August - Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting held on Monday 10th August 2015, 7.30pm at
The Iron Room
1. Present
Cllrs Matthews (Chair), Burrough, Lasparini, MacGregor, Newman and Phillips, together with
S Aiano (stand in notetaker). There were no members of the public in attendance, or any other
2. Apologies
Cllr Bunker and M Hopkins (Parish Clerk). Borough Councillor Winston Michael was also on
3. Declarations of Interest and lobbying
There were no declarations of interest made and no lobbying of Councillors had been
4. Minutes of 8th July 2015
Resolved: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th July 2015 be approved and signed as a true
5. Procedural Matters
Cllr Matthews advised that the following three sub-committees would not be time intensive and
that councillors would only be called on in unusual circumstances. All of them will report to the
Parish Council with recommendations only; the Parish Council is the decision making body.
5.1 Election of members of the Finance Committee
The Clerk is chiefly responsible for all expenses, accountancy and audit requirements. Any
member of this committee would not be required to attend any formal meetings, but would need
to be able to stand in at short notice to deal with any finance matters in the absence of the Clerk.
Cllr Matthews proposed Cllr Phillips as sole member of the Finance Committee, which was
seconded by Cllr Newman.
5.2 Election of members of the Planning Committee
Cllr Matthews reminded the Parish Council that he remained chair of this Committee, and that Cllr
Newman was also already a member. This Committee will meet if there is a reasonably large
number of planning applications that would take the Parish Council a long time to consider as
part of its standard meeting. Recommendations will then be put to the Parish Council for final
approval. Cllr Burrough suggested a balance of representatives from different areas of the parish.
Cllr Matthews proposed Cllr Burrough, which was seconded by Cllr MacGregor.
Cllr Newman proposed Cllr Lasparini, which was seconded by Cllr Phillips.
5.3 Election of members of the Staffing/Appointments Committee
Any member of this Committee will be a conduit of communication for the Clerk to approach over
procedural matters. Examples of this include disciplinary matters or any increase of the Clerk’s
Cllr Matthews proposed Cllr MacGregor as sole member of the Staffing/Appointments
Committee, which was seconded by Cllr Lasparini.
5.4 Representative to the Fair Committee
The Parish Council felt that a representative on the already established Fair Committee could
encourage some fresh ideas to help raise more money.
Cllr Burrough proposed Cllr Phillips who already has experience of working with the Committee,
which was seconded by Cllr Newman.
5.5 Representative to the Iron Room Committee
The Iron Room Committee runs the bookings and upkeep of the hall.
At this point Councillors decided that the whole of agenda item 5 should be continued forward to
the September meeting as Cllr Bunker was unable to be present and she may like to volunteer to
be this representative, or be interested in any of the other Committees. The proposed
memberships will go forward for approval as detailed above.
6. Open Session
There were no members of the public present and therefore no matters were raised.
7. Matters Arising and Action Log
7.1 Neighbourhood Plan update
Cllr Burrough reported that a decision needed to be taken on who should be notified of the
Neighbourhood Plan from a schedule of consultees. The test to be borne in mind is whether that
person or organisation will be affected. The Steering Group is meeting on 17 th August (next
Monday) to finalise arrangements.
Cllr Burrough then listed organisations for the Parish Council to consider:
 Ashford Access
 Ashford and District Volunteer Centre
 Ashford Asian Society
 Ashford District Partnership Group (East Kent Mencap)
 Ashford International Association
 Ashford International Chinese Association
 Ashford Muslim Association
 Carers Support
 Churches Together in Ashford
 Gaxmudian Kurdish Community
 Gurkha Peace Foundation
 Independence and Access Matters
 Kent Association of the Disabled People (Ashford Branch)
 Nepalese Sagarmatha Community Group
 Sagarmatha Gurkha Community (SGCAK)
 Salvation Army Housing Association
 Zimbabwean Youth Group (Awake Grace Ministries)
Although it was unclear if people of those nationalities and faiths lived in the parish, Cllr Phillips
made the point that an individual does not need to be a national to live by a certain faith. It was
felt that effort should be made to contact all those listed.
Cllr Lasparini advised that communications for the September Open Days are ongoing. Three 6ft x
2ft banners will be displayed in areas of high traffic. Every possible network is being used to
communicate with as many residents as possible; hopefully the Independent Examiner will be able
to note the support of local people. The events themselves will capture qualitative feedback, with
the idea that residents will write their ideas on post it notes and add them to the displays at each
Cllr MacGregor noted that the Neighbourhood Plan will only be approved if it fits into the aims of
Ashford Borough Council (ABC). Cllr Burrough also asked Councillors to remember that the Plan
will be created from the wishes of residents, not just from the Parish Council. Making this clear
should dispel some apathy about whether there is any point in getting involved.
At this point agenda items 7.10 and 7.11 were brought forward to be discussed and merged with
agenda item 7.1.
7.10 Advertising banners for the Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Council has a duty to consult on the Neighbourhood Plan and placing three large
banners in well used areas will aid this. However the Clerk has been informed that ABC planning
consent for these could take 6-8 weeks to receive. Councillors unanimously decided that the
banners should be put up whilst planning consent is being obtained.
7.11 SLRA letter re new traffic survey
A letter has been received from the secretary of the Sandyhurst Lane Residents Association
regarding a new traffic survey. Cllr Matthews will write back to the secretary inviting all Sandyhurst
Lane residents to attend the upcoming Neighbourhood Plan presentations, and asking him to
disseminate information about a future boundary change that will eventually mean part of the
road will fall under the remit of Westwell Parish Council. Within this letter it will be noted that
ABC’s indecision regarding the Local Plan has affected land submission areas.
Cllr Matthews reminded Councillors that at a previous meeting it had been decided that all
residents and businesses of the parish should receive a letter about the Neighbourhood Plan
presentations, and that £600-800 had been set aside for this, based on a quote from the Post
Office. The Steering Group will draft this letter and send it out from the Parish Council once
approved by the three councillors in the group (it will then be sent to all councillors for
information). It will not mention how the Parish Council feels about ABC’s indecision over the
Local Plan. Cllr Matthews proposed this, which Cllr Phillips seconded.
7.2 Village Green transfer of title update
The Clerk is still trying to locate the original lease issued by the National Playing Fields Association
to the Playing Field and Recreation charity, set up by the Parish Council to hold the land. Hallet &
Co do not know anything about the trust or the lease.
He has now found a copy of the lease in a file in the lock-up along with some correspondence
and agreement with the Charity Commission which might satisfy FIT who are ready to proceed.
Kingsfords was the solicitor that was used, and at the time of going away, the Clerk was waiting to
hear back from them.
7.3 Footpath, new dog bin and Parish signage update
Cllr Matthews met Colin Leek, Dog Warden at ABC to discuss a new bin at Sandyacres and
additional signage on the footpath between Sandyhurst Lane and Trinity Road. He is putting the
proposal through the relevant process and will feed back within 6-8 weeks. The bin at Sandyacres
would not be emptied by ABC’s contractors so staff at Sandyacres would need to be happy with
doing this. It would however help them to maintain the football pitches and general area. Cllr
Matthews will contact Ann-Marie, the licence holder, to discuss.
Cllr Michael has not fed back regarding whether he has been able to approach Quadrant about
placing the sign to the side of the footpath. It is unclear whether the Clerk has asked ABC if the
sign requires planning permission. This item will be placed on the September agenda.
7.4 Recalibration and servicing of speed indicator signs
Unipart’s quote for the two on Sandyhurst Lane was £950. Cllr MacGregor is not able to talk to his
contact at Tennents until next week. The Clerk has not yet received the contact for the
recalibration from Cllr Michael so it cannot currently be lent out. This item will be placed on the
September agenda.
7.5 Website update
Cllr Lasparini advised that the Parish Council website hosted by KCC had some helpful features
which made it a useful tool for the dissemination of information. As a start, it was proposed that
Parish Councillor contact details be included on the website.
7.6 Dexter Close signage
Cllr Michael had asked for some replacement signs for those that were fading along Trinity Road,
including Dexter Close. Initially it was advised that the signs would simply be repainted, but then it
was discovered that this would cost more than replacements. Cllr Burrough requested that the
new sign for Dexter Close include a no through road sign on it and was told this was possible. The
new sign then arrived without this on, but Cllr Burrough has made enquiries and this will be
replaced. This matter is resolved and does not need to be considered on a future agenda.
7.7 War Memorial planting
Cllr Matthews proposed that the Parish Council would cover the £50 cost of additional planting of
hardier plants around the war memorial, which was seconded by Cllr Newman. It was also noted
that Councillors were very appreciative of the work voluntarily undertaken by Mr and Mrs
Cllr Phillips also advised that there has recently been some graffiti sprayed on the memorial itself.
Councillors agreed that any extra cost of cleaning this off would be met. The stand in notetaker
advised that ABC’s Town Centre Action Team may be able to assist on this occasion – or give
some advice on what to use.
7.8 Speed indicators for Trinity Road
The signs cost £6,100 for Sandyhurst Lane, plus £3,700 from KCC for installation (including VAT).
Therefore the quote before VAT is around £8k. It was noted that it was a shame the pelican
crossing project had not materialised as this could have made a contribution.
Cllr Burrough proposed the project in principle, which Cllr MacGregor seconded. This is subject to
further quotes. After discussion on what type of sign was needed, it was decided that Cllr
MacGregor will request various specifications and quotes for the two signs from Tennents.
7.9 Parish Council Insurance renewal
Hiscocks is the recommended insurer by the Parish Council’s broker and they offered a small
discount of £25 for a three year deal. However the Clerk recommended that a one year deal be
agreed on the basis that premiums and competitiveness between insurers is high.
Cllr Newman proposed that a cheque be written for a one year agreement which Cllr Lasparini
8. Finance
8.1 Finance update
Copies of the latest spreadsheet were provided to Councillors. Reserves stand at £53,210.53
including the sum allocated to the Neighbourhood Plan. Actual expenditure is listed at £11,446.91.
8.2 To agree payments and sign cheques
The following cheques were agreed for payment by the Parish Council.
Broker Network Ltd (Parish Council insurance renewal)
Trustees of Sandyacres
HM Customs and Excise
A. Fuggle T/AS Sandyacres
M Hopkins expenses including displays
T & N Harrison (war memorial contribution)
S. Aiano (stand in notetaker for parish clerk)
8.3 To agree Clerks payment for July
The Clerk’s hours were agreed and the following payment made: 001332 M Hopkins £392.43
9. Planning Applications
There were none to consider.
10. Planning decisions
It was noted that Ashford Borough Council had made the decision to permit two applications:
15/00661/AS, Old Post Office and 15/00797/AS, 3 Brickfield Cottage.
11. Correspondence
An invitation was passed round for the ‘Rural Affordable Housing as Community Land Trusts’
event on 18th September at Lenham Community Centre. The event will provide information on
how rural affordable housing can be developed as a Community Land Trust so that the local
community retains the freehold ownership of the land. Cllr Burrough will take it to the Steering
Group on Monday to see if anyone would like to attend.
Cllr Matthews read out an email from Jennifer Shaw, Housing Strategy Manager at ABC sent to all
Parish Councils on 20 July regarding Right to Buy. The email contained some useful points which
could be included in a letter to the local MP, which will hopefully help shape new legislation.
Councillors agreed that the Clerk should send a letter stating that the Parish Council believe in
principle that exemptions for local needs housing should be granted.
The Parish Council had received a Regulation 16 notice of the Wye Neighbourhood Plan proposal
submitted by Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council. The six week formal consultation period was
extended for two weeks meaning that any comments had to be received by the date of this
meeting, 10th August 2015. The Parish Council had no comment to make.
The Clerk had tabled a letter received as a reminder to renew the Parish Council’s data protection
registration which was noted.
Cllr Matthews read out a letter from Terry Mortimer, Head of Legal and Democratic at ABC
regarding the Community Governance Review of the entire Ashford borough. ABC has published
draft recommendations and any interested parties are asked to comment on the next stage of the
review by 30 October 2015. This will be placed on the September agenda.
12. Matters arising
Cllr MacGregor
The recent Parish Forum had discussed the impact of Operation Stack on local taxpayers who
have been footing the bill of the recent problems. A representative from Kent Police and the
council have been asked to attend the October meeting.
Cllr Burrough (during this update Cllr Phillips had to leave for a conference call)
The latest KALC meeting of the Ashford area produced these points of note:
- ABC may be bringing in penalties for lorries parking in urban areas, therefore rural areas may
be at risk.
- There are now 12 wardens throughout Kent. A pilot scheme will be run from November to
March and then a report issued on Assistant Wardens.
- Other Parish Councils have asked the local commander of the Police to attend their meetings
and Cllr Burrough felt that this Parish Council should also issue a formal invite. Councillors
agreed that the Clerk should send a letter.
- The average precept rise in England and Wales is 3%. It would be prudent to have a policy
which clearly sets out the reason for the rise so the public can comment before it is
formalised. It was agreed this should be considered next time.
- As the Parish Council income does not exceed £25k, KALC could be asked to assist in
accessing the Government’s transparency fund. Cllr Burrough will pursue this.
- Will Train is the traffic management engineer at ABC who liaises closely with Highways. The
Clerk is asked to note him as a contact.
- KALC is running a Councillors’ Information Day on Wednesday 14 th October in Sittingbourne.
The Clerk is asked to book Cllrs Matthews, Burrough, Lasparini and MacGregor in to attend.
The Annual Finance conference is also being held on Thursday 22nd October.
- The Clinical Commissioning Group (next meeting 16th September) has expressed a desire to
consult Parish Councils over local needs. This will be placed on the September agenda for
Cllr Bunker is keen for the Parish Council to follow the example of Wye Parish Council which has a
stand at the Farmers’ Market to talk directly to residents about Parish Council matters and the
Neighbourhood Plan. It was suggested that this might be located outside the shops at Goat Lees
and/or The Flying Horse at Boughton Lees. Cllr Matthews and the other Councillors agreed to
support this arrangement in principle depending on dates. It was also felt a presence at Goat Lees
School would be beneficial, perhaps involving the children, to engage with the parents. Cllrs
Burrough and Lasparini will take this feedback to the Steering Group on Monday and this topic will
be placed on the September agenda.
Cllr Lasparini is writing an article for the September issue of the Parish magazine. She proposed
this there should be a regular feature covering wider Parish Council matters alongside updates on
the Neighbourhood Plan. She proposed that the names of all the Parish Councillors along with the
areas they live in be included in the September article. There were no objections to this.
13. Date, time and venue of next meeting
Thursday 10th September 2015, 7.30pm at Goat Lees Community Hall.
The meeting closed at 10.05pm.