasurer is to, with the SRV Vice-President External; examine the financial feasibility of registering. 2009.M3.8 HALL REPRESENTATIVE STRUCTURE It was noted that currently there is support for the move to abolish the entire hall representative structure. It was further explained that the abolishment of the structure was not a simple task and would me the amendment of not only a single provision of the Constitution of Student Governance but rather the amendment of numerous provisions, 1 in addition the SRC Residence Councillor would thus have to be elected by way of a by election. It was suggested that the system should not be abolished until such a time an alternative system of communication was established which would replace the current structure. It was suggested that the Hall Senior Students should thus take up the duties and responsibilities of the current SRC Hall Representatives. An issue of jurisdiction on with this suggestion was raised, it was illustrated however that the Hall Senior Students are elected by the students and are not employees, consequently the form part of the student governance structure of the University of which the SRC is the highest body. It was resolved that a proposal for the abolishment of the structure should be complied by the SRC Vice-President Internal and should serve before the Board of Residence. 2009.M3.9 MENTORSHIP It was noted that there was numerous concerns with the decision taken by the SRC Council to scrap the SRC Mentorship Programme, and thus it was recommended that further discussion on the matter take place at the nest sitting of the SRC Council. This recommendation received as approved. 2009.M3.10 BUA POETRY SOCIETY It was noted that recently a proposal for sponsorship was served before the SRC Treasurer. It was said that the proposal was of a dissatisfactory standard and was thus send back to the relevant party to reconsider and resubmit a set date. The deadline lapsed and the proposal was submitted after the event had taken place, consequently the proposal was not approved by the SRC Treasurer. 2009.M3.11 TREASURER REPORT It was noted that there was one Councillors Portfolio Budget request outstanding and that the deadline for the SRCs Budget was the 2nd of October 2009. 2009.M3.12 AUDITORS REPORT It was noted that audit report of the SRCs Finances had recently been conducted and that the report was being held by the University’s Finance Division. The SRC Treasurer and SRC Vice-President Internal were tasked with going to the Finance Divisions office and requesting the audit report. 2009.M3.13 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Interim Executive is to be held on the 11th October 2009, at 18:00, in the RA Room. Meeting adjourned at 19:45. 2