Pretest - Default

Date________________ Pd.______
7th Grade Pre-Post Test
Work Place Safety:
CTE 5.0, 11.0
1) Safety glasses should
a) Cover only the front of your eyes
b) Cover only the side of your eyes
c) Protect from flying objects like dust and particles.
d) Be fashionable
2) Contact lenses or prescription glasses will protect your eyes.
True or False?
3) How heavy would an object dropped from waist-height need to be to
injure your foot?
a) 100 pounds
b) 50 pounds
c) 20 pounds
d) 10 pounds
4) Which of the following is NOT a good reason to tie your hair back when
you're in the shop?
a) Pony-tails are in style
b) It could get tangled in a machine
c) To keep it from hanging over your work
d) Both B and C
5) Which of the following is not a good way to place an electrical cord:
a) Away from water
b) Away from heat
c) Under a floor mat
d) All of the above
6) If you touch a source of electricity while you're also touching the
ground, the electricity will:
a) Look for the easiest path to the ground, so it will travel through your
b) Look for the easiest path to the ground, so it will travel directly
through your body
c) Be absorbed by your body, and never reach the ground
d) Stay within the wires
7) What does the term ergonomics mean?
a) The science of protecting the body from injury and stress caused by
b) Using tools to build skyscrapers
c) A way to test equipment to see whether it can withstand high
d) Using electrical equipment to test nerve damage
8) Paints, thinners and other flammable liquids should be stored
a) On the workbench
b) In the tool cabinet
c) In a flammable storage cabinet
d) In your locker
9) What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for?
a) To provide safety information about hazardous chemicals
b) To tell you how to give first-aid for exposure to a particular chemical
c) To tell you how to properly dispose of a hazardous chemical
d) All of the above
2T-E1 PO1, PO2, PO3
4T-E1 PO1
True or False:
_____10) Student e-mail service was designed to assist students in completing
_____11) The only one with access to your school e-mail account is you.
_____12) To send homework to yourself you use the attachment icon.
13) What does e-mail stand for? ____________________
Identify the following parts of the e-mail toolbar:
18) It is okay to share your name and age with others while on line? Yes or No
19) It is okay to pretend to be older than you are while on line? Yes or No
20) When using the Internet at school, acceptable use means using it for whatever
you want to search for. Yes or No
21) What does WWW stand for?
22) What is an URL? _______________________________________
Microsoft Applications:
3T-E1 PO1, PO2
23) To put a header on your paper so you can place your name and date in it, you use
which menu?
a) File
b) Edit
c) View
d) Insert
24) The first time you save a project you should use the File menu and choose:
a) Save
b) Save as
c) Save to
d) Save all
25) To change the style of your font, which menu would you use?
a) Table
b) Format
c) Help
d) Edit
26) Which Microsoft Application is used for key boarding?
a) Excel
b) Word
c) FrontPage d) Publisher
27) Which Microsoft Application is used for building a webpage?
a) Excel
b) Access
c) FrontPage d) PhotoDraw
28) Which Microsoft Application is used for making a spreadsheet and graphing?
a) Excel
b) Word
c) FrontPage d) Publisher
29) What do you code your homepage as when building a webpage? (3T-E3 PO1,
a) home.htm b) index.htm c) start.htm d) default.htm
30) What view do you use to see the layout/structure of all your pages in the web?
(3T-E3 PO1, PO2/ 1T-E1 PO 1, PO2)
a) navigation b) folder
c) task
d) report
31) To connect to another page in your website you must create a:
(3T-E3 PO1, PO2/ 1T-E1 PO 1, PO2)
a) button
b) hyperlink c) menu
d) report
32) Inserting music into the background of your website will make it load quicker
upon presentation:
(4T-E2 PO1)
a) true
b) false
33) Which of the following is a web component?
(3T-E3 PO1, PO2/ 1T-E1 PO 1, PO2)
a) a marquee b) an interactive button c) a hit counter d) all of these
34) What is the first page visitors to your website see called? ? (1T-E1 PO 1, PO2)
a) hyperlink b) server
c) home page d) frame
35) What is a browser? (1T-E1 PO 1, PO2)
a) a clickable test or image that jumps to another page
b) a handy tool that organizes and makes available images
c) a software application program used to view Internet Web pages
d) a type of form file used to collect data
Information Technology:
6T-E1 PO1 /7WP-E1 PO1
4WP-E3 PO1, PO2
36) Programming is the process through which you tell a computer or device what to
a) True
b) false
37) In video production, editing involves which of the following?
a) inserting sound
b) cutting out bad video c) changing volume levels
d) all of these
38) The program that we import to, make and edit movies in is called?
a) Movie Maker
b) Film Producer c) Create it
39) When designing a webpage for a client, you should do what first?
a) make the page
b) listen to client needs c) create the layout
40) When you have successfully networked computers together you should be able
to do what?
a) ping each computer b) pong each computer c) pass on each computer
41) What is a Hub?
a) A computer that shares its resources and information with other computers,
called clients, on a network
b) Generally a specific place for being physically connected to some other device,
usually with a socket and plug of some kind.
c) A hardware device that is used to network multiple computers together. It is a
central connection for all the computers in a network, which is usually Ethernetbased
Business, Marketing and Management
4T-E2 PO1
6T-E1 PO1
42) Jobs in the government and public administration field include which of the
a) City, State, and Federal employment
b) Federal employment only
c) Secret Service jobs that your family can not know about
d) B and C
43) Gathering information intelligence is an example of working in governance.
a) true
b) false
44)When you first start a business you should always take out a bank loan
a) true
b) false
45) One advantage of taking out a bank loan is:
a) you have to share your profits with the bank
b) you don’t have to use all your personal money
c) you have to pay the loan back
46) What tool helps you plan how to spend your money?
a) Loan
b) budget
c) calculator d) banker
47) What are the 4 P’s of marketing?
a) Product, Price, Place, and Promotion
b) People, Price, Product and Plastic
c) Pathway, Price, Place and People
48) What is a target market?
49) What is
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Engineering Systems:
(C2.1; 1T-E1 PO1)
50) Logistics is another term for distributing products?
a) yes
b) no
51) Check the way possible for transporting a commercial product:
_______a) airplanes
_______b) railways
_______c) e-mail
_______d) taxi cabs
_______e) 18 wheel trucks
_______f) Cargo ships