University of Jordan College of Engineering & Technology Department of Electrical Engineering 2nd Term – A.Y. 2007-2008 Course: Instrumentations and Measurements. 0903341 (3 Cr. Hrs) Catalog Data: General Electric and magnetic units, Experimental data and error. Analogue and digital instrumentation of current, voltage and power. R, L, C Components measuring instruments. RF power and voltage measurement. Oscilloscopes. Signal generation and analysis. Wave and spectrum analyzers. Transducers. Digital data acquisition and test systems. Capacitive interference. Grounding. Projects on use of 7216 and 7217 chips in digital multi-meters. Prerequisites by Course: Prerequisites by topic: Textbook: Electronics (1) - (0903261) Student should have a background of the following topics: Electric curcuits. Magnetic and electric fields. DC and AC signals. Cooper & Helfrick, Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques, 3 rd ed. Prentice Hall. References: Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation, by Alan S. Moris, Pentice Hall Principles of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, by H. M. Berlin and F. C. Getz, Jr. Merrill Publishing Company. Schedule & Duration: Minimum Student Material: Minimum College Facilities: 16 Weeks, 48 (32) lectures, 50 (75) minutes each (including exams). Textbook, class handouts, Basic scientific calculator, and an access to personal computer. Classroom with blackboard and projection display facilities, library, and computational facilities. Course Objectives: This course is designed to introduce the students to the principles of measurement and to different analysis methods used in measurement. Also to provide the students with some understanding of the operation and behavior of some electrical test instruments which leads to gaining a practical information on their use. Course Outcomes and Relation to ABET Program Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Recognize the basic terms of common measurements; accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution and error.[PO1 H, PO5 H, PO7 L] 2. Estimate the accuracy of a measurement and identify possible sources of measurement error. [PO1 H, PO2 M, PO5 H, PO9 L] 3. Analyze produced measurements using statistical analysis methods [PO1 H, PO2 M, PO5 H, PO9 L, PO10 H]. 4. Design and analyze the operation of analog (I, V, and O) and digital meters [PO1 H, PO5 H, PO9 H, PO11 H]. 5. Solve for R, L, and C using bridges [PO1 H, PO2 M, PO5 H, PO9 L, PO11 H]. 6. Demonstrate the general operation of the Cathode-Ray-Tube oscilloscope and signal generators [PO1 H, PO4 M, PO5 L, PO9 H, PO11 H]. 7. Identify and illustrate ground faults and ground loops [PO1 H, PO2 M, PO4 L, PO5 H, PO9 H, PO11 H]. 8. Select suitable transducers for certain purposes [PO1 H, PO5 M, PO9 H, PO11 H]. 9. Show some understanding of wave and spectrum analyzers [PO1 H, PO3 M, PO5 H, PO10 H]. Course Topics: Contact Hours Topic Description T.1. Definition of Instrument, accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution and error. Systems of units. Electric and magnetic units. International system of units. Conversion of units. Standard of units. 5 Significant figures. range of doubt. Types of error. Statistical analysis. Probability of error. Limiting error. 5 DC ammeters ( Shunt resistor, Aytron shunt ). DC voltmeter ( multi-range voltmeter, voltmeter sensitivity, loading effect). Series type ohmmeter. Shunt type ohmmeter. Multi-meters (VOM). Calibration of DC instruments. Digital voltmeter. Digital multimeter. 10 DC bridges ( Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge). AC bridges (Maxwell bridge, Hay bridge). 6 Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT). CRT circuits. Vertical deflection system. Delay line. Multiple trace. Horizontal deflection system. Oscilloscope probes. 7 Grounds and grounding (AC power line, ground faults, Neon and LED wire receptacle analyzer). Ground Loops ( inductive coupling, capacitive coupling, common-mode noise). 4 Selecting transducers. Resistive changing transducer. Self generating transducer. Capacitive transducer. Inductive transducer. 5 Frequency-selective wave analyzer. Harmonic distortion analyzers. Spectrum analysis 4 T.2. T.3. T.4. T.5. T.6. T.7. T.8 Computer Usage: Course work including assignments using MATLAB and SPICE. Attendance: Class attendance will be taken and the University policy on absence shall be applied. Assessments: Exams, quizzes and assignments. Grading policy: Course Work Midterm Exam Final Exam 20 % 30 % 50 % Total 100% Instructor: Instructor Name Dr. Othman Al-Smadi Last Updated: March. 20, 2008. Office E 319 Ext. 22855 E-mail